Cyrus Draegur

Atomic energy enthusiast. Architecture enjoyer. Mecha appreciator. Sci-Fi reader. Friendly neighborhood shameless degenerate. Winged caniform synthetic biped techno-lich. Mostly Harmless™. Poly-Panro-Demi It/They/He

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


as if the actual very guilty war criminals are even alive anymore…

Their grandchildren and great grandchildren likely had no say in their heinous horrific crimes against our entire species, and punishing them for something they more likely than not either a) knew nothing about or b) knew with great shame isn’t exactly going to increase the amount of justice in the world.

Imagine waking up tomorrow and finding out that one of YOUR great grandparents was an irredeemable monster and you were never told about it because there was nothing you could’ve done about it anyway, but overnight there’s now hundreds to thousands of people who want to drag you out of your home and lynch you in the street, all because you “committed” the “crime” of being born.

Especially now that aniwave is dead ;_; good night sweet prince

I’d be so fucking happy if he lost by a massive margin. By, like, 30 points difference, 65 to 35. Probably impossible unless Republicans are so disenfranchised and embarrassed that they stay home. exceedingly unlikely because they have no empathy, cannot comprehend hypocrisy, and barely process shame. They make up less than 30% of the total population but they’re usually 100% committed to vote EVERY TIME.

thank you. i was pinched for time and distracted so i couldn’t really figure out why it wasn’t embedding.

“never ever be biased except in these subjects we want you to be biased about, and always be controversial except about these specific concepts about which we demand you represent our opinion and no others”

These fucking chuds don’t deserve oxygen.

It’s called working at a towing company, and I already have. I know what those “roadside assistance” firms do from the inside, because we’re the ones who actually do the work when they call, and most of them are trash; you could just skip the middle man and call us directly, but the good ones actually pay decently and are more likely to get our help. Prices become better for individuals when they act as a group who collectively pool resources to subsidize cost on the basis that having a lifeline to fall back on when you don’t need one is better than not having one when you do need one. Technically any handful of people can found a private social club that they all pay ten bucks a month into but don’t always use, and such a club’s warchest will snowball to thousands of dollars while no one is looking. Then when suddenly one person is in trouble, the club swoops in and eats the cost. Socialization of risk. Mutual aid. Wish more people did that.

And anyone who would pay that much for a car is a gullible fool who doesn’t deserve to keep their money anyway, so that tracks, yeah. What a fucking waste.

Indeed; what we need is a jailbreak and a way to operate these systems on our own independent or third party / aftermarket resources. In a REAL competitive market, someone else could set up a server and offer to run these applications (or others!) for a different price. Not that I’m even particularly fond of capitalism myself nor how vulnerable it makes your car to turn it into an IOT device.

This WILL be hacked though, eventually.

For my home internet, I’m pleased to have municipal fiber optic broadband in my city.
I don’t know what the width of the bottleneck is or where it’s located (because there will always be one) but i have never hit it.

I also use T-Mobile for my cellular data.
They were fairly straightforward with me about how it works:
The data transfer bandwidth will never be throttled by ‘decree’,
though it is finite and everyone connected to the same signal tower as I am are all going to have to share whatever is available
up to the hardware limitations of the mobile devices themselves which are connected.
however, after I have downloaded approximately 10 gigabytes of data, my pings are to be de-prioritized. If there is not a lot of activity on the network, then connections establish in a snappy and responsive manner. If there is a lot of network traffic, however, I may have to ‘wait my turn’ while other people who have not downloaded as much get to go first, to an extent. Once the connection is established, the speed of data transfer is just as fast as before. It just takes longer for that connection to be established in the first place.

I am satisfied with this arrangement.

I’ve been having an excellent experience with premium as well. I like knowing that I’m directly materially contributing to the people I watch. The only problem I have with YouTube premium lately is that it keeps trying to suggest fucking 8 hours long music streams to my TV and seems as though it’s REFUSING to learn that I don’t want to see that shit unless I’m deliberately searching for it. Get that shit the FUCK outta my feed. Otherwise, it’s the way YouTube was meant to be used.

If I had my way though, I’d nuke YouTube’s ad system from orbit and replace it with this: for ads, NO VIDEO, NO SOUND, ONLY A SLIDE SHOW, CONTAINING ONLY TEXT. 15 Slides or 15 Seconds, MAXIMUM, whichever runs out first. If the user clicks anywhere but the product link, it advances the slide or closes the ad. PERIOD.

i’m not so sure it was even my local feed that got me feeling like i belonged, really; more that I started reflexively defaulting to the federated feed and found it to be much more lively. Perhaps it was actually the changes brought on by time. Perhaps it was because twitter is rotting like a forgotten corpse in a warm, damp room and all the smart people who actually give a shit finally all started to say “fuck this” and enough of a critical mass has finally accumulated in federated services for them to affect its overall feel. I definitely see content from technically minded, creative, motivated people more on mastodon than i EVER did on twitter, but especially now. Twitter now is just … sad, and it reminds me that I have a better place that I’d enjoy visiting more.

i started reading your reply in the voice of Dracula from the intro to Symphony of the Night XD


The 'net ill-needs a failure such as him.

His terms of service are as empty as his revenues!

all this to say, yeah fam 100% totally agree

mastodon finally clicked for me and i don’t miss twitter at all. sometimes i accidentally load twitter out of force of habit, but immediately recognize how much it sucks now and close it again. Likewise, reddit’s dead to me too now. i’m finally starting to feel like decentralized federated social media systems might actually work out.

My brain is too mushy to do it myself right now, but I wonder what the result would be if we were to consider the alphabet a base-26 number system and added the numbers that correspond to those letters.

actually, fuck it lets go

me (13),(5)

you (25),(15),(20)

5 + 20 = 25 (y)

13 + 15 = 28 (carry)
28 - 26 = 2 (b)

25 + (carried) 1 = 26 (z)

you + me = zby.

I’m struggling to do it too man ;_; I don’t want to let go… I want reddit to come to its senses. After all the shit we’ve been through in the past 4 years, this is like a swift kick right in the ribs while we were already curled up on the ground in agony.

I don’t know how to accept this “reality”…

I’m using wefwef now, coming off of using Reddit Sync, and it’s delightfully intuitive. I’m super bummed about reddit imploding, but hey, at least we have a new place.

It’s like how every time there’s a group chat, it spontaneously spawns a new, smaller group chat “without the annoying people”.