Art [he/him] 🌈


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


I think it’s definitely a 1st-gen thing. I played up to Black/White and it felt like the game progressed much faster and using stat moves mattered more as the generations advanced.

Not only that, but it’s not the appropriate community for this kind of questions. It should be in !, if you could delete both posts, it would save mods some work.

Ha! I probably did the same thing. I certainly remember stumbling upon all the “hidden” trainers constantly.

I’m surprised I even managed to finish the game. I barely knew English when I got it. In fact, I learned a lot of words thanks to it. And to this day, whenever I stumble upon the word “swift”, I think of stars.

Darwin Pond. It’s about tweaking little beings and watching them reproduce. Similar to the initial stage of Spore.

I pretty much ignored all status moves in Pokemon Red/Blue back in the day. I also “ruined” a lot of Pokemon by loading them with HMs. So I’d have one poor thing that was useless in battle all the time, but could get me places outside.

Well, never meet your heroes… Or just never look up cult classics… I was going to recommend a little “game” I enjoyed, then I went around looking if there was an updated version… Turns out the creator decided to make some NFT crap based on it. What a disappointment.

I think Beehaw ate my message. Apologies if it’s repeated, but I always felt sad that Redemption doesn’t get the same treatment by the community.

Oh, I thought it was the Spanish “ja” which is “ha” (laughter). Completely opposite meaning.

I’m kind of surprised there isn’t a standard for EV plugs. You’d think the EV industry would have learned from the PC industry…

On Mastodon you can export and import your data. So it’s just a matter of doing frequent backups. Not sure if there’s an automated tool or option for that, as I don’t use Mastodon much.

The instance you’re talking about seems to be working just fine. Maybe they had trouble or were doing maintenance. In their About page, they offer to follow an account for notices about such events.

From a non-US perspective, Apple is unfeasible if you’re not rich.

Last year I was given an iPhone as a gift (which I did not ask for), and I had to endure almost a year of it, until I decided to resell it and buy myself a new Android phone.

Everything, from a simple charger or a cable, costs triple. And because Apple is not officially in my country, you never know if you’re buying an original product, or some crap that will kill your phone.

App developers for iOS are obsessed with forcing everything to be under a subscription. And it’s fine if your income is over 1500 USD a month, but for a South American living on 200-300, it’s impossible to pay ten 5USD subscriptions. Local app development (banks, virtual wallets, etc.) are more focused on Android development because this is the third-world and most sane people own Android phones, plus it’s much cheaper to work on that platform.

You cannot customize the appearance of your phone, order the icons (with gaps in-between), use custom icons, or anything you can do with something as simple as a freemium one-time payment custom launcher on Android. Nova Launcher is capable of doing a million things on an unrooted phone, but nothing like that exists for iOS. You cannot even separate the volume of ringtones and multimedia (I have four different volume options on my new Android).

Locally, people use WhatsApp or Telegram, or the social media apps. We also use old fashioned calls, though people nowadays prefer WhatsApp to bridge the calls. There’s no “problem” of integration, because people have chosen that and it’s rare to know someone with an iPhone. And if you have an iPhone here, you have to use WhatsApp anyway.

And iPhones are very attractive to robbers, so if you go out with your iPhone you’re almost inviting someone to rob you… so you don’t take it out in public, and you don’t use it for what it’s supposed to be used (note taking, calls, texting, pictures, agenda, etc.). You only use it at home… might as well own a dumb phone and a PC. (Not that Android users don’t get robbed, but Androids are more of a lottery, while an any-gen iPhone will fetch a higher price.)

In the end, I sold the phone and got some USD bills, which is always good to have here. I got a mid-range Android that costs 1/3 of an iPhone and does a lot more. Mind you, I’m not rooting it or tinkering too much with it beyond cosmetics. And while I try to degoogle myself, I’m also not going to go out of my way.

Even so, if the choice is giving Apple or Google my data, there’s really no real benefit in picking one or another. It’s just a matter of deciding which one we care less about or costs us less. So, you do you. If you’re happier with an Apple product, all the better for you.

That if you have an Instagram account it’s best not to link it to Threads, I’m guessing.

I’m really excited myself. It’s tech that might help me a lot, as I’m physically disabled.

I’ve been enjoying the long “walking” videos on Youtube, and I’ve seen some walkers have videos in 360. It’ll be like going on vacation, without the physical hassle that comes with it.

And, of course, I’m looking forward to using it for gaming too.

I traded going over 1080p for having multiple monitors. Though a colleague tells me with an ultrawide, it’s even better because you get to experience the best of both worlds. I’ll have to try that in a couple of years. Now my goal is to get VR.

Thanks for bringing me this into attention. I had no idea who she was beyond “the new CEO of Twitter who has to clean up after El Musko”. Though I did have a feeling that, to be in that position at this moment, she might not be squeaky clean ideologically.

