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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


If you drain the UPS past 50% it really kills the life of the batteries.

In the Enterprise you probably have generator backup. So the UPS only need to keep things running for 30 second to a minute. So that never happens.

Maybe I have just had back luck but syncing my files across all of my devices has always burned me at some point. No matter what software I have used I have overwritten something by accident or I try and delete something and it doesnt get deleted on all device. Or get a bunch of conflicting files and now i need to figure out what file I want etc…

I do use some syncing but it is mostly between only two devices. Often times it is only a 1 way sync. For example photos on my phone get synced to my NAS automatically.

For me keeping all of my files in one place is the way to go. I just have everything on a NAS. (TrueNAS) All of my devices connect to that and i just edit them directly over the network.

I have a VPN for remote access.

True but It will become a bigger deal every passing day that is the problem.

I also wonder if search engine’s will delist results after a period of time. If the site is blocking them. After all you don’t want your top results to just be 404s all of the time.

Why not?

If i am going to be supporting creators I think YT premium would be the way I would do it.

YouTube Premium is super helpful in distributing money automatically to creators without needing to think about it.

I have many many creators I tune in and out of I am not going to be trying to manage all of their patreons and trying to manage all of that.

Honestly I have to much crap already, 99% of merch is just garbage IMO that i will never use and don’t need.

Public services require a little more work, you will need to rely on a service from a company, either a tunnel (e.g. Tailscale funnel) or a VPS.

I have been hosting random public services for years publicly and it hasn’t been an issue.

Edit, I might have miss understood the definition of public. I have hosted stuff publicly, however everything was protected by a login screen. So it wasn’t something a random person could make use of.

I have upgraded my GPU on my desktop without upgrading anything else. Leaving me with a spare GPU and no other hardware.

Self hosting, I have also pulled GPUs out of systems to keep the power requirements down. As most of the time onboard GPUs are just fine for Self hosting applications. Also leaving me with a spare GPU.

However over the years GPUs have because more popular for processing there are more arguments to keep the GPU in a home server. So I can see how this is going away.

Yep this has been my hold up. It is mostly just a solution in search of a problem.

The best use case I have come up with is if you have an nice computer and an extra GPU laying around. You could turn the single computer into two workstation/gaming computers.

It will be both. AI local and AI cloud.

For the average person every day use AI will be local on device. But companies with massive data sets will be processed with a data center.

What is she using it for? Creative cloud is a huge blob of programs, is she using them all? Or just a handful?

Are you sure. I was thinking those specs you would be more in the 50-80 watts range.

Realistically I don’t see how it would ever not be managed by a corporation. Your average person doesn’t know how and doesn’t want to manage their own messaging system. They are just going to offload that responsibility to a corporation to do it for them. We are just going to have exactly the same system we have now. Just called some else besides email.

I wish there was a better solution but I am not seeing a way that doesn’t just end up the same as email.

Isn’t the current email system kind of a web of trust. Microsoft, Google etc… trust each other. But little me and my home server is not part of that web of trust making my email server get blocked.

We need something better than email.

Say everyone agrees and the entire world swaps to some alternative. Email 3.0 or whatever.

Wouldn’t we just have the same issue? Any form of communication protocol (that can be self host able) will get abused by spam. Requiring a lot of extra work to manage.

Maybe I am misunderstanding, but continue watching is only for resuming media. If you stop a show or movie in the middle.

If you want to go to the next episode in a series you want to look at “Next up” section.

I won’t ever understand no matter how many excuses you give me. If a company doesn’t want to support my os then to fucking bad, I won’t give them my money.

Sure the is commendable but end of the day it is what is important to you. If my group of friends is playing a game and that game isn’t supported on Linux. That affect me a lot more then it would affect the company.

It is getting better but there are still alot of things you just can’t do on Linux.

Like for my work we have alot of specialized software that is only for Windows. Sure I might be able to get it working under Linux but what do you think will happen if I need get software Support for this software? They will say i am using an unsupported OS and hang up.

And for my home, there is so many anti cheat software that refuses to work on Linux or potentially get you banned.

Linux has come a very long way in the last 5 years but there is still alot of situations the abusive relationship is your only option.

Yes but it has limitations/risks that could be a deal killer depending on your use case.

When a file changes externally, Nextcloud doesn’t know about the the changes until it looks at the file. It only looks when a user access that location within Nextcloud or during a automatic file scan.

The only time I have had issues with it is using a Nextcloud desktop client, as files are cached locally on the desktop and the client doesn’t live query the server when you view the files locally.

Changes made externally of Nextcloud won’t get updated on desktop clients until Nextcloud looks at the file an realizes a change happened.

This can be very annoying but also dangerous as you are at risk of editing an outdated file. For example if you edit a file via SMB and then edit the same file again on a desktop clients. The desktop clients won’t have the new file with the B changes. So you risk overwriteing the files with an old version.

You can add in local directory paths or file shares within your Nextcloud home directory.

I use that to access a local SMB share externally.

I disagree, digitizing is what is saving a lot of the media. You can save hundreds of thousands of hours of videos and many games in a single 20TB drive today. You couldn’t do that without digital technology.

Never heard of someone using a UPS on a Fridge/Freezer. Does it make a difference? Seems like the UPS would just died after 10-20 minutes and not really make much difference to your freezer.

With Firefox sync you only ever have to do it once.

Firefox is a super easy install for me. Install login and all of my settings auto apply.

Yeah but that is video, if you have 99.9% of the file often times it plays just fine.

Wouldn’t torrents be able to solve that issue because everyone is sharing with everyone else?

The last peer might only have 10kbps upload but as long as the other peers are sharing with one another everyone can pull down 10kbps because that is how fast new data is getting sent to the swarm.

This seems to happen alot. I always wondered if it is really a peer or some weird spoofed peer that just tries to give you hope before crushing your dreams.

You know I never thought of that… but yeah that would be a good very very very very large number.

Like throwing puzzle pieces in the air and getting it to land completed.