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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I’ve read your other comments. There aren’t microtransactions from what I can see, and you’re just here to be a contrarian. It isn’t working.

I play an Oathbreaker Paladin and I have never had this problem. Usually, I’m the one shoving things to their death if I absolutely must.
So, your positioning needs reconsidering, or you need to use your tank/STR character to force an opening so you can relocate. OR you’re just really unlucky.
From my perspective, if you’re falling to your death that much, it’s more likely you either like standing on cliffs or you’re trying to make excessive use of High Ground attack bonus, which IMO isn’t enough to justify me wasting a move turn repositioning and setting myself up for a potential fall.
By all accounts, this is not a bug, nor is it a problem if you adapt your strategy to prevent such a thing.

Sons Of The Forest is surprisingly detailed, but you don’t have much time to take in the sights and the foliage when there’s cannibals chasing you through the woods.

I almost picked it up off GMG, but I’m really not a platformer guy.

Oh. Now this is gonna be some hot garbage.
Shame, too. NovaLogic had some great milsim IPs back in the day. This was probably their best known. I always used to play Comanche 3, Delta Force 2 and Delta Force: Land Warrior as a kid.

I was, until I hit the bosses in the Chapter 1 capstone mission.

Most of the game isn’t too bad. The bosses I cannot handle.

I heard they went a different direction, and it plays like Devil May Cry.
I’m personally not picking up another FF until they go back go the classic format of the PSX days. Actual turn-based battles. I already got burned by FFXV and the FF7 remake.
At least Falcom is still making good old fashioned JRPGs with The Legend of Heroes…

I know its highly unrealistic, but I think the one thing I want above all else from the gaming industry is for studios, publishers etc. to keep quiet about upcoming releases until they have a finished or nearly finished product all set. That way the release date can, yknow, be the actual release date.

Putin fucked it up for the one title I’ve been waiting over a decade for. And it got delayed until next year. Again.

The only thing I have been satisfied with is Baldur’s Gate 3 and I lost interest before I completed Act 3. I’m so immensely fucking pissed off with Armored Core 6 right now that I’m considering uninstalling.
It’s not that it’s bad. It’s actually a really well-made game. But it’s fucking FromSoft, and it’s their “games aren’t shit unless they’re infuriatingly hard” bullshit they’ve always been on.
I don’t know what I was expecting. I beat Elden Ring and the bosses weren’t on this level of nonsense.
And with the news that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 just got pushed back AGAIN, I’m not having a good year in gaming, no.
I need Starfield to be good or I walk away from gaming altogether until next year. It’s getting to be not worth it anymore to me.

When I buy a Bethesda game, I know what I’m getting into. People bitch, but like you said, it’s the familiarity I’m going for.
And you know the modding scene is going to be good in a year or so.

The guy posts anti-LGBT memes everywhere. He’s one of these losers that likes to use “cuck” in his comments. I’d ban on that alone. Hell, I’d ban anyone for being a Trump supporter or a tankie. Then again, that’s why I’m not a mod, never was, and shouldn’t be.

Because people are so disconnected from the actual logistics of getting shit done. They live in fantasy where they believe turning an entire state into a vegan hippie commune is totally viable. That’s why communities like fuck_cars exist and are filled with self-righteous idealists that, yes, probably live in cities and don’t understand how shit works in the world outside of public transportation and bicycles.

I think, with 700k concurrent players, we need to recognize cRPGs may not be as niche as we previously thought. However, your point stands: this isn’t going to hurt anyone’s revenue from MTX.

So far, every article I’ve seen about Baldur’s Gate 3’s effect on the gaming industry has been horse shit. Other studios and publishers are not “panicking,” they’re not going to rethink microtransactions, and they’re not going to be daunted by this release; some devs have said as much already along the lines of “Yeah don’t expect this breadth and scope from us going forward, because it doesn’t work for our games.”
This game is not the industry-spanning “gotcha” these writers have been trying to make it out to be. AAA devs or publishers are going to continue their nonsense because people will continue to buy their shit anyway, and they know it.
All that said, BG3 is the best game I’ve played in a number of years and hands-down the best cRPG I’ve ever played. It smokes Divinity, Icewind Dale, the previous BG games, NWN, etc. So if any studios do happen to have a positive takeaway from this, maybe we’ll see at least some of that polish in games down the line.

No, you’re right, it’s all of them. Ubisoft is one of the worst perpetrators of this shit actually. Far Cry games having an online shop is so unnecessary.
Edit: In fact, they’re so bad they attempted to implement NFTs in Ghost Recon. Like… what?
That didn’t last though.

Nah, there’s enough garbage on Steam as it is, we don’t need any more. Fuck Blizz.

The beauty of Bethesda’s flagship titles (namely Fallout and TES) is even if they end up as buggy messes upon release, or have empty maps, the modding community corrects those flaws relatively quickly.
It’s one of the reasons that I, a long-time veteran of S.T.A.L.K.E.R., am not worried if GSC Game World fucks up S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2. Today, the best part of the first titles is the mods that fix, improve, and add content to the games. It’ll be the same with this one, and I’m excited to see what people do with A-Life 2.0.

