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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Short answer yes. Much longer. More complex answer. Mostly. If you’re planning on your devices being able to support hardware decoding and large resolutions/ high frame rates. Sit-top boxes and appliances are not quite there right now. I believe the newer Chromecast HD absolutely supports av1. But most of the older Chromecast including Chromecast TV do not support it directly. So it will have to be re-encoded to be streamed.

That said, the codec itself is fantastic. As an example for animated content, especially. I have some super high quality rips of the old old cartoon from the '80s of the Ghostbusters franchise. We’re talking nearly a gigabyte encoded in h264 for a 22 minute episode. At SD resolution. Upscaling them to 720p and encoding them with av1. And a constant rate factor of about 40. They’ve been coming in between 80 and 200 MB in episode depending upon how much movement there is etc. The one thing with av1 is That as it degrades it sort of smooths everything which works out perfectly for animation most of the time. It can work for live action etc. As well. But you will encounter smoothing as detail is lost. But overall, it is much more preferable to the H style codex so far

Well that or use an instance that isn’t theirs, or doesn’t even federate with theirs, or simply block theirs.🤔 I mean this is really throwing the baby out with the bath water.

I have no strong love for leninists/stalinists, and think they accomplish little other than making actual socialists look bad while not being socialist themselves. But I’m not that put off by them. They’re generally fairly intellectually weak, and easy to maneuver around. Should you choose to interact with them.

The Mandalorian had overall been excellent. Really enjoyed that series. Absolutely hated the way they dumped off a good portion of it in the center of book of boba fett. Was not as thrilled with book of boba fett. But it wasn’t horrible. It just didn’t have the hook that the Mandalorian did. Not watched any of the new series yet. But yeah they’re just really wasn’t enough to justify its existence. It could have just as easily been put on hulu. After all they have such a large investment in that too.

We canceled our yearly subscription in August. Haven’t missed any of the content. I mean I’ve seen what I wanted to regardless. Just not from there.

The free market didn’t do anything. As I said the free market doesn’t exist. Can’t exist. It would be like blaming the tooth fairy.

John Smith is an interesting guy. But much of what he wrote is irrelevant and out of date. He could not imagine the society and the world that exists today. Neither could Karl Marx. And the fact that so many people go to them as their primary source is part of the problem.

Zoning is a symptom not the problem. The problem is the people putting this system in place. The people who control, have controlled, and will always control the markets. As long as we let them, and as long as we let the markets control us.

Market regulation is fine. The best regulation is to take away its control. Markets that are completely optional are the only markets that could ever possibly be free or fair.

Oh definitely. Honestly there should be no regulations or laws against any particular type of housing unless it’s due to safety. Any of this nimbi whining should be put down and ignored.

The real issue was the usage of the term free market. Having been proselytized to by free marketers constantly for basically 50 years. While personally witnessing its constant failure. Combined with how those of us in the Americas are reflexively conditioned to always refer to it reverently. It’s a big pain point. Because it’s simply is impossible to exist. Replacing the term free market in any sentence with fairy dust will either improve the sentence or at least make it no less accurate.

A fair market would be more achievable. But the only way to achieve something like that would be to make participation in that market as optional as possible. Shelter isn’t optional. Therefore leaving things like shelter to the whims of the market. Mean that the market can not only never be free. But never be fair.

However the ongoing trends of suburbanization in the United States, Canada and elsewhere are absolutely unsustainable. And the laws being used to perpetuate them. By blocking high density housing are absolutely part of the problem that needs to be solved.

The free market is incapable of existing. Human nature makes it an impossibility. So we should focus on desirable public housing to free people from the rigged markets, and keep human nature in check.

It’s hit and miss. It’s always a bit Juvenile and sometimes I find in a little detractive from the message. As in there are a lot of people I wouldn’t automatically show it to because of the humor despite how well researched and presented everything is. But I generally enjoy the schtick for what it is. This stuff would get rather dry an hard to get through without it sometimes.

Prove your claim first then ask him to prove his. Even you yourself just admitted such things existed before capitalism. Therefore you concede his point. Prove your point.