Kind of like accepting to receive an award from the Bigot Convention, or something. You only go if you agree with them.


And because conservatives want to believe that of minorities, they will not step back to think why they’re being bombarded with all these “satirical” propaganda accounts.

Yes, I think it only works when the person trying to get away with the mess stays put in the shadows. El Musko cannot stay quiet or out of sight for 5 minutes, let alone a few months.

A lot of them are. I’ve seen some of them in the Hispanic circles. They spew dog-whistles or insane LGBT+ stuff that no one in the community does or thinks, but conservatives lap it up like it’s chocolate fudge instead of the excrement it really is.

In an alternative world, I wouldn’t mind if the goal was something like that Black Mirror episode, “Hated in the Nation” (how ironic posting this on Beehaw 🐝).

Exactly. He’s like a predator in the wild. You want to know exactly where he is and what he’s doing while you try to drink water and eat something.

Wasn’t there a name for this? Putting a woman in charge to take the blame as a company implodes? “Crystal” something?

Meanwhile, Musk purchased roughly 10,000 GPUs, typically used for large language models for Twitter

Ah, so we can expect Musk’s version of Tay at some point. Yikes.

As long as they don’t give out the old addresses, it makes sense that they’ll delete inactive accounts.

But it’s one more incentive for me to delete some old accounts from the pre-alias era.

Didn’t know anything about Manifest V3.

Looks like more splitting of standards will be happening. Supposedly Firefox will not adopt some of it fully, unless what I read is outdated?

It’s so disappointing, right? At the same time, my mom always was a certain way, but Twitter exacerbated her bad behaviors.

I’m so amused by this. My mom was sucked into that crap and can’t pay, so I’m hoping El Musko will finally drive her out. In a way, he’s my hero. 😂

Yeah, one thing I have to concede to WhatsApp is that the core of it hasn’t changed. They add stuff all the time, but for now it remains the same for simple usage.

They have a web version that syncs with the phone. Though I’d definitely check out alternatives like Signal, if you’re more privacy-conscious.

My family uses WhatsApp for chatting. Most are older folk who don’t fare well with products changing regularly.

If Google wants to have a stable userbase, it needs to stop moving stuff around.

RIP. I remember finding out it existed, enthusiastically pre-ordering (it was cheap and in my country pre-ordering is a good strategy), and a few months later a “bad news” update from them made me realize this game was never coming out. That was like 3 years ago. lol

That, I don’t know. I’ve never managed my contacts much, so I never look into that. I’ll have to check it out later because you made me curious! :P

I do know they have a good support section with various questions about their service.

Not many have good calendar and contact list integration, especially if you’re using an android smart phone.

Yeah, it seems like Proton Calendar is getting there, so I’m feeling a bit more confident about making the switch. I rely a lot on the calendar scheduling nowadays, so it’s very important.

Indeed. I’m moving my stuff to ProtonMail as to not be tied down to Google so much. I have to untangle like 20 years of stuff.

Pretty much.

I spent several years of my childhood in Miami, surrounded by mostly Latinos/Hispanics like me, and with my extended family, and in the 90’s. So I think I also remember only the best things, I didn’t understand what little politics adults talked about back then, and I wasn’t exposed to racism and such. And back then, being poor in America and being poor in South America were vastly different concepts.

As an adult, I can’t help but feel relief I came back. We have crime and corruption, but for the most part, one lives a simple life. My only worry right now is this nasty comeback of the far-right, influenced by certain groups in America itself.

I’m so sad for what is being done in America. If things in my life had gone slightly different, I would be living there today. Stay strong and vote.

There were rumors about this several years ago, with the banning of the entire Google account as threat. Or at least that’s what people were saying.

Man, that takes me back. I used to go to SL. I even learned how to do a few things (crappy clothes, mostly). All I remember is trying to avoid the porn areas and walking around empty buildings. My internet and my PC were such craps, it was all painfully slow. Around that time I had a surgery and then I went to college, so I didn’t have much time to go there anymore.

I always thought there would be more competition in the future, but apparently I’m in the minority that likes the idea of a virtual world where you can meet with people without sessions/lobbies (now I know it’s called a “metaverse”).

Similarly to JPT, the Carnivores games seem like an early version of ARK. It’s set in the future, in a planet with animals that resemble dinosaurs, and you’re sent in to kill them. You gain weapons and tools as you kill more. I remember when I first played ARK, I was instantly transported back in time to the days when I played Carnivores 2.

I also think another aspect could be development of technolog; having a real userbase that provides real feedback and finds any issues that a bunch of QA techs can’t, and once the technology is made / knowledge is gained, scrap the service to apply the gained knowledge elsewhere.

Or they’re just really inept. :P