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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 12, 2023


Looking forward to “Backyard Ultimate Team” and all it’s associated micro transactions


I got my brother, who is not Linux-savvy, set up playing Clone Hero on his Steam Deck while I was thousands of miles away and it played with no input lag basically out of the box on SteamOS. If you’re looking for a good Guitar Hero experience on Linux with lots of custom songs, Clone Hero is for you.

If you’re looking for Guitar Hero with characters, venues, and no input lag on Linux I have nothing to suggest. :/

So if the ancestry of programming languages can be traced back like C# => C++ => C => B Then what came before B?

I named my daughter Rubyonrails

We call her “On” for short

I bought and still own a Razer Sixense Hydra. I would 100% have bought this thing had I owned a gaming PC back in 2007

If you’ve never played Super Space ________ and you’re looking for local split screen games I highly recommend it. It’s an amazing blend of competitive and cooperative design that’s always fun and chaotic. And it’s free! But it’s not on Steam since it’s a collegiate project. Link

From what I’ve heard of Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, that’s a very similar game but I haven’t tried it.

If you’ve never played Super Space ________ and you’re looking for local split screen games I highly recommend it. It’s an amazing blend of competitive and cooperative design that’s always fun and chaotic. And it’s free! But it’s not on Steam since it’s a collegiate project. Link

From what I’ve heard of Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, that’s a very similar game but I haven’t tried it.

“It’s not about PR, it’s about those teams… I have to run a sustainable business so they’re on their own because I say so.”

Despite the privacy concerns, Microsoft says that the Recall index remains local and private on-device, encrypted in a way that is linked to a particular user’s account.

Just like how Microsoft domain-bound emails were stored locally on machines running Outlook, right? Or how purchasing and downloading music, movies, and video games meant that we owned them, right?

I don’t believe for a fucking second that this “feature” will remain locally encrypted forever. Fuck Microsoft, fuck the AI bubble.

“Don’t be evil!

wait, you say you’ll pay me to be evil? Well fuck that changes everything!”

Sounds like the Team Fortress 2 team has been busy, but didn’t want to count to 3

That’s perfect. I don’t think there could be a better way to describe it in one sentence. It’s also a fun spin on the “like skyrim with guns” oversimplification lol

I just finished playing Horizon: Zero Dawn for the second time and it was way more engaging than I remember it being back in 2017. Apparently a lot of reviews ragged on it for “not being Breath of the Wild” which is a lame thing to complain about, even if the game came out at the same time, and they share a lot of thematic elements (like heavily focusing on archery, fighting ancient machines, exploring a beautiful world, etc.).

But it’s a very different game, very narrative heavy, very beautiful, and very well-optimized on PC. The combat is very focused and fun in a good way.

What do you mean? In what way am I being ignorant? I thought the whole idea was satirical and satire only works if you’re painfully aware of that which is being satirized. I think the empirical system of measurement is absurd since all the metrics are based off of completely subjective concepts. The only thing the empirical system is good for is being relatable to human minds. A foot is roughly a foot’s length. 100 degrees F is “hot” and 0 degrees F is cold. A cup is about a fistful. Etc.

If you wanna be American, you gotta start thinking outside the box. A bit has two states, right? So a half-bit has only one state. Half-bits are truly American.

Yeah, American stuff makes sense unlike the metric system which is completely unintuitive /s

This whole post is meant to be a joke. The metric prefixes are perfectly understandable even if they’re technically off the decimal benchmarks by a handful of bytes

I propose the base measurement is a Reagit - equal to 36 bit states, or half-bits (36 was the age of Ronald Reagan when the transistor was first invented in 1947)

The next smallest is the Nuclearyte equal to the quantity of times the United States has proven technological superiority in war by using an atomic bomb offensively. So 2 Reagits is 1 Nuclearyte.

After that is the number of US presidents to have survived an assassination attempt (8) known simply as the ‘Merit (and don’t forget the apostrophe). 8 nuclearytes is 1 ‘merit.

Next is the number of years after the birth of Our Lord when Americans landed on the moon. 1969 ‘merits is 1 L-unit (pronounced like Loon)

Even bigger still is the number of amendments it took for the damn commie government to realize that alcohol is essential for human survival. The 18th amendment was a mistake, but the 21st amendment was blessed by Our Father who Art in Heaven without a doubt. 3 L-units is 1 chug

Next is the number of young men who died fighting for the rights of our United States to remain unquestioned by the damn commie federal government during the great war for individually united liberties between 1860 and 1865. 490,309 chugs is 1 Right

And so far we haven’t needed any larger measurements.

