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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 01, 2023


I admit that I have all alerts deactivated for the simple reason that our local agencies can’t seem to use SAME codes and I get tired of waking in the middle of the night for a thunderstorm three counties over.

Sadly because I have many friends from China, I’ve come to the conclusion that anything sourced in any way from China is likely a product of forced labor. To the extent possible, these days I avoid anything touched by Chinese industry in any way.

This is fucking terrifying. How do we find the membership list and shine a light on them? And how do we make sure politicians know that we disapprove of the company they keep?

Haven’t we learned over the last 25 years that the high road doesn’t work?

Love the handle, BTW. :)

I think downloading is against Google’s TOS. Whether that makes it illegal is a question for a lawyer.

I’ve never used a VPN with it either. But it should work, especially with an exit node in a country where Google has no incentive to/is prohibited from interfering with third party viewers.

I’m not suggesting that you should. But if the government that controls a TLD is not trusted, then no site under that TLD should be trusted either.

If you trust the government that controls a TLD, then use the site. If not, proceed with caution.

It would also be nice if there were a way to use them anonymously. ChatGPT seems to allow this, but I’m not entirely comfortable with OpenAI.

I guess they have to drag it out for diplomatic reasons, but the High Court has set a condition that the US cannot satisfy: The State Department nor the Department of Justice can guarantee that he would be granted First Amendment rights. It’s established precedent in US law that constitutional rights only apply to citizens. Judicial independence prevents them enforcing any agreement to the contrary.

Judge Alsup isn’t wrong. Yet Disney routinely writes its own copyright laws and has Congress pass them. Musk is just trying to cut out the middle step.

Updated post to include message

Dell Data Breach
Has anyone else received an email from Dell about a data breach? I’ve gotten three messages just today. What’s going on? > Dell Technologies takes the privacy and confidentiality of your information seriously. We are currently investigating an incident involving a Dell portal, which contains a database with limited types of customer information related to purchases from Dell. We believe there is not a significant risk to our customers given the type of information involved. \ \ **What data was accessed?**\ At this time, our investigation indicates limited types of customer information was accessed, including:  > * Name  * Physical address  * Dell hardware and order information, including service tag, item description, date of order and related warranty information  > \ The information involved does not include financial or payment information, email address, telephone number or any highly sensitive customer information. \ \ **What is Dell doing? **\ Upon identifying the incident, we promptly implemented our incident response procedures, began investigating, took steps to contain the incident and notified law enforcement. We have also engaged a third-party forensics firm to investigate this incident. We will continue to monitor the situation. \ \ **What can I do? **\ Our investigation indicates your information was accessed during this incident, but we do not believe there is significant risk given the limited information impacted. However, you should always keep in mind these [**tips to help avoid tech support phone scams**](https://www.dell.com/en-us/blog/five-tips-help-you-avoid-tech-support-phone-scams/?ref=cpcl_us-en-bsd-fcca82af-9bb0-4ca0-a440-2bbb2a2cf418-security-against-fraud-content_cta_link_tips). If you notice any suspicious activity related to your Dell accounts or purchases, please immediately report concerns to [**security@dell.com**](mailto:security@dell.com).

My uni forced us to resume in-person classes barely five months into the pandemic. No one is more productive. To this day, I’m only in the office when my contract says I have to be there. Even then, the door is closed and the lights are off. I can literally count on one hand the number of useful hallway conversations in the last four years. Generally, I’m far more productive without the interruptions and pointless random socializing.

Seriously you guys, learn from our mistakes. Get private equity out of healthcare while you still can.

Since the US is not a signatory to the Rome Statute, what exactly do these clowns think they can accomplish? Make it difficult for international war crimes investigators to visit a country that they have no interest in visiting in the first place?

This is sad. Admittedly the company has seen rough times in the past few years, but they didn’t deserve this.

RIP Rooster Teeth

I honestly didn’t even know that Capcom was still around. Time for a boycott?

Ah, thanks. Obviously I didn’t keep up with developments as well as I thought. I knew that Apple Silicon is Arm-based, but I didn’t realize that Arm is RISC.

Hasn’t RISC been around since at least the 90s? How much more time do they really need if it’s ever going to be ready for desktops?

If just any community member can join the communist party, then it’s hardly a ruling class.

Thanks for this. But the opinion piece is also a good read for its dark humor and subtle sarcasm.

All patent enforcement these days feels like trolling. Does anyone know if this company actually developed the tech or if they just acquired the patent for this purpose?

And these credible independent sources are…? You’ll forgive me if I don’t take your word for it.

Lemmy.world hasn’t improved as far as I can tell. Or maybe their bias was even worse before I noticed.

In any event, their entire instance is now blocked from my feeds, so I won’t have to deal with them.

Hamas is the government in Gaza. Who else would run their health ministry? Israel obviously doesn’t give a damn about them.

How I hate the lazy trolling on this conflict.

Too many posts are removed if they’re critical of Israel. I hope this post survives for discussion.

If you’re encrypting locally, a free Nextcloud provider would probably do the trick. Use one in Europe for better privacy rights.