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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Mar 16, 2024


What would happen if they chose to strike anyways? It’s not like the labour board can just… replace everybody in any meaningful timeframe

People have been putting up fake ads to call out Loblaws. So this likely is a real, unaltered photo but a fake ad

I’d think of it this way:

It will hopefully help cement for way more people that the right wing is horrid and needs to be stopped. Terrorists and Fascists can be othered by more moderate right wingers, Far-Right is harder as it has Right right in there and hopefully makes them more and more uncomfortable and ashamed until they at least feel like not voting anymore, if not flip to the left entirely

Oh thank fuck. I live in Alberta so it’s pretty hard to tell the political reality at times. So glad to know that Pierre’s that unpopular

He’s our Trump. Hope our country doesn’t make the same mistake as the states did in 2016

It kind of gains momentum. My mom is someone who got a smaller truck after her big one. Not even a car, just a smaller truck. And she feels a bit vulnerable on the road. And a lot of these idiots will merge into you and kill you because you’re in a smaller vehicle

So basically, a lot of people who should NOT be driving have huge trucks and other people get huge trucks so they don’t feel like they may get killed by an idiot

I swear, if all of this province had regular tests every 5 years, most Albertans would be forbidden from driving

Plus it is going to most affect families too poor to speak up and children of abusive parents who would force them to work

More like, “Shoving it in so fast it makes the sauce in the battery super heat and create a bomb”

These chatbots are AI - They tailor responses over time so long as previous messages are in memory, showing a limited level of learning

The issue is these chatbots either:

A) Get so little memory that they effectively don’t even have short term memory, or

B) Are put in situations where that chat memory learning feature is moot

They are AI, they are just stupidly simple and inept AI that barely qualify

Please don’t flip the carts D: We cart pushers hate the corporation too!

…Now if you want to break them so we can take them one at a time to the back, taking about 10 minutes per cart and wasting a ton of corporate’s time…

I still worry we won’t survive as a democratic province until 2027

On one side we have Pierre and the Conservative Party who are clearly copying the GoP Fascism play

On another side, we have Trudeau and the Liberal Party who can easily be argued are compromised by China

And on yet another side, we have the NDP who has no track record on running the country and could have any number of issues flying under the radar because the media prefers to concentrate mostly on Red and Blue

=/ Next Federal Election looking fuuuun

Tip: When the carts lock up, stomp on the bottom part between the back wheels to make it do a wheelie. Locks are only on the front

Staff on floor. Who are also unionized. It’s like, shut up you elderly bag you clearly are not doing this because you have to and as such can afford the stock buy in program and not need to choose between eating and rent

At least some other coworkers are sane and agree with the boycott

And then piracy will be the only way to play as people do NOT like to deal with Denuvo (and for good reason)

Wish it was seeing more success where I work. Then again, I have batshit coworkers calling the boycott “Dumb”, that Loblaws “Is the cheapest place”, and think a successful boycott would “Cost jobs” (we’re fucking union no it won’t), so maybe it is being effective and I just hear the negativity from coworkers able to buy stock shares because of working here out of boredom rather than need

As a retail employee at loblaws, don’t believe any of us who say it’s not a problem and the profits aren’t obscene. They offer stock options as a perk - So those doing it as a bored get out of the house option are essentially bought

Yeah. I work at one

Corporate seems to think they pay us enough to want to bother to stop people

Yep, those same ones

Another tip: It’s only one of the front ones. You can step on the bottom to lift it onto its back wheels and just hoof it before anybody can get to you

Here’s a tip:

The carts have false alarms a lot, so if it’s empty, it usually just gets unlocked with no check. Empty cart as a diversion because you decided “against buying anything”

Technically true

Oh I wasn’t saying that

I was saying the person may not be stupid, and may figure their boss is a moron (the prompts don’t work as LLM chat bots don’t grasp negatives in their prompts very well)

Or they aren’t paid enough to care and rightly figure their boss is a moron

Which shows that higher ups there don’t understand how LLMs work. For one, negatives don’t register well for them. And contradictory reponses just wash out as they work through repetition

But will it randomly get zoomies in the middle of the night and also claw at my door in the morning while meowing incessantly?