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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


I’m not sure I necessarily agree. Your assessment is correct, but I don’t really think this situation is security by obscurity. Like most things in computer security, you have to weight the pros and cons to each approach.

Yubico used components that all passed Common Criteria certification and built their product in a read-only configuration to prevent any potential shenanigans with vulnerable firmware updates. This approach almost entirely protects them from supply-chain attacks like what happened with ZX a few months back.

To exploit this vulnerability you need physical access to the device, a ton of expensive equipment, and an incredibly deep knowledge in digital cryptography. This is effectively a non-issue for your average Yubikey user. The people this does affect will be retiring and replacing their Yubikeys with the newest models ASAP.

Absolutely. If you are the CISO in a place where security is a top priority with adversaries that may have access to the equipment and knowledge to exploit this, you will absolutely want to retire the keys ASAP and replace them with the new model that is not vulnerable to this.

And she was the best premier we ever had despite what the bumper stickers on every lifted F150 would have you believe.

Health care up here is controlled at the province level. Alberta is basically Texas, in that for the last century, it’s been controlled by a huge conservative majority.

If Alberta actually forces this through, I know I’m not the only one that will be looking to move.

She was invited to meet with the principal, who De Meyer says told her the school was up to code.

“Im sorry you’re having trouble, but understand that we are doing the legal bare minimum to help you people out”

You dont need to remind us to sympathize with the people you laid off, Phil. Thats the whole reason why your PR is bad right now.

Man, that fucking sucks.

I lost my sense of smell for about a month when I got Covid for the first time and it was torture.

This is explicitly against their TOS. Whether or not you’ll be found out is a whole other matter

I started Ori specifically because I didnt want to endlessly throw myself at Soul Master and the Watcher Knights again.

I’m about 60% through Ori and the Blind forest. Its curently scratching an itch I have for metroidvania games.

However, I learned that instead of patching the original game or releasing a DLC, they just made a re-release and im not buying the game a second time just for a new area and some improved QoL with fast travel.

It’s good opsec to have a VPN when torrenting but thats largely due to the risk of being identified commiting a crime.(Or at the very least, having your ISP send you an angry letter about copyright infringement)

If thats not part of your threat model, then you dont need to worry.

The Internet Archive is right up there with Wikipedia in terms of public good they have done.

It’s a travesty thet they even need to fight this.

He also claimed Ottawa’s push into pharmacare could dismantle private drug insurance and leave Canadians with inferior coverage and higher taxes to pay for it all.

Cool, my private insurance currently costs $103/month. How much will my taxes go up? If its less than that, then its a good deal.

So far, the only thing AI has shown to be pretty good at is summerizing a large amount of data, and even then it cant be fully trusted to not make mistakes.

Yes, it’s possible

You need a SIP trunk to connect to and a PBX server. I would also recommend a proxy server to obfuscate your SIP server as it will be constantly attacked.

It doesn’t technically need its own network, but having it on its own VLAN is recommended as you will want to have some QoS policies for the UDP voice traffic otherwise your call audio will be choppy

Apps get a one strike rule. The minute I get a notification I don’t want, that app doesn’t get to send me notifications anymore

This would turn the Internet into a hell scape if only because corporations could throw huge amounts of money around.

There would be incentive for the Pizza Huts and the Walmarts of the world to just assume control of the websites for any local competitors.

Domain squatting is incredibly scummy, but I have no idea how it would be possible to have any other system.

My understanding is that domains do expire unless you pay the fee to renew for another year.

Regarding unused domain names, how would anyone know if a particular name is being unused? Domain names are used for more things than browsable websites. You’d have to have a system that could determine if traffic is going to those names, which seems bad from a privacy standpoint and also pretty easy to script around.

Eventually you’ll reach the point where instead of checking Netflix for X and settling for Y locally, you’ll just download X and watch it.

Air Canada probably spent more trying to fight this claim rather than just issuing payment when the chatbot logs were sent in

I agree that for this size of network AD is definitely not something you want to deal with unless you want to learn how it works.

