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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 02, 2023


yea I would like to second that. Not sure how many FOSS alternatives exist for mine design & planning though

My dad pronounced it war-easy. Some time later I played Morrowind and, well… “Khajit has warez if you have coin”

well easy, it adds up to zero ! hah ! checkmate, inverters

Lupus vorat agnum = my tailor is rich

there’s your rosetta stoned

what ? I’m nowhere near sixteen

When I was barely a teenager my dad used to buy me games and 3d software (I wanted to make games and animations) at the flea market. There was a guy who cracked and sold software for a living. It’s a family tradition ! I fully intend to pass it down too

A guy I know used to keep all machines off the internet. He got visited by Foundry lawyers before he took that resolution though. They let him slide as long as he bought as many licenses as he had instances of Nuke running at the time of their visit.

This piece of news lightly hit my left ball, but wasn’t carrying quite enough kinetic energy to transfer momentum to my right ball.

“If he took documents, give him a call and ask for them back. Like … Seriously?"

Quote guy really expects Trump to go “Oh yeah here are the documents I stole, sorry”. You have to be completely clueless… I fully realize this and I don’t even live in the US. This guy works for the FBI

Ok I read the entire article now. Pretty worrying stuff

I had no idea such a thing existed. I don’t usually buy Nintendo stuff, but if this is free I’ll probably give it a try

I loved Morrowind when I was 12, replayed it recently and it was just as good as I remembered. I was hyped on Starfield and bought it blind for 40e. I don’t usually make mistakes like these but I got cocky this time. I still can’t fathom how uninteresting Starfield was. I literally dropped it out of boredom. How can you manage to do this with a space game ? seriously ? how do you create something so bland from a premise so exciting ? with the funds and time you have ?

oh… I thought we were the Bureau of Feline Investigation ?

I did upvote… but my pants are pristine

and the Nobel goes to some nerd playing with electrons. Unbelievable

You can also do overscan, but that’s costly since you’re rendering a bigger picture (I am not a rendering engineer but have experience with offline rendering)

For me it’s the writing. Typing this fast is beyond amazing, notwithstanding the fact that it all has to happen before recording