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Pronouns: They/them


  • 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


Like I said, not an expert haha (thanks for explaining what mTLS is because I had assumed I knew but truly didn’t)

That being said, I found a reddit thread detailing what seems to be the same issue as you, with OP linking a Stack Exchange post with their solution.

After some searching, maybe following the instructions on this blog post would work?

I’m by no means an expert though, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt.

I’m pretty sure you need to install it using “CA certificate” rather than the “VPN and app user certificate” option.

NB has never been a safe haven for queer people, but the brazenness of homophobes and transphobes has increased dramatically since Premier Higgs’ attack on trans youth and policy 713.

I personally know quite a few drag performers in the province, and every single one of them consistently receives death threats and harassment on their social media.

If you vote conservative, fuck you. The rhetoric of the Conservatives (both provincially in NB and federally) is directly influencing the rise of hate crimes towards people I love. If you still support these political parties, you are either uninformed to a ridiculous degree (in which case, please educate yourself before giving your support to people) or you’re a shitstain on society.

It’s wild how conservatives constantly have the worst takes on absolutely everything. It’d be funny if I weren’t so worried. How they always end up having whichever opinion is furthest away from scientific consensus and/or human decency is actually absurd. You’d think they’d at least occasionally end up having a few reasonable, well thought-out views.

I’m mostly planning on working, because I need to afford rent and groceries.

If I’m lucky, I might try to get some time off and do a small bicycle tour in PEI.

Then they did some consultations with the public and said that not enough people wanted it.

Worse than that, Trudeau straight up said “People wanted electoral reform because they were unsatisfied under the Harper government, now that we’re in power everything is fine and people don’t care about electoral reform anymore.”

Source article in Le Devoir (French), I’ll quote the relevant part here:

« Sous M. [Stephen] Harper, il y avait tellement de gens mécontents du gouvernement et de son approche que les gens disaient “ça prend une réforme électorale pour ne plus avoir de gouvernement qu’on n’aime pas”. Or, sous le système actuel, ils ont maintenant un gouvernement avec lequel ils sont plus satisfaits. Et la motivation de vouloir changer le système électoral est moins percutante [ou moins criante] »

If your VPN has Canadian servers, CBC always has a very good website for watching the Olympics and IIRC you only need a Canadian IP address to access it.

On another note fuck Trudeau for running again, essentially guaranteeing that Canada will have a fucking Con gov’t

I definitely don’t disagree with you here, but on the other hand, I don’t imagine the Liberals pushing a candidate that wouldn’t just bring them even further right of centre…

I acknowledge I can’t completely remove myself from contributing to suffering and climate change (short of killing myself, which I have no intention of doing.)

However I’ll do all I can to minimize my impact. Including being vegan, living a generally minimal consumption lifestyle, buying secondhand as much as possible, walking or cycling everywhere, and not bringing any children into this world.

I’ll also acknowledge my individual actions don’t really make any difference in the grand scheme of things, but I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t at least try to live in a manner that won’t make our planet inhospitable to our species before the end of the century.

Sorry my diet doesn’t cause enough death, suffering, and environmental destruction for your tastes.

Most definitely not “just on the internet” (which is kind of a weird statement, the vast majority of Canadians use the internet). Just have a look at the current polling.

Anecdotally, here in NB (which is a conservative cesspool, to be fair) I’ve seen a few “Fuck Trudeau” stickers and flags, and have heard many go off on rants about why he’s to blame for everything they dislike (typically stuff over which the prime minister has zero power).

It almost makes me feel bad for disliking Trudeau for being a massive neoliberal and lying about getting rid of first-past-the-post. I don’t want to be associated with the “Fuck Trudeau” crowd.

Here’s the best article I could find after some brief searching. Sorry for linking to a “law enforcement magazine”, but the article is actually quite well written and concise.

There’s some confusion somewhere here, but I’m not entirely sure where. If you’re using a torrent client, you’re not using Real-Debrid. You can download torrents via Real-Debrid, but the torrent part is done on their servers. When you then download the files, you’re not torrenting, you’re downloading directly from Real-Debrid’s servers.

