My entire body is made of meat!

I enjoy:


Open Source



The letter B


Psychedelic drugs and exploring reality

Former pothead (I have a genetic disorder!)

Videogames and such. Team Fortress 2 Scout/Engy/Demo/Pyro. Catch me on 24/7 2ort! ~T0kin.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


If they smoked, they’d be dead.

I wouldn’t have to look at them anymore.

So… my focus is more on the implications of this.

A dictator tells his people the women in his country need to have more kids.

That could be really really really bad.

Like,… hundreds of thousands of women strapped to machines bad.

Here’s my piracy shtick.

I beat half of Blasphemous on a pirated copy then I bought it, moved the save file and kept playing.

Criteria: I like the game. I’ll probably play it again in ten years and I want to support the devs.

What would’ve happened if I never pirated it? I’d be saying the same thing about someone else’s game.

Am I to believe you can’t download a photo from your library using the Immich app?
Googling this question gives a wide variety of results but I don't see anyone actually asking or answering it Long press, nothing but share, delete, archive, or add to album. No sync, download or anything of the sort. Is immich supposing it's a one-way trip? What if I want a photo I backed up a year ago, I **have** to open the webui?

Note: very dependent on a recent yt-dlp on your system. Install it manually using yt-dlp from their website and drop it into your path unless you use Arch or something bleeding edge.

I use a FF extension that routes videos to mpv from the context menu.

For my phone, I use Vanced

For my Android TV, I use Smarttube.

Same but Jellyfin. I don’t keep anything outside of shit that’s not easily streamable on demand.

Yeah, it’s mostly videogame music and J-metal.

I’m using compose wrong and I know it.
For the last two years, I've been treating compose files as individual runners for individual programs. Then I brainstormed the concept of having one singular docker-compose file that writes out every single running container on my system... (that can use compose), each install starts at the same root directory and volumes branch out from there. Then I find out, this is how most people use compose. One compose file, with volumes and directories branching out from wherever ./ is called. THEN I FIND OUT... that most people that discover this move their installations to podman because compose works on different versions per app and calling those versions breaks the concept of having one singular docker-compose.yml file and podman doesn't need a version for compose files. Is there some meta for the best way to handle these apps collectively?

I just want to be in the most free place where I can talk to people.

So far, this is it. I don’t think the Twitter/Bluesky/Mastodon model really promotes discussion. The Reddit/Lemmy model does, by design, expectation.

If they remake Jedi Knight II and III, I’m in.

So I’m not in, basically.

I’m not so much boycotting them, it’s just that AC has been trash since Black Flag and we don’t have a Rayman 4 yet… so… what am I gonna buy, nothing?

Waiting until I can get both in a “definitive edition” for $20 on sale.

I hope OP is aware of how underappreciated and thrown away visual effect studios tend to be in Hollywood.

I’m holding out for this special edition vaccine with the exclusive protections, personally.

Ehhh I don’t think this works. Dante is too powerful to be a main character in a series unless they straight up Alucard him into saving and protecting others.

Think about it. What is a threat to Dante? Sure, other demons might hurt him or knock him around, but you’ll never feel like he’s in danger unless Vergil is on screen.

You know why we say it’s the year of the Linux desktop, every year?

Because every year is the year of the Linux desktop.

I was hooked. It was the first time my PC felt as transparent and lie-free as notebook paper.

Like, there’s nothing to hide because nothing is. It’s pure, truthful freedom and that meant more to me than raw usability. I tried to do everything possible on Linux that i was told I couldn’t do, hell, I ran Team Fortress 2 and Half Life in wine way pre-proton.

and it sucked, but it was cool tho!

I used some Ubuntu derivative for recording shitty music me and my buddy made in a trailer. OSS off of a turtle beach soundcard with a hacked together driver, crammed into a shitty Windows Vista era desktop.

I felt like some sort of junk wizard.

I use arch these days, Garuda mainly. I’ve done the whole song and dance from Arch to Gentoo. I know the system, now I want to relax and let something I suck at, giving myself features be more in the hands of a catering staff of folks and the Garuda boys know how to pamper.

The dragons kinda… yeah, the art’s kinda cringe but damn, this is the definition of fully featured.

One less sale is victory enough. It’s one more than before the post.

Suddenly your video card is as mundane and trivial a solved problem as your keyboard or mouse.

It just works and you never have to even think about it.

To even consider that a reality as someone who’s used Linux since Ubuntu 8.10… I feel spoiled.

Nvidia will stop price gouging you for their cards and features when you stop buying them.
Sorry if I'm not the first to bring this up. It seems like a simple enough solution.

looks at their stock


Now we wait.

hits every checkbox on radarr and sonarr

If it’s public, search it. Bad, good, doesn’t matter.


Now: “Oh, that came out?”

My one… battlefield with docker was trying to have a wireguard VPN system in tandem with an adguard DNS filter and somehow not have nftables/iptables not have a raging bitch fit over it because both wireguard and docker edit your table entries in different orders and literally nothing I did made any difference to the issue, staggering wireguard’s load time, making the entries myself before docker starts (then resolvconf breaks for no reason). Oh, and they also exist on a system with a Qbittorrent container that connects to a VPN of its own before starting. Yay!

And that’s why all of that is on a raspberry pi now and will never be integrated back into the image stacks on my main server.

Just… fuck it, man. I can’t do it again. It’s too much.

Yeah I saw this post and thought “what a coincidence, I’m looking to move from docker!”

Everybody’s going somewhere, I suppose.