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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Jan 03, 2024


And we’re potentially already past the 1.5°C threshold.

No, just the competitive ones. I’ve played plenty of multiplayer games on Linux without issues.

Even Gold can be comparable to Windows. Even silver, since a lot of games don’t actually work well or at all on Windows anymore. At the same time, Platinum can still mean issues. It’s not that black & white comparable when there’s so many factors going into it (regardless of the OS).

If setting a simple setting is too much for you, which is also a 5 second search away if you’re struggling that hard, then yeah, Linux is too much for you. But so is Windows.

Nice hypothetical, but there’s not a single industrialized country that is doing that, and it’s not even close.

Cool story. Maybe there would be more jobs available locally, if people from neighboring places wouldn’t all commute to your place and vice versa.

You commuting to your job via car is already a consequence of you deciding to use a car in the first place. You wouldn’t have accepted a job too far away unless you were using a car, or you would’ve decided to move closer to that job location. The majority of car owners also said in polls that they would not use public transport, even if it was free. And again, if people wanted governments to actually build out public transportation, bike infrastructure and more walkable neighborhoods, then they’d actually vote for those type of politicians who want that too. What we see is the literal opposite to that effect though and you’re doing the exact same finger pointing I was talking about.

Individuals could do a lot, like voting for green candidates for starters, or stop flying, stop driving cars, stop their meat & dairy consumption, stop their excessive overconsumption of goods (throwing away perfectly fine things to replace them with the newest shit), etc. etc.

Everyone loves pointing fingers to politicians or companies, but you could go into politics, you could vote for politicians who want to change things, you are the one those companies produce their shit for.

Real climate action would affect you all on an individual level, and that’s something you all do not actually want. So you all shove the issue away, not for future you but future generations that won’t even have a choice in the matter anymore.

If you want to feel bad about people buying expensive beach front houses, then you do you. But we’ve been warned about this for literally decades now, about half a century for real precise warnings - even longer for the potential repercussions of blasting greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.

You’re continuing to make a fool out of yourself dude. BRICS and “the East” are not synonymous. But yes, there are also potential talks about Serbia joining BRICS.

No, I’m not. And me pointing out Serbia’s allegiance should’ve been clue enough to understand that. The West is a collective of a shared understanding of values, values that Serbia does not share. So please stop being willfully obtuse.

Calling Serbia “the West” is kinda stupid considering they’re friends with “the East” and fail to adhere to any sort of EU law. And shit like this is precisely why Serbia will never join the EU, as this type of practice has been basically outlawed a while ago.

Or from the other side, taking a random ass USB stick from someone you barely know? Nah. Who the hell knows what it could be infested with.

I don’t understand why everyone’s so hell bent on turning the EU into yet another authoritarian mass surveillance state.

We don’t know. Sony added open source Linux drivers for their gamepads so I guess it’s not completely out of the question.

Depends highly on your country. Generally, for file sharing (peer 2 peer such as torrents), yes. For regular downloads & streaming sites, not so much, just a fully subscribed adblocker and a bit of brain juice. Although there had been some cases of peer 2 peer streaming in the past, but I think that was via flash players. I don’t know if that’s still a thing anywhere and if it is, I think it would not make it into the megathread (I hope).

Aren’t there still tons of headsets?

Definitely not on Linux.

Probably not until the Deckard comes out. Would be cool if Sony added Linux drivers for the adapter.

We had one of those thingies that would allow you to rip SNES cartridge roms onto floppy disks.

People did end up copying rentals too. Not just for videos but also games.

Crucial MX 500 & Samsung 870 Evo are reliable / good & “cheap” SATA SSDs. For NVMe there’s the WD Blue SN570 and the Kioxia Exceria G2 but keep in mind that they tend to have smaller storage sizes too and depending on your use case you might not really notice a performance difference between SATA and NVMe anyway. Personally, I stay away from all native Chinese products. They tend to have terrible quality and fall apart quickly. I’m sure there’s exceptions here and there but wading through all the garbage and having to buy twice does not seem worth it and I rather support that country as little as possible anyway.

At least be more specific if you’re looking for one specific game.

It got removed from the store a long long time ago. They moved to Gitlab but I guess that one got nuked recently too.

Does the old gitlab version still receive updates, if still installed, like the removed Mozilla addon store one?

That’s not a correct interpretation of the permission:

Access your data for sites in the “named” domain

The extension could read the content of web pages you visit in the specified domain, as well as data you enter into those web pages, such as usernames and passwords.

It requires permission to modify said domains to remove the paywall from their articles.

Gab is another far right social media site and I guess they implemented “their own” chatbot, which is definitely not GPT-4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gab_(social_network)

Doesn’t help having contradictory instructions. This will just confuse the LLM and spill out one or the other at times. Though, I would think the model it is trained on would already have an inherent bias against covid disinformation so you’d have to sort of “jailbreak” it into saying something else - which again, doesn’t work like this.

I don’t think I’ve seen any Threads content on kbin.social nor fedia.io ever. I feel if it was federating I’d see lots of it, no? Since they’re so much larger?

Germany too. And Threads isn’t even part of the Fediverse yet afaik anyway?

At that point why not run the Java version when you’re using Linux anyway? Java apps run great on Linux (compared to Windows) and this also allows them to use the Fabric based performance mods too which would boost it even more.

I’d rather not have an “AI” invade my privacy in general.

The AI could easily be operating under rules that would prevent it from telling anyone else of the trouble it had detected until you give it permission, if that would satisfy your privacy concerns.

What? That’s not how those “AIs” work at all. lol

Having an AI that is in a position to go “hey, are you alright?” Could be a boon for those folks.

Oh, thanks, I’m cured. Definitely well worth the constant breach of my privacy.

Definitely a good start. Surveillance (or ““tracking””) is one of those areas where ““AI”” is actually dangerous, unlike some of the more overblown topics in the media.

I’m not sure you know what a couple is. Also, arguing with IE of all browsers is not going to make a strong case either.