If do you want torrent client recommendations, qbittorrent on PC and LibreTorrent on Android. Just know that you wouldn’t be using Real-Debrid while using these.

Our country is becoming unliveable for anyone who isn’t rich, must be because of immigrants and trans people!! (/s)

I wish people would band together to hate the wealthy instead of minorities.

They’re talking about Real Debrid, which is a subscription service allowing access to hosters and easy conversion of torrents to direct streams. It’s really cheap and absolutely worth the money IMO, but RD doesn’t seed torrents. Distributing content in that manner would get them in heaps of legal trouble.

I guess it does somewhat solve the problem of leeching, as if anyone has streamed a torrent via RD in the past 30 days you’ll just load their cached copy, but I was perhaps naïvely hoping for an actual addon (RD is not an addon but rather can be configured through Torrentio) that somehow seeded torrents I stream.

There is also a Trakt add-on, like the other commenter said the integration isn’t as seamless as a well-maintained Kodi setup, but it’s definitely good enough that I’ve switched from Kodi to Stremio with Trakt being the way I organise my TV/movie watchlists.

Kodi + add-ons is great if you like tinkering, otherwise I would recommend Stremio with the Torrentio add-on. Stremio + Torrentio + Real-Debrid is the easiest way to consume pirated media IMO.

There’s so much missing history in early tech. This article reminds me of Ahoy’s video on YouTube about the first video game.

Silly me, here I’ve been stealing from Loblaws every time I enter one of their stores!

Shop local, shoplift mega-corps

Wow you seem so welcoming, really makes me want to be a part of your community! 😊 /s

Look I definitely agree with you, never had a car and never plan on having one, and I try to promote cycling as a means of transportation as much as possible.

That being said, just replying “bicycles” is likely to rub people the wrong way. Bikes are not a 1:1 replacement for motor vehicles. There has to be investment into public transit, especially for intercity travel, as well as investments into safer cycling infrastructure.

Higgs and his gang are for sure foaming at the mouth looking at this situation from over in New Brunswick.

Is that directed at the people

Did they say “Fuck Israelis”? You have to be either really thin-skinned to take offense to “Fuck insert country here”, or you support the thing that’s being criticized (which in this case is genocide).

Like, I’m Canadian, and when First Nations people say “Fuck Canada” because of the centuries of oppression and genocide they’ve faced, I don’t take personal offense because I do not support the genocide of First Nations people. They’re right, fuck Canada.

You can run commands, so systemctl poweroff should work to turn off your computer (on Linux, not sure how KDE Connect works on Windows, but I’d assume there’s an equivalent)

Honestly, I’d probably download Garry’s Mod for the first time in years if someone were asking for a crew to play prophunt with.

(Trouble in Terrorist Town, if i can save anyone a web search)

The media coverage of the current surge in right-wing attacks on the queer community is so fucking frustrating to me.

Is this really the level of analysis we’re at after a year filled with protests against our rights and our legislators enacting laws and policies to appease the right-wing assholes?

“Right-wing extremist homophobes and transphobes could inspire violence against the 2SLGBTQIA+ community”, like no fucking shit. You don’t need “experts” from CSIS to tell you that, ask literally any queer person. These people are trying to convince people that all queers are paedophiles for fucks sake.

I saw an article the other day that said “anti-trans laws hurt the queer community”. Wow, such journalism, I’m glad someone was there to tell me that fascist legislation drafted specifically to oppress trans people would hurt the queer community!

We’re gonna start putting people in concentration camps and the news is just gonna be like “Putting trans people in gas chambers could inspire and encourage their deaths”.

You know what, you’re completely right. Thanks for pointing that out, my brain just auto-completed that detail because of how prevalent “AI” is in the news these days.

Honestly though, if it’s a more traditional chatbot that they had to program themselves, it’s all the more embarrassing for Air Canada that they were trying to weasel themselves out of this.

A quick search led me to Passbolt which has multiple user support, native installs for both Debian and Fedora (you’ll need to add their repo manually, though) and an Android app, so it seems to fit all your criteria.

Just curious, are there any specific reasons you wish to avoid docker?

I’m not a mod so I can’t speak to their intentions for the community but IMO the size isn’t there yet on Lemmy to separate topics to that extent. There’s a politics-oriented community yet there’s still plenty of threads about politics here.

