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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Except that a PC with modern specs costs over $2k to build. Comparing PCs to Consoles is a fools errand, yes of course it’s way better, because my gaming PC also cost five times as much to build.

I bought a PS5 earlier this year that’s just collecting dust. I guess I didn’t realize or appreciate until after purchase that there is very few actual PS5 titles. There is no way in hell I would consider a PS5 Pro with their current library.

Yeah that’s a fair point. But you should still be able to play offline. I’m not much of an online gamer anyways.

Yeah I think we’ve learned by now that if you can’t touch it, you don’t own it. I’m tired of “leasing” software.

That’s happened to me with a couple of phone apps too. Its infuriating.

I’m peak subscription overload. I’m looking for ways to turf a bunch of ours, I’m currently trying to prove to my wife that our IPTV sub has everything that she needs and the Netflix/Disney/Amazon/Paramount subs can all fuck off and die. Almost there.

Next up is the bike trainer, roadside assistance, fitness and music subs. I’ll keep Spotify because I like how it integrates with our car, but that’s the ONLY reason.

They are saying that the bullet might have been up to some conspiracy stuff. I’m dumb as shit, and even I got that first read. C’mon. The bullet might have been from one of those Disney movies, or straight from the acme factory. You don’t know.

For real though, don’t take life so seriously. It’s hard to find humor in serious events where people died, don’t get me wrong, but at the same time a little bit of color might bring a bit of joy or a laugh to someone at a time when everyone is trying to get us to all focus on darkness.

I know if I was an ISP, I’d be like, Oh shit, we lost those logs again.

Fast forward 24 hours

Awww shit, it happened again

And so on…

There were some cheap ass weird ones in North America too. I remember for Christmas we’d ask for a Joycon or something like that, and we’d get “the Joycron,” which looked nothing like a controller, had a weird shape, felt like shit and was cheap as hell. The old man would be like, arrrr we saw it at the BiWay and it was 99 cents, why do you need the one thats $60? Then he would play it, and sure enough, by February you had the real one.

I agree. That thing was HUGE. I have tiny hands too, and always struggled with it.

I also didn’t really like the N64 controller, it was kind of a weird size too, and it just had a weird layout.

They don’t marry them, they just diddle them underage on exotic island compounds.

Cons just care about the kid until they are born. Not one second longer than that.

It would be a massive loss for sure. One that will be felt for a long time. It’s the only way I can get around our thoroughly enshittified press up here in Canada. I mean I’d gladly pay, if it was worth paying for, which it’s not.

It’s actually the mods that did it for me. If you don’t have this really weird super specific but vague world view, and you can’t follow 143 different rules (some not specified), then they start censoring you and temp banning your comments and contributions. The mods on my community sub actually permabanned me when I questioned them on it, instead of discussing it. After that I was like this is infuriating, and I don’t really want to participate here. Problem is, they mod anything related to said topic, like city, province, country, most political parties, quite a few special interest topics, etc. Its super weird behaviour.

Rogers would sell their own mothers to get rid of those broadcasting rights all together. It has not been the boon they thought it was going to be. American side, they’ve been dealing with huge downturns in numbers too (one of their regional broadcast partners even went broke, and most fingers are pointing at the cost of these rights).

So it’s onto the streamers. Who’ll inevitably start putting paywalls on top of it, which will likely drive away quite a lot of fans. I’m already getting sick of being nickel and dimed by these streaming companies, who multiply by the day and their greed has led them to overtake the evil they were supposed to be replacing (cable). It’ll be the start of the NHL downfall in fact, and likely Bettman’s swan song. That’s my prediction.

This has to be the 39th iteration of Alberta’s rail transport plan. It’s just a shift and deflect away from her authoritarian changes in other areas last week (mainly her plan to introduce political interference into the municipalities) .

Anytime a conservative government gets caught doing hood-rat shit in Alberta, it feels like step 1 of the playbook is, “Hey look everyone, a Monorail!!”

I’ll believe it when I see it. In the meantime don’t give her credit for shit she didn’t come up with, or never plans to actually follow through with.

Northern grocers are horrifying. Don’t need a study to tell me that. Food handling and storage rules? If they are convenient, or if they get a heads up that the inspector is coming (and they get a big heads up on that, because the inspectors need somewhere to stay, plus they probably hit everyone else up on the way). If the item you are after is anything popular or in demand, it’s 2x-4x the price anywhere else is paying.

