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Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I love the notion of: we leu us getting scammed by big corporations like good little puppies and WE LIKED IT.

It’s obviously pc for me because that’s pretty much all i use for 30 years. But i always liked the nes because it’s pretty satisfying to put in a cartridge and pushing it down.

Good for them. Dating apps are a nightmare for dudes. These days, and if someone is impressed by this, fair play.

These lucky chicken get their children taken away but can walk around.

I grinded crab champions super hard to get diamond rank. This game is just too much fun. I pucked up scrap mechanic again after playing it for 1 haur a few years ago. So far we both enjoy it quite a bit.

I had to stop myself from playing, because i was waiting for an update. Also, there is a multiplayer mod and it’s the most chaotic clusterfuck i have ever seen. It’s great.

It really does look grim man. It does matter a bit where you live, but when i listen to my canadian friend, i feel like it’s just like here on steroids. He always tells me how he lives in a tiny shitty apartment but pays like 1500 canadian per month and they want to raise rent by 400 buckeroos. Which over here is super illegal and it’s also already too expensive. I pay 1600 a month for a whole ass house. I have friends who live in the city and they already pay as much for a really old not too big flat. I do often wonder how people afford to have kids, or what their plan is for the future.

Some guy in a suit will knock on your door and tell you what you want and need.

There was a billboard where i live 2 or three years ag that always cracked me up. It said something like: banning cigarette ads bow could mean (sausage company) is next.

And i always imagine who in the world would see that and go: NOT MY ADS! FINE, KEEP THE CIGARETTE ADS.
Or vice versa, see that and not go: alright, fine.
Like even if i super duper like something, i’m 100% fine to never see an ad of it. Isn’t that the norm? Do some people need ads or like ads?

I want to quit spotify so bad because they shove a ton of money into joe rogan’s ass AGAIN while firting their staff.

Netflix is so bad. Sometimes there is something i actually want to see, which is kinda rare. Then i can pick between three languages that i don’t speak.

I really never liked pokemon at all. But i played 60 ish hours of palworld so far

I just never thought the game was very good in what it’s pretending to be.

I’m not even sure it’s just that. A guy i know had to wait a couple of month until he could get his tesla windshield replaced. I still don’t really know where all these tesla owners around here go to service their cars, because i only know of a dealership, but that’s no garage. The only people i know with a teala bring their car there and they bring it somewhere from there. And service and shit takes for ever.

For me it’s not even that, i just get lost a lot and run in circles until i put it down and when i pick it back up again i’m even more lost.

It’s random and i don’t really care at all.

And somehow convinced americans that single lane traffic jam lubes are a good idea.

what’s your family up to?
Dunno, they fucking hate me.

I just started apex two month ago and i think i haven’t encountered more than one cheater, but i wasn’t really sure. I watched a video on cheaters on apex yesterday and ooof, it’s really bad. In other games i played they would use aimbot and or walls. But not speedhacking, dual wielding, aimbot and quickshielding and what not. And apparently nothing really ever happens to them.

I hope people stop caring by then.

Ever since i saw an update on “the line” that they are building, i realised that we’re absolutely fucked as a species. For the better probably.

In 10 years people have good enough graphic cards to run that mess. It’s 2 month after they sold the game. They shouldn’t have to fix their game, they should just finish the game and release it in 2 years.

Ibplayed for like 60 hours the past 2 weeks. I still like it, i never found it too repetitive, because there are so many things. Like i still see completely new things every now and then.

If you happen to live in the states, you can just shoot them and go on with your day.

Yea, a guy i know has veen playing his ass off and had to restart

He didn’t molest anyone, which is pretty good for his position

I heard a lot of complaints from people that tge camera is way too close when you talk to someone and their dead eyes look weird. And it’s true, but i find it way worse that EVERYONE just stares at you. If you walk by their eyes are glued to yours. It’s such a strange thing.

I want to like Bethesda games. I liked fallout 3 a lot and their doom games, which is different i guess. But man, i’m not a trash collector that collects trinkets. It’s not enjoyable to me. It doesn’t matter where the setting is. And the fact that the characters still look like the game is made in 2010, with the same shitty zoomed in dialogue and awkward ass eye contact is just driving me away. This isn’t some indie company that want to make thir dream game, this is Bethesda that wants to make a 80 dollar game with as little effort as humanly possible.

Every Bethesda game is just like every other Bethesda game. Go collect your trinkets and don’t think about it