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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


At the top level, I can’t even see the subtitle – just the headline, a cropped and highly pixelated thumbnail, and the domain of the linked article. I had to click to get the subtitle, and I wouldn’t have done even that if the headline were more explicit.

Here’s an interesting idea: When writing a headline, add substantial context so we know what the article is about.

I’m currently hooked on Balatro like everyone else not in this thread. Took a long time to figure out the strategy (a two-and-a-half hour video helped a lot) before I won my first game (red deck). Won my second game (blue deck) on the next try. Next game (yellow deck), bombed out in ante 7, so I got close.

Geometry Survivor is pretty good but kinda simple. I’ll play for the trophies (survive 20 minutes) but will probably stop after that. I’m up to 10 minutes on the first sitting.

Working my way through NG+ on Nobody Saves the World. It almost feels easier so far but I’m only a few dungeons in. I guess the challenge will be in some of the later dungeons since I apparently have to clear them all to get to the final boss.

Most of those millions of apps are crap that hasn’t been updated in years, and they don’t have millions of users (not the kind of users who would by a Vision Pro at launch, anyway). I haven’t read the list but I’m betting the 150 that are here are much more popular and useful for this platform – the kinds of apps that would actively benefit from this technology and that the users actually want and will use.

Second sentence in the article: “Under the proposal, banks could continue to charge fees when a customer’s account falls below zero…” – that’s what it is. Back in the day, if you wrote a check for more than you have in your account, the bank would not only bounce the check (refuse to pay so the check holder wouldn’t get your money at all), they’d charge a fee on top of that so your balance would go even lower (sometimes below zero).

So the next time we attack the wrong country, we can blame AI.

They could kill the rest and my experience would be improved even further.

Diablo IV: Uber Lilith. I did just about everything else, got my character up to Level 100. Then the first season ended (which I didn’t even do) and somehow my character got nerfed – even basic enemies were suddenly much harder for no apparent reason. I was considering changing and upgrading my gear for this final challenge but I couldn’t even fight my way around the map anymore. Screw that.

I’d love to see the investment banks start to call their loans that financed this purchase in the first place.

What I learned very quickly playing Myst VR is that it’s hard to take notes, making the puzzles frustratingly difficult. Exploring is fun and the graphics are great, but that’s not the point of the game.

Old news, but this is what I’m thinking of: “By February 2022, Thiel was one of the largest donors to Republican candidates in the 2022 election campaign with more than $20.4 million in contributions. He supported 16 senatorial and congressional candidates, several of whom were proponents of the falsehood that there was significant voter fraud in the 2020 election. Two of said senatorial candidates (Blake Masters and J. D. Vance) were also tech investors who had previously worked for Thiel.” – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Thiel#Political_views_and_activities

“After losing to Peter Thiel in last year’s contest, Elon Musk takes the title of WORST PERSON IN TECH 2023!” – With the vote split 84.1/15.9% over Jeff Bezos, and to no great surprise (except perhaps the margin). https://mastodon.online/@parismarx/111598332906577952

Just tech, clearly Musk. I’d argue Peter Thiel is the worst among the others for direct political influence, but that wasn’t the question and name recognition is everything.

Why is this even a contest? We all know who the “winner” is going to be.

There are hundreds of articles on census-designated places and unincorporated communities (like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialville,_Ohio) that have even less information than most articles on roads. The standards here are similar and would meet the same notability guidelines.

“Most computer microphones use the third segment to carry bias power for the microphone.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microphone_connector

I had thought it was to deliver sound to both sides (rather than left- or right-only) but here we are.

Does it? It’s an encyclopedia, not a map.

Maps don’t give the history of roads (planning, construction, naming) or secondary information like communities served, relative lengths or controversies. There’s plenty encyclopedic information that maps don’t provide.

Can you not just tape it into place?

It only needs approval from enough states to total 270 electoral votes among themselves to kick in, because those states will have pledged their electoral votes to the popular winner, even if the vote in any of those states favors another candidate. This is covered in the Wikipedia article linked above.

