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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


I am very satisfied with my Fairphone 3. I still get monthly security updates. I can easily unlock the bootloader and install any alternative ROM I desire. I can repair any broken part without having to unglue something. But it also seems to be the most robust phone I have used in years. There’s a reason a used Fairphone is as expensive as a new one.

If you really want to go all-in on privacy a Pinephone or Librem 5 would be options but they have their own bag of problems. They are better suited for tinkering.

And regarding the comment on firmware updates of the parts themselves, that is a general computing problem that seems to be the worst with single board computers like smartphones. The solution would be parts with support for open firmware but they are almost impossible to find. I think Fairphone is going a good middle ground. I don’t expect there to be any phone where this is better.

I’m always astonished that those shitty theater recordings are even a thing. Just wait a few months and you’ll be able to get the movie in good quality.

I’m always astonished how little some other parents care about their children’s privacy. Schools as well.

If I didn’t have a Steam Deck already I would still get one.

  1. It’s one of few devices with Linux preinstalled.
  2. The battery life is better.
  3. It’s much cheaper. Especially if you get the discounted 64 GB version and buy a larger SSD.
  4. The touchpads, gyro, additional back buttons and Steam Input integration make it much better suited for playing general PC games that would never work on a gamepad.

I’m not too familiar with Bottles. But for Media Foundation troubles one usually uses the Proton or Wine versions by Glorious Egroll. I think ProtonUp-Qt is able to get that for Bottles as well.

Just throwing out there that nowadays the only games that don’t work on Linux are multiplayer ones with intrusive unsupported anti-cheat (for support see areweanticheatyet.com) and Gamepass games (and others from the Microsoft store). And VR is finicky.

If you don’t play those you could also go Linux on your gaming PC. Or wait until Windows 10 support runs out and look at the situation then.

You can also get your personal free API key, insert that in Infinity and compile it yourself. Even Infinity’s dev who plans to make a paid version for the Play Store has given advice on how to do that on the Infinity sub.

I bet it won’t be long until someone makes that configurable in Infinity itself.

I would explain it in terms of Wifi and speed and reach. Wifi is faster than 4G but has shorter reach. 5G is in between. That’s why more antennas have to be built for 5G.

Usenet is a very old part of the internet. I think it predates the world wide web. It’s basically a message board. Which boards (like subs) exist on there is democratically decided. At least that was how it was done in Germany. For example, when there where too many Star Wars posts in the Science Fiction group de.rec.sf they decided to create one for Star Wars under de.rec.sf.starwars.

The actual content resides on newsservers around the globe. When you pass a message to one of them it is distributed around the globe to all the other servers. It’s similar to how Lemmy works, with the difference that with Lemmy content is only passed around when someone is actually subscribed to a particular community.

But many news servers don’t pass around messages that contain files. Because that would take up too much space. To get access to the servers that do pass around files you have to pay for the service. That is actually used for piracy nowadays.

Back in the days you could actually get access to usenet from your ISP. At least to the text only portion. Don’t know how you’d do it nowadays. It’s mostly fallen to obscurity.

I instantly sent it to my mom. She’s been reading teletext news for years.

They could undo that as well. My current plan is to get all my data via GDPR request, host it on my server so that my useful posts and comments don’t get lost forever and then order them to delete all my stuff via a GDPR request.

Can someone explain this? I mean, the last result. Usually I can at least understand Javascript’s or PHP’s quirks. But this time I’m stumped.

PHP isn’t open source? Damn, for some reason I can’t take back my contribution.