However, I’m not sure it really increases attack vectors to have it running, outside of the fact that it’s a new network service on the LAN. The out of the box default configuration is not bad these days, security-wise

I believe there was a recent EU ruling that mandated that this must be allowed.

I’m not sure of the details, however.

I’m sorry for my neighbors. People out here are more interested in punishing Trudeau than they are in improving their own lives

Wow, I never thought this would actually pass. I was 100% expecting some bureaucratic fuckery to prevent it.

Good job, NDP

I am always reminded of this tweet from ProZD when printers come up:

i’ve got a billion dollar idea, imagine a computer printer but like, it actually fucking works, it prints every time like it’s fucking supposed to without issue, it just does that no fucking problem, companies, feel free to take this idea, this one’s on me

Just wait until they learn about Daemons

Do you know if this still gives artists the most cash after Epic’s purchase(and recent sale to songtradr)?

Link speaks in both the CDi games and the cartoon that was attached to the Mario Bros super show.

The general consensus on the Mario movie probably doesn’t matter much as it made over a billion dollars worldwide. Personally I thought it was fine but lacks a lot of the heart that made the deeply flawed 1993 movie so charming.

Asymmetric key exchange works by utilising a complex math equation involving massive exponents that is easy to run to get an answer, but very hard to use that answer to get the numbers you started with.

With traditional computers, you essentially need to try every combination of numbers through trial and error to get the starting values.

Quantum computers are almost purpose built for this kind of math and can solve those types of problems exponentially faster than traditional computers.

However, for a symmetric key, there isn’t an exchange that can be attacked, both sides already know the key.

There are a few things that determine the amount of RAM your PC can handle.

Simplest is the amount of slots on the Mobo. It’s hard to put extra RAM into a machine if there is nowhere to plug it in.

Next is the motherboard limitation. This is mostly based on the type of RAM it takes. DDR4 has a maximum size of 64GB per DIMM and DDR5 maxes out at 512GB per DIMM

Finally and most crucially is the CPU. CPUs have onboard memory controllers these days and they can only handle the amount of RAM that they can address. This value changes from CPU to CPU so you’ll want to check the specs for the model you have.

If you go over the supported amount, the PC will likely just fail to POST and never boot. If it does boot it will just ignore the extra RAM and never actually use it.

I read that she has already spent over a month in jail for this.

I’d say she’s itching to become a conservative martyr by being very publicly sent to prison by a “tyrannical government”. She’s hoping people will protest for her freedom.

A top-down Zelda could be in the cards. Perhaps a Links Awakening style remake of the Oracle games or Minish Cap

Much smaller in scope than TotK and therefore much faster and cheaper to develop, especially if they just re-use the LA engine.

It’s a lot cheaper than getting an EE to design you a more efficient bespoke solution.

Yep, exactly.

If you can buy 10 Pis for the cost of one real PLC, and the only downtime you have if it fails is the time to swap the board and boot the machine back up it’s a no-brainer solution.

I mean, the cold reality is that they developed and released a perfect piece of hardware for industrial automation and sold it for pennies in comparison to other industrial computer boards.

Industry will always have deeper pockets than hobbyists.

I can’t say anything about US cities, but they are all over the place in Canadian cities(or at least they are where I live)

Won’t someone please think of the poor corporations sitting on those IP rights hoping to squeeze them for profit someday?

You’re practically taking the bread out of the CEOs mouth

Running a torrent can have a pretty significant draw on bandwidth, but it shouldn’t affect much else.

If you’re doing things locally it should be almost unnoticeable. If you’re trying to surf the net or stream video then you will absolutely see a performance hit.

If that is what you’re doing, you can set bandwidth limits on most clients (I have no experience with Transmission) to make the experience better

I suspect that you can connect to the network for free, but whatever gateway they have won’t route anything unless you pay for access

OP routed around their gateway and got access without needing to pay.