Programmer and Airplane Enthusiast.

“You just don’t know how AI works” earns you a block.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I mean… they didn’t specify it had to be random (or even uniform)? But yeah, it’s a good showcase of how GPT acquired the same biases as people, from people…

Street : 70945 Roxane Well Suite 870,East Websterton

No state, no country, fake town, fake street, fake account, fake website. Fuck off.

It might be a hot take but I think the bgm is actually the weakest part of the game. Feels too repetitive and too short, like Mementos in Persona 5. I legitimately play on mute and put something else on in the background.

The hype is real. There’s no microtransactions, no multiplayer, it’s just about building the best deck with as many synergies as possible and getting the highest score you can. If you played Magic or even Inscryption, you’ll feel right at home.

The author does have a way with words lol. I love this paragraph in particular, emphasis mine:

As we speak, the battle that platforms are fighting is against generative spam, a cartoonish and obvious threat of outright nonsense, meaningless chum that can and should (and likely will) be stopped. In the process, they’re failing to see that this isn’t a war against spam, but a war against crap, and the overall normalization and intellectual numbing that comes when content is created to please algorithms and provide a minimum viable product for consumers. Google’s “useless” results problem isn’t one borne of content that has no meaning, but of content that only sort of helps, that is the “right” result but doesn’t actually provide any real thought behind it, like the endless “how to fix error code X” results full of well-meaning and plausibly helpful content that doesn’t really help at all.

And he describes exactly what I have to deal with on the regular, “content that only sort of helps” that “steals your attention from the content you actually want.” Even moving from Google to DDG has only mitigated this problem, it hasn’t fully gone away.

But yeah, one of his conclusions seems to be the Death of the Hyperlink? Which, I mean, not even LLM’s can kill that. I doubt <a href is going away any time soon.

There are far more important facets to truthfulness and semantics than yes/no questions. If this is the only way you evaluate LLM’s, you will quickly fall for confirmation bias.

This makes no sense. Zork and Asteroids are practically contemporaries. Last of Us and Dota 2, Persona 5 and PUBG, Street Fighter 6 and Baldur’s Gate 3, each of these pairs released the same year. We can probably point to as many story-driven games as action-driven games, every single year, since 1977.

On the time scale you’re talking about, there’s almost no correlation between time and the quality of video game storytelling. If anything, it has been improving (insofar as bigger games with bigger budgets have more grandiose stories being written for them).

I think they have so much technical debt that if they tried to move away from their current stack, it would be the end of them, almost overnight. They don’t have the manpower and know-how to move to Unreal or Unity or otherwise. If they did, they would have done so by now.

Whoever came up with that stupid idea needs their computer privileges revoked for the rest of their life.

Wish granted: that person is now the CEO of AdSense and has a dozen EA’s to handle their computer for them.

I think more likely than Valve going under is Valve getting bought or going public. Both would result in the new owner (a megacorp in their own right, or greedy shareholders, respectively) turning the system into shit to squeeze more money out of it. And new DRM would be foisted onto the system regardless.

Thank you for your thoroughly analytical take on the subject. Solid points all around.

Thanks for the reply. I wouldn’t have thought they meant Android source code but that makes sense lol. Also this is the kind of reply I think OP would have appreciated more than just someone saying “you’re wrong, you must have done something wrong.”

Case in point, Ernest had to take a month off kbin development to handle things in his personal life. I, too, have abandoned open source projects due to lack of interest. I think people incorrectly assume that the internet offers a level of permanence unmatched by real life, when in fact it only highlights the ethereal nature of anything people build.

Oh man those animations, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to notice how slow they were. Turning them off helped increase the speed of navigation, but there’s still some delay when tapping the DM’s bottom bar item specifically. App settings are also in a super unintuitive place now.

Presumably this comment. OP has some back and forth which I can’t see for myself because it was deleted.

So yes: I can possibly know and I have literally read the source code.

Discord, to my knowledge, is closed source, and has not had a source code leak. So taking your word for it, if you’ve seen Discord’s source code, then you work for Discord?

Did Discord hire Google’s laid off UX designers or something? Jesus Christ.

It was disabled for me.

Stranger still, the other screenshot you posted did have the “Allow contacts to add me” checkbox checked, but it only appears when you tap “Add Friends.” When you leave that screen and return, the checkbox is always checked. It makes me think it’s a setting solely applicable to that screen, like just for the “Find Friends” button, and not to your profile as a whole. IDK if that even makes sense.

Aren’t the most commonly accepted sorting algorithms O(nlog(n))? Quicksort? Mergesort? Those are considered bad?

is it still impossible to withdraw staked coins?