We shouldn’t be spreading what little community we have too thin.

I wonder how anyone in their right mind would propose the defense “we can’t be held liable for what the chatbot we purposefully put on our website said”. Did Air Canada’s lawyers truly think this would fly?

If you don’t want to be held to AI hallucinations, don’t put an AI chatbot on your website, seems easy enough.

Jake Moffatt was booking a flight to Toronto and asked the bot about the airline's bereavement rates – reduced fares provided in the event someone needs to travel due to the death of an immediate family member. Moffatt said he was told that these fares could be claimed retroactively by completing a refund application within 90 days of the date the ticket was issued, and submitted a screenshot of his conversation with the bot as evidence supporting this claim. The airline refused the refund because it said its policy was that bereavement fare could not, in fact, be claimed retroactively. Air Canada argued that it could not be held liable for information provided by the bot.

If all else fails, see if you can find their email. Authors are willing to share their work more often than not.

I haven’t heard of anyone using FRAPS in like a decade! Last I checked (which admittedly is a couple of years ago now) OBS seemed to be the screen recording tool of choice.

I assume they meant alcoholic beverage of choice.

Also, while beer has been losing market share since around 2008, it remains the most popular alcoholic beverage nationwide, as well as being the most popular for every province except BC and Québec (who both prefer wine).

“Ciders, coolers, and other refreshment beverages” account for only around 10% of the market share, behind beer, wine, and spirits, so I’m not sure where you get the idea that cider is the most popular alcoholic drink.

Does anyone still burn their movies to DVD?
Okay I'm fully aware of how ridiculous this sounds in 2023, but bare with me. I have a wonderful neighbour, Jackie. She's in her mid-sixties, and ever since she moved in we have become very good friends, she's like a second mom to me. Jackie *loves* movies and has an enormous DVD collection. One day, she was talking about how she couldn't find a particular movie, and I said "I can probably download that for you!" Her immediate reply was "Can you put it on a DVD?" I tried telling her the many reasons it would be better to use a myriad of other solutions, but she insists on DVDs. I did them for a while using DVDStyler on Windows, and it worked fine. But then I installed EndeavourOS on a new partition on my hard drive, tried using Brasero and Devede but it wouldn't read on her DVD player. Then I tried DVDStyler on my Linux partition, and it didn't work on her DVD player, despite saying the operation was successful on my end. I then tried booting up into Windows and using DVDStyler, and that *also* didn't work, not even letting me burn the disc. Does anyone have *any* ideas what could fix this? I've tried playing around with the settings in all these apps but I couldn't figure it out. Apologies if this isn't the best place to ask this, but I figured a community of pirates would understand my desire to get movies to Jackie without her having to pray to find them in a pawn shop!

Want a more accurate number of Canada’s homeless population? Try counting health data
A new method for counting homeless people is offering a clearer look at the magnitude of the social issue, with preliminary results indicating the country's homeless population could be three times higher than current estimates.

List of provincial communities / Liste de communautés provinciales
If you know of a community that isn't listed here, or you just created one, mention it in the comments and I'll add it to the list! /// Si vous connaissez une communauté qui n'est pas listée, ou vous en avez créé une, mentionnez-la dans les commentaires et je l'ajouterai! Province|Community :--|:-- **Ontario**|[*!*](/c/ **Québec**|[*!*](/c/ **British Columbia:**|[*!*](/c/ **Alberta:**|[*!*](/c/ **Nova Scotia:**|[*!*](/c/ or [*!*](/c/ **New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick:**|[*!*](/c/ **Newfoundland and Labrador:**|[*!*](/c/ **Prince Edward Island:**|[*!*](/c/ **Manitoba:**|[*!*](/c/ **Saskatchewan:**|[*!*](/c/ *Links are clickable and will redirect you to the community in whatever instance you're browsing in, as long as your server has already loaded it. Otherwise, search using the ! syntax.* /// *Les liens peuvent être clickés afin de vous rediriger vers la communauté dans votre instance de choix, tant que votre serveur l'a déjà chargé. Sinon, faites une recherche en utilisant la syntaxe !*