These units are too logical and scientific for my free, spirited, emotional, irrational Christian brain so I need something that’s more intuitive.

Not a bad idea, but like which DOOM?

I ask that sarcastically, but 90’s DOOM, 00’s DOOM, and 10-20s DOOM all play very differently lol

I think my favorite aspect(s) about DOOM is that all of the games are good, they are all worth playing, and they are all representative of the peak of 3D technology from their respective release eras.

Aside from that, every DOOM short of DOOM 3 satisfies my primal need to violently, quickly, adeptly slaughter demons (which has needed far more satisfaction in recent years for some odd reason). I recently finished a nightmare DOOM 2016 playthrough and loved every minute beginning to end, yet again. I’m now in the depths of a nightmare DOOM Eternal playthrough and I can’t get over how addicting the game is. You CANNOT beat the game without engaging with every single one of the combat mechanics, but it’s up to you, your skills, and your digital (read: finger) dexterity to determine when and how you do that. It’s nothing but flawless game design, gorgeous visuals, technical mastery, and some of the best instrumental heavy metal there is.

This is the best answer. Great party game

Okay, I don’t think I was trying to convince anyone. I’m not on Apple’s side here, but I don’t see how less governmental regulation could possibly be worse for Apple.

I agree it’s a minor irritation by most standards, but when all that’s on the line is making jokes about someone based on their choice of phone there’s no reason not to pressure someone else. As to sources, I see it happen all the time. I used to be the one who upset people, then I bought an iPhone and almost everyone I texted got really excited to see the color of our chat change. I’ve also seen countless memes about green chat bubbles and people ruining group chats because of their Androids. I’m not sure you’re going to get much more reliable sources than anecdotal ones for something like this.

It is a major point of social pressure. People get legitimately upset when they start a group chat and realize one of the members doesn’t have an iPhone. That absolutely makes it valuable to Apple

Did you just say Apple would try to prevent their users from switching to iMessage? Apple knows iMessage is a massive selling point for iPhones which is the reason Apple is so afraid of opening iMessage up to begin with.

I’m sure the rule would be different. My point was mostly to say this is in no way bad for Apple

The government labeling something that Apple fans love as “not needing regulation” is purely a win for Apple. Imagine if 99% of text messages sent were via iMessage, and the EU kept the same ruling. That means that Apple has a functioning monopoly that is not considered a monopoly because there’s technically an alternative.

That coding interviews are even by the tiniest measure good indicators of how capable a candidate is for a software engineering job.

I saw a great thread on Mastodon about this: link

Yeah that’s fair. But with how they’ve managed other “first party” titles I do not trust their policies.

I’m most curious to see how Senua’s Saga comes how since it should be a single player-only game that won’t fit into the monetization scheme Microsoft seems to like most

If it’s anything like Red Faction Guerilla, then fuck yeah.

But if it’s being published by Microsoft, then fuck no

Oooh gotcha. Yeah, when I was a kid I enjoyed that sort of game, like The Force Unleashed was one of my favorites. But as I’ve gotten older they just haven’t been fun. I tried Darksiders when I was in college and it was mind-numbingly boring.

If God of War (2018) didn’t grant me the flexibility to chuck Kratos’ axe whenever I want and switch up styles between axed and hands/shield on the fly I would probably get too bored of this game to continue. But I do get a lot of enjoyment out of hucking that axe into someone’s noggin then bum-rushing them and beating the shit out of them with godlike aggression. That’s pretty cool.

I’m not sure I know what a character action game is. God of War feels a little grating to me because there are enough enemies who feel like they’re programmed to be challenging and aren’t naturally challenging. I know some enemies from the Spider-man and Arkham games are technically the same, but they ride the other side of the line that defines immersion. DOOM 2016 and DOOM: Eternal are better examples of games with combat mechanics which encourage you (sometimes very strongly) to play the game a specific way, but lets you try to play it your way if you want, or can’t play the way it encourages.

I remember being very unimpressed with RDR, though that could be because I rushed through it the week before the sequel came out. In my experience rushing through a game like that ruins the experience completely.

What is it you enjoy most? Open cowboy world or the story or something else? Might have to go back to it (and actually finish the sequel lol)