Real talk. I don’t game on console anymore, but Metal Gear Solid is the crowning jewel of console game plots.
Ever tried explaining the series to someone unfamiliar with it? You end up sounding like a fuckin meth head coming off a binge, and to me that makes it a narrative worth diving in to.

Not even close. I’m playing it right now, well into act 2, and while it is THE ultimate example of what a cRPG should be, that doesn’t necessarily mean the breadth and scope would work in other genres. You’re WAY overestimating the impact this is having on the gaming industry, and that’s evidenced by how other developers are responding to it.
Also. I’ve played through all the Mass Effects (even Andromeda, which I actually enjoyed more) and to say that it was industry-defining is a fanboy take. Full stop. From where I’m sitting ME1 did not introduce anything groundbreaking that hadn’t been done already by that point, and to be honest the early Fallout games had way more gravity when it came to choices and decision-making. I’d say of games in that era, the original Borderlands was more ground-breaking given it kind of kickstarted the looter-shooter genre, and that’s a stretch.

I usually despise cRPGs (turn-based, party-based tactical, can’t grind to be OP, decisions matter TOO much) but love JRPGs. But I cannot put this game down. It’s just too well-made and there’s too much flexibility and interactivity not to be intrigued at every turn.

And while MGS is the best series I’ve played on console, the story has still always been a convoluted mess. Try explaining that plot to a layman, and you’ll sound like a homeless meth head in the throes of a binge.
Death Stranding wasn’t any more coherent either, and that’s why I think the next game is going to be highly entertaining.

Well, whatever it’s going to do, I’m sure it’ll be fucking weird and convoluted as usual.

Can you elaborate further on this? It’s not a take I’m familiar with when it comes to Kojima.

It’s the primary reason I put down Breath of the Wild. Hit an enemy three times with a basic weapon and it breaks? Nah, I’m good.
I think if I had any sort of fandom towards Legend of Zelda as a series, I may have stuck with it, but that’s just not a series I could get into when it was coming up (Link To The Past, Ocarina, etc.)
Weapon durability in, say, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is handled way better. Gun starts to slowly become inaccurate and more unreliable (more frequent jamming, which means you have to reload mid-firefight to clear the jam. I actually like that).

Hahaha. If I didn’t know better I would think you just got done doing that fishing competition in Trails In The Sky 3rd.

I cannot imagine life without music. I’ve met people that have told me “I don’t really listen to music at all,” and I never really understood that frame of mind.

Well, they’re going to have to try a lot harder to convince me. In fact I don’t think it’s possible for me to see Denuvo as anything but malware.

I know a lot of people that played WoW back then, and their experiences were largely the same. I didn’t get much into MMOs beyond Guild Wars 1 at that time. Final Fantasy XIV was good for a time, but Elder Scrolls Online blew me away after they basically redid the game. That was obviously much later in life, though, and that’s a very different framework of MMORPG than classic WoW and its early expansions.

God, that’d be amazing but I’ve been burned so many times in the past that I can’t hold my breath.

Backface culling provides efficiency and performance. Blockchains provide nothing that can’t already be done through more efficient means. There is literally no viable use case for blockchain or NFTs in video games, which is exactly why every implementation has righteously failed or never got off the ground to begin with.

All the old MechWarrior games, starting with MechWarrior 2. That was my childhood. PGI didn’t have what it takes to recapture that with MechWarrior Online or MechWarrior 5.
Shout out to Half-Life 1 and Team Fortress Classic (1.5). THAT was my teenage years. I played an insurmountable amount of TFC, adminned a couple servers, and took zero interest in TF2, because it just wasn’t the same without concs, throwable frag nades, etc.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl was a gamechanger though. That released when I was in college. Fell in love with the hopeless atmosphere, good gunplay, and the eurojank. I still play the various S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mods to this day and am eagerly awaiting the release of number 2 (slated for December, but we will see. Devs have been through a lot).

Is a new Deus Ex game confirmed? Because I have heard absolutely nothing about that and was under the impression they were done with the series.

I would think that more older millenials were playing these games as kids than Gen-Xers were playing them as young adults.

Community-made mods that you can find over at Nexus, but they usually require ownership of the expansions, if I remember correctly. You definitely want to play through the standard vanilla game for a while before you go messing with any mod packs though, because they are substantially harder.

I’ve been into the BattleTech universe since I was a kid (when I first got MechWarrior 2 on Win95), and nothing has frustrated me quite as hard as some BattleTech missions.
There are some mega mod packs for that game too that drastically change the ruleset (hit mechanics, how cover and evasion works, etc) as well as add in hundreds of new units ('Mechs, armor, VTOLs, even Clan Elemental infantry if you’re playing one of the post-3050 mods). RogueTech is absolutely fucking infuriating, but so far it’s the closest you can get to tabletop rules.

Yo, I don’t mean to get all John Connor or anything, but we need to put a stop to and legislate against AI. Full stop.
We already see how it’s being misused.