Not disagreeing, because you’re right that the differences you’d see are minimal, but did want to add that latency & random I/o is better on most nvme than most SATA SSD. And that would be somewhat beneficial for an OS drive in my opinion. But the difference would probably not be noticeable, as you said.
While you’re technically correct (the best kind) I’d still argue that the subset of finite addresses that are human readable and relayable is significantly smaller. If you disagree just fill out a form on my website:
I even recall a time I negotiated back and forth on Sedo to buy a domain name, and it turned out the seller didn’t own the domain.
I’m sorry, how is this NOT fraud?
I agree with OP. Domains should just expire if they’re not renewed.
And honestly, I’m against the hoarding and resale of them too. They’re a finite resource and should be limited to a fixed number per human being. And only transferred for free not resold.
Pension is how the Fords refer to kickbacks.