My stuff:

#StarTrek - Voyager is my favorite, Discovery is a very close second


#Books - Sci/fi and fantasty mostly, but I’m up for a good recommendation of any genre

#OpenStreetMap - A free and open map created by volunteers


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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I’m glad I am not the only one that feels this way. I have a ton of edits under my belt but I feel completely out of touch with what gets talking about on the forums and Slack.

As a HUGE Tron fan, this is amazing! The odds of finding this cabinet in still working order sitting on a sidewalk abandoned…. Wow.

Coming up with a domain name that I am happy with is an impossible task. I usually accept one I find “good enough” otherwise I end up in your situation three days later. I completely understand your frustration!

I’ve tried this once or twice but always end up not using it because I don’t trust myself to keep a server up.

Would you consider hosting your own Nextcloud through a provider like Hetzner a nice intermediary step?

I have been using Mlem for a while and the last update or two through TestFlight have completely gotten rid of crashes (for me!). I know a lot of features are missing, but Mlem seems to be going in a great direction.

It is just so incredibly odd to me. I grew up in a baptist church (would never step foot in one again.) The people there genuinely seemed to do good work, caring for the poor, donating toys to children, food as well. I do not understand where this push from the right came from. This is incredibly cruel and inhumane.