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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


The company behind pfSense is shady as hell:


Also the complete and utter clusterfuck of an attempt to bring Wireguard into the FreeBSD kernel:


And maybe PPPoE.

traceroute --mtu

Pick the lowest value displayed for F=xxxx like e.g F=1492 and subtract 80.

For my DSL connection the optimal value is 1412.

nonfree drivers accessible right away

Non-free firmware is included in the Debian installer since Bookworm.

Do you really know how Wireguard works?

Updating without a reboot only works for wireguard-go. The default implementation runs in the kernel. An update to it would require kernel live patching.

Wireguard doesn’t answer to unsigned packets. Using obscure ports or even port knocking is rather pointless. It’s indistinguishable from a closed port.

I’d rather take Casaos out of the equation and target Ubuntus’ Wireguard stack instead.

Jellyfin is completely free. I only used it shortly in my LAN environment so I can’t give you any numbers. It should roughly be in the same ballpark as plex though.

You can skip fail2ban for SSH. I missed the important bit. Duh…

Never used Plex but had a good experience with Jellyfin.

Just a few thoughts:

  • don’t cheap out. Building your whole stack on top of free or ultra budget providers is going to backfire eventually
  • check the traffic limits if you want to stream 4k content from your NAS
  • if latency and bandwidth is a concern, you need to select a VPS provider with good peering. This fully depends on your ISP.
  • i’d recommend setting things up with split DNS. Your DNS server would answer with local IPs for queries from within your LAN and with the IP of the VPS for external queries.
  • take a look at AdGuard Home
  • you can skip fail2ban if you go straight for ssh keys
  • 100% wireguard

Why are you running two HAProxy instances? You should be able to forward the traffic on your VPS to your homeserver with a firewall rule.

If that’s not an option, this should still be doable using the X-Forwarded-For header. Instead of setting it to single value, you need to append to it:


  • Step 1: buy good headphones
  • Step 2: get a separate mic

It’s funny how they struggle with voice chat while Battlebit manages to keep in the Steam charts with voice chat enabled by default and without major complaints.

Did you enable forwarding via sysctl?

sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward

This should report 1

You only need the masquerade rule.

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s  -o enp3s0 -j MASQUERADE

Not OP but DynDNS entries will always point to your current external IP and are renewed every hour.

Internally I run an AdGuard Home instance for adblocking. All my domains are rewritten by it to use the local IP while I’m in the same network.


Wow, this looks incredible! I always wanted to to deploy something like Authelia or Authentik but they seemed way too heavy for my purpose.

Whats the runtime memory usage of the docker container?

The best workaround I found was to move everything multiple people should have access to into its own vault and add users as managers to that vault.

It’s also the cleanest approach.

I’d expect p2p streaming to soften the blow for the traffic bill generated by popular videos. You’d always need somebody else to consume the content at the same time which doesn’t happen in most cases.

I’m afraid the barrier to entry for this is much higher, as video streaming is quite expensive. You need a lot of storage and also a lot of traffic.