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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


Just got some equipment for my first sim rig and have been playing a ton of Assetto Corsa and DiRT Rally 2.0

I remember figuring this out when I realized my vpn wasn’t connecting while I was inside of my secure folder, which acts like it’s own user profile

You need a VPN that can split tunnel by ip via CLI (although I think it’s also possible to set it up in an ovpn file, but I haven’t tried it). The only one I’ve found that can do this natively is proton, specifically the python community version.

I don’t know how this next part works if you use something that isn’t tailscale, but if you do then just set proton’s split tunneling for

Then, still on this machine, advertise the exit node from tailscale (you also have to allow it from your tailscale admin console). Connect to it from your phone, making sure to use the server as an exit node, and head over to ip.me to see if it’s working

If I’m understanding correctly, I think I’ve actually done something similar with tailscale. I run a VPN on my server and use it as a tailscale exit node (since it’s always running, I never have to worry about it turning off) and this allows me to connect to my server remotely while using a VPN, since Android also doesn’t allow simultaneously VPN connections

Been marathoning the Assassin’s Creed series. Not even with the announcement of the new game in mind, just happened to work out that way

Side note: these aren’t very mod friendly, even on windows, but it was such a pain in the ass to get them to work on Linux

They’re already grouped together in a list that you already linked in the original post

I’ve been enjoying it but I will say the thing I’m annoyed about most right now is crafting to fast travel

Just started playing Zero Dawn and cannot believe I’m only getting to these games now

Been playing The Finals. It’s a competitive FPS that my friend says is similar to R6 Siege, but I’ve never played that so I can’t say if it’s really accurate. Regardless, I’ve been having fun

If somehow none of anyone else’s suggestions work for you, I’ve found success with PurpleTV, which comes as an extension if on PC or app if on android

For anyone who doesn’t know what this string of characters means (because I also wouldn’t have before yesterday), try using this

There are many (re)posts with this “if paying isn’t owning…” slogan and also many memes being made about the reposts. The piracy subreddit doesn’t seem to have a whole lot of piracy right now, it’s just, well, this

I don’t even know what Crackdown is about or even what the gameplay loop is supposed to be because anytime I played it, my friends and I would play the mode that basically gave you cheats and just tore shit up