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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Does the uid you are using to run nginx have permissions to read the root folder (defined above as /var/www/html/partviewer/public , not the actual linux root) and below?

I just got an email about a new power supply board for the rpi5 - PD Power Extension Board for Raspberry Pi 5. It’s on their pihut website and is $20. Has multiple input types.

Fantasy Grounds has a 30 day no questions asked guarantee. If you don’t like it they will refund your money. Their license goes on sale quite a bit so you might be able to get it at a pretty good discount depending on the timeframe.

They put a link in with the total…

Total Excluding duplicates 133,708,037 files 913.1 TB

You are fighting a losing battle and are damned if you do and damned if you don’t. I am willing to bet the people complaining about things being changed wouldn’t have even noticed if you hadn’t pointed it out. LOL.

I get that, but if it’s the only place something exists, it might be your only option and I was just tossing it out there so people knew it was available.

Just want to point out that you can download audio from a Youtube video using yt-dlp and the following options:

-x, --extract-audio                               Convert video files to audio-only files (requires ffmpeg and
--audio-format FORMAT                             Format to convert the audio to when -x is used. (currently
                                                  supported: best (default), aac, alac, flac, m4a, mp3, opus,
                                                  vorbis, wav). You can specify multiple rules using similar syntax
                                                  as --remux-video
--audio-quality QUALITY                           Specify ffmpeg audio quality to use when converting the audio with
                                                  -x. Insert a value between 0 (best) and 10 (worst) for VBR or a
                                                  specific bitrate like 128K (default 5)

You might have to use a tool to re-do the tags, but that’s pretty easy to do. Edit: also want to point out that yt-dlp also works with a number of other sites besides Youtube.

That is going to depend on what type of access the ftp server allows. If it’s anonymous then I would argue that no, you cannot be bound by a EULA if no dialog is presented. But the article mentions “In addition to harvesting data from WorldCat.org, the defendants are also accused of obtaining and using credentials of a member library to access WorldCat Discovery Services.” Now it’s just my speculation, but if they used someone else’s id to scrape the data, then WorldCat can just produce any documents that id agreed to, and it will apply here. Sounds like they done goofed.

I always assume that. My mom was getting up there in age, and just having a fun time entering in her work. She had no clue that would happen, until it did.

I swear I read a thread here (on lemmy) recently that one of these subtitle sites was embedding ads in the subtitles. Now that takes things even further than scummier in my opinion, especially since subtitles are for availability.

And ancestry dot com. That one still chaps my ass. My mom spent so much time in there adding in her work, and they just fucking locked it one day behind a paywall. Fuck these sites that just take the users hard work and then try and profit off it without announcing that from the get go.

yt-dlp -F {youtube url} - Will list the different streams for you, which you can then individually download with “-f {stream number}”. You can use ffmpeg to put them all back together after. I know op asked for gui, but I figured I would point out the command line options just in case it was helpful.

I just yt-dlp any videos I want to watch and copy them over to my plex server. No ads to be found and none of these bullshit games.

I mean if you want to go full technical here, your dvd/bluray player is breaking the DRM as well.

Edit: Ignore this, I am a dumbass.

You know that shows only come on at scheduled times, and having a set of various tapes was the same as having an online subscription that’s being discussed in this thread. And yes, we taped shows for the kids to watch and add to their library. There’s a million things I can’t explain why a couple of kids aged 3 and 6 would do. Watching Barney over and over is just one of them.

Even at a young age they have their own freewill. I forced nothing, merely provided them the tools, which was my point. You don’t have to have a subscription to a streaming service to keep a child entertained.

Managed accounts is a huge one for me. Even with just one extra person in your household, it is a lifesaver for keeping everything separate.

It’s funny how we managed to survive without streaming services. I distinctly remember teaching my kids how to rewind a vcr tape. They watched the same Barney episode about 400 times per day. Guess kids nowadays can’t handle that.

The professors who still keep shilling Matlab should be fired.

Don’t a lot of professors write their own textbooks, and then shill those to the students as mandatory? Good luck upsetting this apple cart.

Commenting because I too am interested in this. I also would like to see if anyone has solved the issue with Thunderbird and Yahoo email where only 10,000 emails are kept. I have an inbox with about 20+years of emails, and with the 10k cap, I realized Thunderbird was literally deleting the oldest ones. Since I wisely told it not to delete them on the server when it copied them, I didn’t lose them, but with that volume of emails, I really don’t want to have to manually move them into folders. Guess this turned into a ramble, but it would be nice to have a backup since you never know when one day you will wake up to be told service x is shutting down.

So throwing out a hypothetical here. I am going to migrate a sub from reddit where I was basically the only person creating the content. How would I keep someone else from picking the same username as me on a different instance, and then copying my exact posts after I post them on my instance? The content I put up on reddit solely belonged to me, but I do have a little concern about the scenario that I am posing.