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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


When I installed it it suggested turning that service off onvthe host. If you search online there are many suggestions on shutting off that stuff so 53 is left for pihole

There are so many things…There was a license plate deal with a manufacturer and they were subpar quality with pealing paint right away, based on some nda nonsense the details of the arrangement DF made can’t be disclosed…more wasted tax money

Im surprise they installed them in the first place. First thing I did when somebody gave me TPlink Kasa smart plugs and switches was run the github code to swap the remote server lookup to

This smells like the dude who called it in is buddies with one of the cops.
Heck as kids my friends (stupidly) shot each other with BB guns, with a 1 pump rule, no adults ever called a cop…let alone a water fight

It’s an agreement countries have that when mail reaches them internationally they will bring to destination. The China to Canada/USA is absorbed by the Candian or USA postal service.

Sorry I was thinking of when you have yubikey setup with PIN code for access. But yeah, I guess the attack vector is clandestine theft and replace.

Potting Grrrr. My fancy track lighting has been potted. It sucks because absolutely no place (even China) sells the 48v LED driver with the odd body shape to bypass the internal mounting screws, and the potting means I can’t access the board to desolder a resostor or something

Totally a non issue unless a government arrested somebody with the intent to gain their key because : "The attacks require about $11,000 worth of equipment and a sophisticated understanding of electrical and cryptographic engineering. "

It has been a long time since I took a via train. In the mid nineties the train flush opened the toilet flap onto the gravel track below, and a sign said “Do not flush while train is in station”. Hopefully they have upgraded that system, so maybe electrically operated pump system to a container vessel? And maybe no electricity meant no removal of waste.

Use of a VPN can be detected by ISP inspection, they then probably had other survellance on why he was VPNing out, or the Influencer had another follower that was a plant and collected a list of thr followers

That one smart home brand that went bust and nobody could turn on/off lights etc. LOL. Thankful some selfhoster types came to the rescue amd setup an alternate server. It is why I “flashed” my switches to be local hosted and never go to web, and just use homeassistant as the server

Right, but i was commenting about educating your kids about the pitfalls of social media, like you said. My adult children are teachers and they see social media is destroying kids even with education about it…their brains can’t stop even if they know the consequences, especially because it is psychologically tailored to engage them more and more

I know some amazing parents that have super open communication and excellent teaching moments with their kids, they still fell into the social media morass…because friends (and teenage brain) are a heavy influence even with a safe supportive home

Patriot analogies be like; as long as 150 rifles laid end to end

I asked for a Vasectomy. The doctor went through the: have you been married, do you have kids, how many? questions. it is standard here to ensure the patient has thought about the consequences in case it can’t be reversed.

Probably not, since their routers and other devices have shown what appears like purposeful security openings and data harvesting, I would not trust an EV from China to not log all my info. Or worse a remote kill to disable all vehicles when China doesn’t get what it wants and throws a tantrum

I have seen both. Typically you expect somebody self hosting to be about privacy and freedom, and thus choosing Linux, but there are WinFans too

Apparently crafted webpage could be a vector. Router has to block fragmented packages also. The issue is non savvy people get shipped a router with Ipv6 firewall turned off (as a shit default setting) and don’t know to check it. And as it is a worm type it can come in with otger binaries

Of course, but for a person with all machines on network having same user name and password it could become a larger problem

There was an article that many Routers were shipped with Ipv6 firewall off, and less savvy users would never know to check

I was referring to the latest CVE for ipv6 where an attacker just sends a flood of IPv6 packets which puts things like WindowsOS into a mode for remote code execution, even via webpage. Windows remedy right now is turnoff all ipv6 capability, as they don’t have a fix yet

I was referring to the latest CVE for ipv6 where an attacker just sends a flood of IPv6 packets which puts things like WindowsOS into a mode for remote code execution, even via webpage. Windows remedy right now is turnoff all ipv6 capability, as they don’t have a fix yet

But if they do, they have every password for all your stuff. hopefutlly you have Ipv6 disabled

I’m terrible at many things, but I do have a knack for knowing how something will taste ahead of time by the ingredient portions, my wife hates it because there is no recipe book… just toss together what’s in the fridge and spice cabinet.

Usually I put garlic powder, paprika, pepper, hot pepper powder (i like spicy), sometines a smidge cinammon. Soak it overnight or on low heat for a few hour and the simmer them till softened. Blend up with the toasted sesame( i can control the flavour and tahini is expensive), lemon, oil, garlic, and the hljuice from picked banana peppers if I have some left over. Gives a goid tang to it

It is why it came to mind. I love hummus too. I’ve been buying bags of dried chick peas and rehydrating with spiced water. Then toasting up sesame seeds and blending with all the other stuff. Works out much cheaper than those store tubs. Take you to the Hummus Shop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ndQkntBW_E

I would like a satire version of reality where the miscommunication was “get rid of all Hamas”, and the middle tier memo came over the wire as “Get rid of all Hummus”. And then someone clicks and is like wait, we destroyed everything over hummus? That is how widespread the destruction is. Hummus is everywhere

Privatized Electricity in Ontario was one more nail in the coffin of me moving to BC. Previously it was Ontario Hydro which sold to Enwin? I think. My bill went up because of new fees, one being Debt Retirement fee, which was paying off Ontario Hydros debt deficit. It rubbed me the wrong way because if you privately purchase a company you take on their debt/liabilities as part of your business strategy, forcing customers to pay your new debt when there was no alternate provider is just a horrible practise. Ontario should have forced Enwin to just absorb it as part of the takeover…Or left it public.

No, the new buyer has to honour the lease amount, and then subject to normal 2-4% per year adjustment.

Yeah here dollar store purchases are final sale, no returns, and aliexpress really depends on the seller. Some good stuff there, some just scammy junk. And many manufacturers will skimp on purpose, and say they are certified without actually getting a certification or testing.

Yeah we have a local Fruiticana and fruit and veg is super cheap compared to Loblaws. But for Oatmilk I started going to Walmart for $4.50 rather than Loblaws at $6.99.

Dollar store and Aliexpress make it a bit difficult to return LOL.

Not all cat 5e is created equal…you can buy a good cat5e from a reputable supplier or a super shit one at the dollar store…they just stamp 5e on it even if it is under sized wire and not actually been tested to work

It just means .internal won’t be relayed out on the internet, as it will be reserved for local only.

From vancouver area: some of housing shortage could be immediatley fixed if foreign investors were forced to rent out their places…so many empty homes

People with too much time. My wife had a busy kid drop off/pickup / work schedule. If she was done work early she would park a block away from school and sleep in the car till dismissal time…some Karen came out complaining she can’t sleep in her car and needed to leave. lol