It’s hard to organize bulk shipping in normal locations. It’s absolutely a dumpster fire in some of these northern communities. The one I lived in, the bulk shipping guy was notoriously unreliable. You just can’t risk it sometimes, especially when it comes to anything of value or that has a shelf life. Buddy goes on a two week long bender in Edmonton on the way and meanwhile you and half the community are absolutely fucked waiting for whatever you are getting. Amazon meanwhile wants to charge you twice what the price is for the item to ship it, because Canada Post absolutely bends them over too. And they are pretty unreliable as well. It gets there when it gets there. Might be two days, might be two months. It’s not always an easy problem to solve, even with bulk orders.

I mean technically it is, but I’ve been on the other end of this too. You want to talk about fraud, you should see what some of these northern communities charge for things. Canada Post just absolutely rapes you for shipping too, and that’s 100% what this is about. It’s got nothing to do with fairness.

Sega Master System. A kid never forgets his first video game system, and nothing has quite scratched that itch ever since.

This reminds me of all the Facebook led fuel protests ala 2007. None of those were successful btw, fuels still expensive as shit.

Grab a Chromecast or almost any cheap streaming device of your choice, Tivimate and IPTV. Find a really good reliable IPTV provider for your area and you won’t really have issues.

*rubbing hands together" Oh this is going to be good.

That said, people are fucking stupid, especially when it comes to money.

If I learned anything during our time of Covid, it’s how friggin stupid the vast majority of people truly are.

It’s amazing how much the bald eagle population recovered. As a child and then an adult growing up in SW Ontario, I never even saw a bald eagle. It wasn’t until I was in my 30s, and after we moved out west that I saw my first one, in 2013. I saw two that year. Then two or three the next year. Then even more the year after, and got nice and close to a juvenile on a golf course at our company tournament.

Fast forward to today, and I know of about 5 nests in the the park near our house, and I always see at least one when I’m near that area. I go for bike rides in the summer evenings, and it’s rare that I don’t see at least one near the river.

Even back home, there’s two nesting down at the river in the field behind my parents house. I saw the mother of all bald eagles on a drive near my parents place last year too. It’s crazy (and super awesome) how that’s changed over even the last decade.

Oh man are reddit users in for it when they have to answer to the market and public shareholders. Who really will just be a bunch of evil boomers holding institutional blocks.

It’s going to be a dumpster fire. I think any savvy investor can see straight through it. Institutional investors are fucking sick of these trainwreck, unprofitable tech companies. The only people lining up for these IPO shares are going to be a few FOMO folks, the CNBC crowd, and other uneducated idiots that want in at the beginning plus (lol) all their power mods. All of whom are going to be left holding the bag following the first earnings call.

I did too. My life is all the better for it. The fediverse is much more positive overall, and even if you don’t like something, just find a different instance then. You don’t lose the ability to peacefully use the product. Unlike Reddit…

I don’t know if I agree with you. Your idea of following a topic over all communities is a solid one, for sure. Not sure I would agree with a comment being posted across all. Maybe an option for cross-posting, should one wish? How would you deal with the replies though, like certainly that all couldn’t be cross posted, could it?. I just think it would get too complicated in a hurry, that’s all. I like your ingenuity, anyways.

Man you better watch out if they do that to me, there’s going to be vomit everywhere.

Pierre will only allow this, if you show him your pee-pee. You know, like all those other conservatives.

It’s only a matter of time.

I’ve noticed a few more the past couple of months myself, but at some point the floodgates are going to open. And it’s going to suck. But until then, I’m enjoying the fediverse experience. It’s been a great break, reminds me of what reddit used to be like.

I honestly just don’t fucking care about them. This fediverse thing is the real deal, and it’s been kind of peaceful over here avoiding all the toxic shit a regular user of reddit was subjected to. I’m sure it’s on its way here shortly, but for now, enjoy the solitude.

Fishing for coverage for the people who pump and dump their shares after IPO day. Anyone internal with big holdings is going to just unload at first opportunity. This is their desperate attempt to provide coverage for it.

Hope some of the mods I ran into over the years are amongst the schmucks holding the bag with these shares for their first earnings report. It ain’t gonna be good.

Fucking reddit, good riddance. Toxic shit hole needs to die, but now this is a golden opportunity for your grandma and her pension fund to be amongst its victims too.

It can make a difference for sure. I get good cell signal, even in my basement office, so it’s not as big of a factor for me. But I can see how that could suck.

I think this is actually what Tesla’s biggest contribution to cars has been thus far. Dealerships need to die, the stone ages are over.

I don’t miss landlines. Can’t take the friggin landline with you wherever you go. (Affordable) Cell phones were the game changer.