Who reads this anyway? Nobody, that’s who. I could write just about anything here, and it wouldn’t make a difference. As a matter of fact, I’m kinda curious to find or how much text can you dump in here. If you’re like really verbose, you could go on and on about any pointless .….[no more than this]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


Where does Lemmy fall on this spectrum? Obviously the website part is 100% web, but I’m accessing Lemmy through a mobile app, so I don’t see any website here.

That’s just how media works. Sexy titles about revolutionary new technologies attract clicks, whereas titles about tiny incremental improvements don’t.

Most likely, the incremental and practical improvements have also been documented in special magazines and journals written for battery experts. It’s just that those articles tend to stay in the bubble of the battery experts.

Occasionally I bump into a BS article that totally deserves a million downvotes. However, the comments are really good, and they deserve twice the number of upvotes. People with a PhD in the subject matter are there tearing the article into tiny shreds and wiping the floor with the resulting mush. Reading stuff like that can be entertaining and educational, so do I upvote or downvote the article? First world problems again…

Isn’t there like 99-1 rule or something like that? So the idea is the vast majority of users don’t share links, write posts, draw pictures or anything like that. Instead, they just read the posts and comments. Some of them upvote or maybe even drop a comment here and there. The action of upvoting contributes to certain ideas spreading on the internet.

I would suppose that on FB/X vast majority just read the posts and occasionally also share them. Sharing over there is about as easy as upvoting is in here, so I guess there’s plenty of that type of sharing going on.

Crafting an original post or making a post about a particular link requires little more than a single click, so I don’t think that many people actually share that way. Anyway, Lemmy is indeed a link sharing platform, but now we’re talking a second type of sharing. These things should have clearer names.

On Lemmy people don’t really share, but they might upvote stuff as long as the headline supports their personal biases, so I guess that’s reasonably similar to what’s going on in Facebook and Xitter.

It was a good start. Elon should pull that same stunt with all the data centers he owns.

Haven’t you heard the story about that one time when he literally unplugged a bunch of servers? He also had zero regards to the proper protocol for moving hardware like that.

I think he should seriously consider buying Meta so that we can watch it crash and burn just like Xitter. Facebook is the cancer of the internet and it deserves to go too.

Ok, but why? What’s wrong with Firefox and how do the forks address those points?

Normal title: THE BEST THING EVER!!!

Dearrow title: device XYZ is a bit meh

I think the appropriate procedure depends on the ratio of true/false positives/negatives. This is basically the same discussion that occurred with covid tests, because the mathematics behind are identical. Looking at the Positive/Negative Predictive Value should give you an idea how much you should trust each assessment.

Based on the articles we’ve seen recently, it seems that the false positives are the main problem here, so perhaps the PPV isn’t high enough. Ideally, you would combine two types of methods so that at the end of the day you’ll get to a very high PPV and NPV. However, I’m pretty sure humans have a very low NPV. Hopefully, the PPV is a lot higher, but racism clearly isn’t helping here. Augmenting that appalling mess with a flawed system is still a step forward IMO. Well, at least it would be if the system wasn’t used to oppress and discriminate people.

Eventually you just have to move on and pick the least bad option out there. Mobile phones have already reached that stage and TVs are getting there.

Let’s say I need a new microwave oven, and I have two options: a regular dumb box that heats up my food and goes “ding” at the end or a smart device that relies on a mobile app. I have always selected the dumb option, because I just can’t be sure that the app will continue to work after 5 years. What if the company goes bankrupt or simply decides it’s time for me to buy a new microwave? I want to keep on using that machine as long as it works and mobile apps don’t seem to be compatible with that idea.

Which one is better for the IPO: listening to the community or listening to the money. Reddit are absolutely going to milk every dollar they can from this abusive relationship they have with mods and users.

I just asked Bing to write some VBA code that adds two numbers together. Here’s the code.

`Sub AddTwoNumbers() Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim z As Integer

x = 1
y = 1
z = x + y

MsgBox "The result is " & z

End Sub `

I’m a VBA developer now. I’m entitled to get my own API, right?

Oh, but that’s not all, there’s also a Whitespace version of my program.


  		 	 	 	 	 	 # push 1
  		 	 	 	 	 	 # push 1
  		 	 	 	 # add
  		 	 	 # print as number
  		 	 	 	 	 # exit
``` `

Before you ask, Wthisepace is an actual programming languga, alot like Brainfuck.

Figures. Would have been too good to be true. Thanks for the explanation anyway!

Ad revenue should convince the investors. Who cares if there’s no real content besides automated reposts and bot spam, as long as there are some users who they can shower with an endless stream of ads.

In their legendary AMA, those answers were clearly something they didn’t come up with on the spot.

Speaking of API keys, the free key allows just a little bit of traffic, which is probably just enough for a single user, but not enough for all the Apollo users added together. So, my idea is that what if every user had their own personal key…

If I have to start paying to watch videos, I’ll probably just jump over to Nebula or something.

My guess is, the downhill has already started. The remaining users just aren’t annoyed enough to migrate yet, but when the spam wave hits every sub, they are going to find Lemmy a lot more appealing.

There are always some new people who believe they can get rich quick by investing in stocks, crypto, NFTs or something else. Why don’t we just write numbers on ping pong balls, throw them in huge transparent plastic sphere, shuffle the balls a few times, pull out a few and give some money to anyone who guessed the right numbers. Oh, wait we’ve already invented the stupidity tax centuries ago.

It continues to grow as YT becomes an increasingly inhospitable towards anyone who isn’t million dollar company. Smaller teams and individuals aren’t exactly being kicked out, but they are gradually being encouraged to quit. Guess where they have been duplicating their videos?

Even Veritasium doesn’t feel safe on YT, and that’s why you can find those videos on Odysee.