• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


It apparently has an Android version, but for an open source app, it’s not on F-Droid?

I use Seal on Android and yt-dlp-gui on Linux because they’re native apps using native theming/design languages, but it’s always cool to have another option!

And trains

And disappearing people

And space exploration

And having totalitarian control over internet access in their country - the great firewall of China

I don’t have an answer for you, but I’m also interested in this and would like to see the responses


Tap for spoiler

This cop could do with some improvement. Dont paint all members of a group with the same brush, and someone isn’t a bastard just because they made one mistake. But the cop in question should absolutely be rehabilitated.

I only have one, a 16 inch, 120hz, 16GB RAM, 1660 Ti laptop, so it’s got to be that. I do like it, though.

Malware and scams aren’t the only problem with ads, the real problem is much more to the essence of what an ad is, which is trying to manipulate you into buying a product, giving up the product of your labour for something you often don’t even need, without your consent.


Just to counterbalance some of the disagreement replies you’ve got - I agree with you, it’s scary how many people are happy to be ageist, even when they’re so progressive on other forms of equality. If you can control people based on how long they’ve been alive, that’s very dangerous in several ways, both to the people who’s autonomy is being stolen, and to others who it sets a precedent for.

Can’t you just use gnome-screenshot with the screencast feature? Unless this lets you record stuff that already happened, a sort of ‘capture last 30s’ sort of thing.

Weird. We’re both using Android Voyager, what’s the difference?

That’s not surprising as LLMs are fancy word prediction engines, engines that can be very useful in many applications, but that aren’t designed to output what’s true, just what words look right together.

As the other comments have pointed out, you don’t need to do this, but you can download the official iso from the Microsoft website and flash win11 pro to your machine with Rufus.

I use Jan already, and I like that it’s a native app rather than a webui, I don’t really like webuis. I wasn’t saying there weren’t any local model apps, but that there are far less than glorified ChatGPT clients.

And if they were going to make theirs cross platform, it would in fact be the first FOSS local model app for Android. (Layla Lite exists but is not FOSS).

If you want to make it more unique than ‘just another ChatGPT client’, you could try adding local model support, not sure how difficult that would be.

Well, a broken clock is also occasionally right.

I find Z drive seeing my filesystem a useful feature, for mods for example.

If you want actual libre alternatives - Manjaro GNOME Linux, Krita with the AI Image Generation plugin. I’m sure someone else can suggest one for the third one.

If you pay for Apple Music, you can download the album with the Android app. What album is only on Apple Music, though?

Well fortunately it doesn’t matter what you think, and people will keep developing and improving open source AI nonetheless.

Any tips on how to get stable diffusion to do that? I’m running it through Krita’s AI Image Generation plugin, and with my 6GB VRAM and 16GB RAM, the VRAM is quite limited if I want to inpaint larger images, I keep getting ‘out of VRAM’ errors. How do I make it switch to RAM when VRAM is full? Or with Jan for that matter, how can I get it to partially use RAM and partially VRAM so I can get it to run models larger than 7B?

I have a Asus laptop with a GTX 1660 ti with 6GB VRAM. I use Jan for LLMs, only the 7B models or lower are small enough for my hardware though, and Krita with the AI Image Generation plugin for image generation, most things work in it, except it fails with an ‘out of VRAM’ error if I try to inpaint an area more than about 1/8 of my canvas size.

Is that 128GB of VRAM? Because normal RAM doesn’t matter unless you want to run the model on the CPU, which is much slower.

Just to be clear, in seriousness, if even just your mirror is broken, it’s not safe to drive, as you can’t see the traffic behind you.

Dunno about the rest of your comment, but there are definitely other nonviolent religions apart from Quakers, such as Jains.

I’m disappointed so many people disagree with this. Yes, now they’re blocking opinions you don’t like, but if they choose to block opinions you agree with, I doubt they’d continue whistling the same tune.

Why would it be illegal to use peer to peer technology, at all? I can understand making piracy illegal - I don’t agree with it, but I understand - but making it illegal to torrent anything?

Can you help me with my JavaScript issue?
Intended output: { children: { Display: { children: { ... value: 2 } } } } Real output: { children: {}, Display: {}, ... value: 2 } ``` Code: // Load default settings let defaultSettings; load("/assets/json/default-settings.json", 'json', function(defset) { defaultSettings = defset; // Create custom settings if(!Object.keys(localStorage).includes('settings')) { setLs('settings', JSON.stringify({})); }; customiseSetting('Display/UI/Distance', 2) }); function settingURL(url) { return('children/' + url.split('/').join('/children/') + '/value'); } function customiseSetting(url, value) { url = settingURL(url); // Split the string by '/' and use reduce to access the nested properties const newSettings = url.split('/').reduce(function(accumulator, val, index, array) { // If the object does not have the current component as a property, create an empty object for it // If the current component is the last one, assign the value if (index == array.length - 1) { accumulator[val] = value; } else if (!accumulator.hasOwnProperty(val)) { accumulator[val] = {}; // update the accumulator object } log([accumulator, val, index, array]) // Return the updated object return(accumulator); }, JSON.parse(ls('settings'))); log(newSettings); setLs('settings', JSON.stringify(newSettings)); } ``` I've been trying unsuccessfully for several days to fix to what must be a simple error. I've looked over it myself, but I can't find the cause of the bug. I asked Bing, which usually helps, but it was unhelpful. So I'm sorry to be bothering you, but if you could help me solve this problem, I would really appreciate it. EDIT: I fixed my code by using a recursive function as follows: function customiseSetting(url, value) { url = settingURL(url).split('/'); let newSettings; function recursiveSet(object, list, index, setTo) { // If the current component is the last one, assign the value if(index == list.length - 1) { object[list[index]] = setTo; return(object); } else { // Check if it already contains the value if(object.hasOwnProperty(list[index])) { object[list[index]] = recursiveSet(object[list[index]], list, index + 1, setTo); } else { object[list[index]] = recursiveSet({}, list, index + 1, setTo); } return(object); } }; newSettings = recursiveSet(JSON.parse(ls('settings')), url, 0, value); log(newSettings); setLs('settings', JSON.stringify(newSettings)); }

Is there an iOS app that can download YouTube music songs to mp3 like InnerTune can for Android?
Obviously Android is clearly a superior platform, but the only device someone I know has is an iPhone, and I want to know if I can recommend them an app to easily do this for them.