Wait back up.


Hahahahaha holy shit.

Oh joy, these are my specs! Good to know it’s working well for you.

That’s up to you! There’s so many different disciplines within programming that you will learn some easier than others, and you will enjoy some more than others. You said you’re learning web development right now - it may be that you don’t like web development, not development. You could also try scripting, you could try databases or backend development. If you don’t like Javascript, you may like Python.

If you desire the opportunity to peer-program, you know writing code with someone else together, then you may look for projects that have active Discord channels so you can join a voice/video call.

And your general anxiety about the state of the internet being controlled by a handful of massive companies isn’t merely paranoia - a lot of people feel the same anxieties so you are absolutely not alone in that regard. Just make small things you like making - don’t worry about what framework it has to be made in, or what language you used.

Oh… then it’s not that good of a deal. Cool tech, but not consumer friendly.

Wait a second, you can add on the Bluray drive to the slim PS5? Meaning you’re not locked in to an all-digital console, but you can still upgrade later? That’s a great idea, why is no one talking about this?

Sony finally gets to join the ranks of add-on-disc-player consoles: the Sega Megadrive, the N64DD, and this… thing.

Removing the Like button means you can’t be Ratio’d anymore, even compared to the comments of your detractors. That means vile, unpopular opinions will no longer be identifiable by the lack of likes. They get to stand on equal footing with popular opinions, with the average person none the wiser. Also, advertisements take one more step to being indistinguishable from organic posts.

Homogenizing content on Twitter supports Musk’s two two main allies (or people he wishes were his ally): advertisers and fascists.

In case nobody’s said it already, it’s awesome you’re taking an active role in teaching your daughter media literacy. 🙂

I don’t think the arguments made by you and OP are mutually exclusive. Facebook is a rotten company and we shouldn’t even be using their website, let alone paying them for the privilege. But Websites aren’t free to operate, Ads are toxic, and we shouldn’t let Ads be the method by which Websites pay their costs.

If OP weren’t posting their argument in a thread about Facebook, but Lemmy instead for example, I think your read might be different. Their last sentence, to me, indicates that they agree with you.

They do at least make it available online. But I agree that the artificial scarcity is scummy.

If you don’t have plans to travel to Amsterdam any time soon, you will still have a chance to get in on the artsy action via the Pokémon Center online storefront.

A range of Pokémon x Van Gogh products, though not the entire collection, will go live on the Pokémon Center and be available for purchase while supplies last. This includes a number of art prints, figures, and more.

The Pikachu with Felt Hat promo card will be given out as a gift to users who purchase products from this collab collection—again, while supplies last. It is likely that you will only get one Pikachu promo per order as a way to send as many cards out to as many people as possible.

Can’t speak for nfts, but mainstream morning news shows absolutely shilled for the metaverse. It was embarrassing. Cringe, even.

Instead pay for ChatGPT Plus and just ask it questions. “How do I make a button in HTML/CSS” or “how do I make it execute code when the user clicks it” or “how can I deploy a HTML/CSS/JavaScript app on Android”.

Was this an attempt at a joke? All of that stuff can be found on W3Schools: no tech-evangelist articles, no paid subscription, no ChatGPT. I’ll even throw in the links. (I maintain that given OP’s project parameters, he doesn’t need an app at all, it just needs to be accessible from his phone - a web page may suffice.)

Alright I’m only halfway through the video and it’s by no means a slouch. I’d actually recommend giving it a chance.

EDIT: Having finished, I’d say it’s a little preachy, but it makes some pretty heavy connections between AI companies and exploitative sweatshop labor, advertisement and consumption driven economies, and the profit motives behind the companies running AI models or gathering large datasets. It has the same themes and general political outlook of Folding Ideas, and it’s about as well-researched too.

Have you considered writing a responsive web app in JavaScript that can be hosted by GitHub Pages? Depending on what exactly you need to write and what you need the program to do, that may not be the best option, but it is simple, you don’t need to worry about hosting the site, and it allows you to rapidly deploy your application and make it accessible anywhere through a web browser. You just write the HTML, CSS (if you wanna be f a n c y), and JS. No shortage of tutorials on those 3 languages.

Here’s a few examples I’ve written:

Don’t forget they were eyeing Valve at the same time, not as an “either/or” proposition either. They were comfortable enough with buying both Nintendo AND Valve, and they felt this way while they were in talks to buy both Zenimax AND Tik Tok!

I was referring to the Armored Core games that From developed starting with the original PlayStation in 1997. But to your point, it speaks to their flexibility in using the same engine to make games of two fairly different genres.