I am very typical earthling. I like earth food and earth drink and earth sports and earth media. Im all about earth things because I am so typical and earthling. so typical as to be very boring and not worth investigating or looking into because I am definately from earth.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


so the problem is not enough taxation and a lack of social safety nets. got it.

oh hey. great to see a comeback from the late 90’s

ah. I see. just “downsize” to a 3 bedroom townhouse. Why didn’t I think of that!?

Oh sure for current inflation but everything post 2000 is a house of cards. stock prices completely deviated from earnings as they turned into value holds and income was pulled out via debt.

This is very true. This century we are pretty much hitting the limits of growth and globally the response has been to hit the accelerator.

I have a beef with all the trading firms because of the fee to leave thing that really needed congressional action. No business should be able to charge a fee when you cut ties.

wait 50. I thought they were just reimbursing him. I might have just taken the 50 to be honest.

I wouldn’t sign it either. a buck 50. rather sing your sins from the mountains now that you pissed me off. of course if they just refunded it and kept quite I would be unlikely to mention it except maybe casually.

I feel this way with walmart. Im not boycotting its just an unnacceptable place for me to shop. Literally would have to be my only option for a necessity to do it.

in the one where they report average instead of median or better yet the center modal.

Why does anyone who works not make their own company? It takes capital and a certain skill set as well as a risk tolerance.

I think you may be right. Its possible Israel may be partially responsible for the situation.

im from the us but one thing that gets me is having a rustic vacatio place was a cornerstone of middle class when I was young. if not that then regular vacations that cost a fair amount. families either did one or the other (invested more for the long term or enjoyed more variety but with no long term investment return). nowadays it feels like doctors and lawyers have a hard time swinging this.

oh yeah. this is just another reason im not going to 11. luckily gaming is getting well enough on linux for me to drop the last vestiges of windows. if a game won’t run on wine then eff em.

I guess you could sat the same thing about the tor browser but I feel torrenting is a level where you should not really need it integrated.

I sorta don’t get it. Aren’t torrents sorta the original peer to peer thing to begin with?

jeez. they should use that in plumbing rather than that stuff you don’t want to put over 140f

I know its a joke but one reason I don’t drink much is because I have a hard time drinking enough, fast enough, for it to be worth it. I don’t like the taste of most alcohol and what I do drink I get sick of fast.

yeah. the plastic is crappy stuff. I won’t buy unless its glass myself.

its one of my things. I will drink the cheapest stuff that still comes in glass and that is my low bar.

doesn’t alcohol kinda dissolve plastic?

yeah. once I treated it as more a fantasy show and less a scifi it greatly improved my experience.

it got better halfway through or so (as a person who never played the games) but really had to just go with the ridiculousness of the world.

Seems like they should require the homes to self service all parts. It must have its own laundry facilities and kitchen and such and must employee directly the majority of its staff (some allowance for handling temporary short staffing with requirements for keeping a fulltime head count). I mean thats what these things are supposed to be.

The dems though are the people who vote in the primary and work with their local chapters. Anyone can improve the canidate pool. The dems win some times though while the non dem liberals have never defeated a republican canidate. They just bitch about the innefective job the dems do while not getting the job done themselves.

not really. reagan over carter. bush over gore, bush over heart, trump over hilary. We went with the worst option plenty. Problem is we are a democracy and not everyone views the best option is the same. Many of those races were extremely close when the worse option won (hanging chads). Sure we would not be perfect but if those races had went the other way because of the best worst option having more support it we would be way better off today and its possible the worst worst option would find it had to be a bit better which might have pushed the best worst to be a bit better to. What has happened is the worst worst finds they can just be worse and worse because that just turns off folks from seeking better and buy into the, they are all the same, fud.