A man of leisure living in the present, waiting for the future.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


The rivalry continues to today, as detailed in the link it seems like you didn’t read.

In March 2024, Hamas and its allied groups in the Gaza Strip criticized Abbas’ appointment of Mohamed Mustafa as the Palestinian Authority’s new prime minister following Mohammed Shtayyeh’s resignation. They issued a statement referring to the changes as “formal steps that are devoid of substance” and questioned the Palestinian Authority’s ability to properly represent the Palestinian people. In response, Fatah condemned Hamas as being itself disconnected from the Palestinian people and accused them of “having caused the return of the Israeli occupation of Gaza” by “undertaking the October 7 adventure”.
Later that month, Hamas accused Fatah of sending security officers into northern Gaza in collaboration with Israel, saying it had arrested six individuals and were “in pursuit” of the others. The Palestinian Authority issued a statement refuting the claims by Hamas.

They did exactly that, the two groups kept at parity and fighting each other were Fatah and Hamas.

Yes, they tried to divide and conquer but it backfired, I don’t think they’re doing that anymore.

Hamas must be deposed for meaningful safety, they’ve said they want to do October 7th over and over again. This is a last minute deal for them to try and weasel their way out of ultimate consequences for what they have done.

Occupying Gaza is probably also a good call considering their unilateral withdrawal arguably led directly to October 7th. I expect they will stay, try to implement a puppet government, do a little nation building, and only leave once Gaza is pacified. If this is not possible, expect more annexations and settlements.

If I understand correctly, this would only affect you if you have non Nvidia hardware and wanted to use their software with it.

Attempting to usurp democracy and install a dictator should be a capitol offense.

Infinitely reproducible digital media has little inherent value. As the article acknowledges, the value proposition Netflix offered was convenience. If pirate sites offer more convenience than Netflix offers legitimate users, Netflix will lose. I find it baffling they are fucking around with ads and locking down access, making their experience worse. Same with Amazon Prime. It’s like they forgot their own business model.

It depends on what kind of character I want to RP; sometimes that’s a dude, sometimes not.

Several stops have been created for ca high speed rail in the valley

I’m saying that Hamas’ attacks would not have happened had Palestine not been colonized, its people displaced and massacred at every turn.

Displacement happened because Palestinians declared war on Israel and lost. Read up on the history of the massacres in mandatory Palestine, slaughtering of Jews was what started this conflict in earnest and made a one state solution impossible.

Palestinian Arabs were doing this shit long before any colonization happened, until that point the Jews were legally buying land.

Letting too many Russians in, Russia often uses that as an excuse to invade and annex

I wasn’t aware of that, thanks for the link. It would be interesting to know how prevalent indoctrination/militarization of youth is in each of these nations. It can be hard to accurately judge magnitude in this conflict, it is so heavily propagandized.

Maybe try presenting some rather than complaining about what you imagine I’d do, random internet stranger.

I don’t trust MEMRI translations, but there is no translation needed to understand what is happening in the above footage. I’m interested in any sources that dispute the authenticity of the above, which your link does not. If you provide a credible one I will edit my post accordingly. It seems to me that this is very real.

You shouldn’t get a stereotype (or in this case I suppose propaganda?) when you give a neutral prompt.

What I’m hearing is, “AI art shouldn’t reflect reality.” If this agent is repeating propaganda, it’s propaganda that Palestinian kindergartens have been creating and putting out there on their own:

A West Bank kindergarten [Al-Tofula Kindergarten] has published videos showing children pretending to perform military drills with toy guns, clashing with and killing Israeli soldiers, and holding a mock funeral for a child who is killed and becomes a “martyr.” source

At the graduation ceremony of the Al-Hoda kindergarten in Gaza, pre-schoolers carrying mock guns and rifles simulated Islamic Jihad militants storming an Israeli building on “Al-Quds Street,” capturing a child dressed in stereotypical garb as an Orthodox Jew and killing an “Israeli soldier.” To the sounds of loud explosions and gunfire, the children, dressed in uniforms of the Islamic Jihad’s Al-Quds Brigades, attacked the building, placing a sign reading “Israel has fallen” in Hebrew and Arabic on the back of the “soldier,” who lies prone on the ground, and leaving the stage with their “hostage.” source

Yeah, I agree, I want to get into VR eventually but I refuse to use any Oculus/ Facebook product, when the next valve headset comes out though I’m all over it

Well at least Microsoft can’t ruin Blizzard any more than Activision ruined it.

problem is the its up to the Democrats and Republicans to choose to end the 2 party system. Which will never happen because they are both drunk with power.

“Both sides,” is inaccurate and inappropriate here. Democrats support ranked choice voting, Republicans oppose it. That’s what’s needed for other parties to be viable.

They wouldn’t stand a chance against the US military. Ffs, this is Michigan, a Union state, way to betray your history.

One rule for thee, another for me! That’s the way of the GOP.

I don’t understand why someone would choose threads over mastadon, where they could have all the dunking with none of the enshittening.

Republicans would love to have their own version of WeChat and their own great firewall. That’s what Musk is planning to do with whatever he’s calling twitter now, after all.

I really like the fediverse, I’m on kbin and it feels like old reddit did, before it experienced its own Eternal September. The hardest part of switching over was deciding which instance to sign up for an account on, had to try some different servers before I settled on this one.

Most existing cryptocurrencies have no inherent value, they might make sense as a currency, but having a cell in a distributed spreadsheet assigned shouldn’t be considered a growth investment and it’s absurd how many treated it that way. The only way that sort of thing works is with an endless supply of greater fools, and evidently they ran out.