UFC 5, at least for another few days. I got all of the offline trophies in about a week (my main objective) and learned, once again, that while I can do just fine against a CPU opponent, playing against an allegedly human opponent online, I totally suck.

I’m likely going to switch back to Spider-Man 2 sooner than I expected.

UFC 5. It’s very not-different from UFC 4 but that’s kind of okay. It was fun before and I need to catch up on my trophy collection after spending too much time with Diablo 4.

I played a few minutes of Spider-Man 2. It’s about as enjoyable as expected but I can play only one controller-heavy game at a time so I’ll come back to this later.

I don’t even trust most banks. I like my credit union, thank you very much.

I’ve never heard any difference among the 3D audio settings. Even with Pulse headsets on PS5, which are allegedly designed for this sort of thing, all of the settings sound exactly the same.

  • Make the story automatically skippable. Every time. Many games explain the mission/objective in a short sentence or in the minimap anyway. Don’t make me watch a long cutscene or press/hold a button to skip the dialog. I’m never going to care.
  • Always have a tutorial or practice area to remind me how to play the game after I put it down for a month or so. Bad enough that the controller map is hidden in the menus (if there even is one). It don’t help much to just say what all 16 +/- buttons do, depending on what mode I’m in. I have to actually use them to get back into the swing of things, and I’d rather not jump right into the action (and potentially lose progress) right away.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage. It’s refreshing to have the game be about stealth again, after years of just hack-and-slash. Yeah, there’s nothing really new here, but that’s kinda the point.

Diablo IV is on the backburner. I finally hit level 100 last week and have only two trophies remaining: Get 5 PvP kills (I have 2; other players aren’t easy to just stumble upon, especially those I can easily beat) and Defeat Uber Lilith (which I’m not going to be able to do by myself and coordinating with other players is not something I want to put any effort into doing).

Third paragraph: “In a short media gaggle with reporters after publication, McCarthy said he planned to run for reelection, had not considered resigning and he will stick around: ‘I’m still here finishing my job.’”

So which is it?

I did this twice in the last week, in San Francisco, where tech is still big. “All parking meters in San Francisco accept payment by coin, pay-by-phone, and credit or debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover).” SFMTA

Edit to add: It seems necessary that a governmental service (like parking meters) should be required to accept currency issued by the government. Refusing cash effectively removes a portion of society who can’t get or use other forms of payment. Not everyone has a bank account, credit card, or a smart phone, and they shouldn’t be required to use public services.

The Federal Reserve link says specifically “There is no federal statute mandating that a private business, a person, or an organization must accept currency or coins as payment for goods or services.” They can refuse cash in favor of other forms of payment (e.g. credit card, personal check, or any of the digital payment services). The statute says that currency is legal to use for commerce, not that it must be.

I remain convinced that strip dancers are why the US still uses $1 bills instead of coins (which we also produce but don’t circulate, like $2 bills) because no one, especially those in Washington, wants to tip with a $5.

I use cash for small purchases and have an old iPhone pouch in my jacket for coins, which I use for parking meters and street musicians.

People assume LLMs are like people, in that they won’t simply spout bullshit if they can avoid it.

There are plenty of people who spout bullshit every chance they get.

There’s a difference between having a camera on your phone and having all of your services tied to one account. Once a picture is taken, you can do anything you want to it and there are any number of apps and services to help you do that. But if megaservice decides you violated some term of service, whether you actually did or not, you stand to lose everything – your email, calendar, wallet, messages, and access to any service that used megaservice for authentication.

Hasbro Reveals New Mash-Up Title Monopoly Scrabble
What do we think of this? As much as I like each of the games separately, I'd have a hard time playing them together. "In place of rolling dice to move around the board, players build words and move ahead according to their score. Build a word on a premium space and claim a Monopoly property. ... The winner is the player with the highest total of cash and property value when the last letter tile is played."