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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


It might be quicker to make a backup of your config and restore to defaults instead.

Well, maybe tell me how to do it?

rain world

Thanks for suggestion! It’s a 2D platformer though, and not really the aesthetic of Stray.

A game like Stray, but with actual mechanics and that’s difficult where you actually need to git gud at. I’d like the world be even more like a maze, both horizonal and vertical (like Kawloon Walled City), that isn’t strictly linear, but has many hidden ways to be completed. Basically what I want is a Stray-Dark Souls hybrid.

If you mean of all time, then I’d say “How to survive the first night in Minecraft” by Lewis and Simon.


If it happens, I at least hope we have gotten it good enough to survive on its own. If we can’t survive the inevitable Red giant Sun, maybe it can.

I’m not a farmer and I am wondering how can they enforce such copyright?

As Cameron said, when you hear these “warnings” they tell you that you are already dead.

The only problem is the “<how to solve this issue> reddit” google search. If these discussions start to be lemmy and we append lemmy instead of reddit, in time there’s gonna malicious instances that fill the site with ads and generate content with AI just to get to that google 1st page.

Also both had a lot of iron in their structure. One might call them ironic.

I’m optimistic though. I’m sure with time, we’ll get plenty of options for everyone’s tastes.

Profile pictures are nice, but they force the comment section to have a lot of unused space.

On the bottom @Briongloid comment you see that the profile picture forces extra unused real estade. I’d prefer comment section to be much more compact. Similar to old.reddit.com

Maybe that could be an opportunity to make a unique twist for profile pictures on lemmy. Maybe crop them to an elongated squate that fits within the line height.

Maybe something like this

No, just virtually.



In future corporations will sue farmers to force them to genetically modify their products, because they’re “stealing the brand”.


I think that’s dependent on how each instance decides to sustain the server costs. Some might do that with donations, some might want a monetized feature. But I’m weary of those that monetize functional features.

Please no. I don’t want this place to be emoji ridden. This is where people go to look for useful information and discussion, not a colour soup comment section.

I hope mods can restrict the types of content users can post in communities in fututure.

I’m trying out Kartrider: Drift. So far it seems fun, but not as easy as one may think.

D4 is now in a difficult position where they are competing with PoE which had a decade to balance it’s game. But don’t worry! PoE2 is comming out soon and will achieve parity with D4 balance-wise.

Not really a content creator, but rather a network of creators - The Yogscast. They’re fun, they’re all friends, they make me laugh, they’re wholesome and cursed at the same time, I love em.

Wait, what? Meta is adopting ActivityPub? Any links about that?

It’s a clickbaity title in a sense that Trusty already quit from his team in the documents case. It’s not another lawyer quitting, but the same lawyer, it’s just that this time he’s quitting altogether from all other cases and any cooperation too.

I don’t think it’s a problem. If everything or most of internet would be somehow preserved, future antropologists would have explonentially more material to go through, which will be impossible. Unless the number of antropologists grows exponentially, similarily how internet does. But then there’s a problem, if the amount of antropologists grow exponentially, it’s beceause the overall human population grows exponentially. If human population grows exponentially, then also its produced content on internet grows even more exponentialier.

You see, the content on the internet will always grow faster than the discipline of antropology. And it’s nothing new - think about all the lost “history” that was not preserved and we don’t know about. The good news is that the most important things will be preserved naturally.

Don’t shake it off! They need all the Iron Oxide they can get, from what I’m hearing.