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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Even better quote, I love using this one.

“So, with AI writing code for us, all we need is an unambiguous way to define, what all our business requirements are for the software, what all the edge cases are, and how it should handle them.”

“We in the industry call that ‘code.’”

The XZ exploit was found because some dude was investigating performance issues in a system, and noticed an unusual amount of time being spent in SSH processing, IIRC.

I’ll take this over the more “classic” styles, when people seed to believe they were paying the compiler by the character.

Generally speaking, fault protection schemes need only account for one fault at a time, unless you’re a really large business, or some other entity with extra-stringent data protection requirements.

RAID protects against drive failure faults. Backups protect against drive failure faults as well, but also things like accidental deletions or overwrites of data.

In order for RAID on backups to make sense, when you already have RAID on your main storage, you’d have to consider drive failures and other data loss to be likely to occur simultaneously. I.E. RAID on your backups only protects you from drive failure occurring WHILE you’re trying to restore a backup. Or maybe more generally, WHILE that backup is in use, say, if you have a legal requirement that you must keep a history of all your data for X years or something (I would argue data like this shouldn’t be classified as backups, though).

Why the hell is a professional tech business not relying almost-exclusively in ethernet, anyway?

It’s possible to do a diff across all the commits in the PR (rather, a diff between the last commit before, and the final commit of), so no, I do not squash them all for review. Otherwise, yes, I will definitely clone and review the code locally for large PRs.

Huh? Nothing in this article is discussing putting restrictions on consumers of content, it’s about acquiring proper consent for content uploaded to the platform.

rsync, for sure. That’s what I used when I had to migrate a 10TB datastore to a new machins.

Build something that already exists. My go-to is usually dir.exe.

A DNS Proxy/Forwarder server? That’s where you would configure how your .internal domain resolves to IPs on your internal network. Machines inside the network make their DNS queries to that server, which either serves them from cache, or from the local mappings, for forwards them off to a public/ISP server.

I made a romhack at one point to increase all gained XP by 10x. Might still have it somewhere, and it’d be easy enough to adjust for reduced XP.

The only thing I can think of not aging well by today’s standards is the level grinding. I recall having to do quite a bit of it my first time playing it, just to keep up with the difficulty curve, and it’s not like I was skipping all the sidequests. That was a fairly common aspect for RPGs of the era, I think.

It’s also possible I wasn’t very good at the game, I was like 11 or 12 at the time.

They’re both good voice actors, I think, but FemShep is canon, as far as I’m concerned.

C#/.NET makes HUGE usage of these kinds of internal self-optimizations. Just this year, in particular, the team made some pretty big expansions on the types and scopes of JIT optimizations that the runtime can perform. Article, if you’re curious.

The Apache 404 page doesn’t really seem that interesting.

Right, the compiler isn’t smart enough to recognize that isalpha() is pure and deterministic.

This particular compiler isn’t smart enough to recognize that isalpha(letter) == true and isalpha(letter) == false are mutually exclusive conditions. It thinks there’s a third scenario that you haven’t accounted for.

I like TypeScript less for its ability to categorize my grocery list and more for its ability to stop anyone from putting cyanide on it.

I don’t think the intention is that Copilot voice would be animated, I think they just had a dumb idea to highlight it that way in the demo. Look closely, and you’ll see the Copilot voice is the only text there written in the “Krypton” font. The animation indeed looks godawful.

A) Practice.

B) Interacting with programmers other than yourself.

On a more specific note:

  • Don’t work “around” problems. Identify what the problem actually IS and work backwards. When you try to take a step and find that you don’t know what step to take, or you’re stepping into something you don’t understand, go research and learn about it.

  • Learning how to read technical documentation is a valuable skill.

  • Recognize and challenge your assumptions. Which plays into working “around” problems. Do I know the error I’m researching came from this bit of code? Is this bit of code even running? Is the source file I’m looking at even part of the binary I’m running? Is the binary that’s running actually the one I’m trying to test?

Love how this plays in relation to all the arguments of “well, you have to understand, Unity doesn’t turn a profit yet, they need to be able to make money”, from when they first announced the change.

It means you can take focus away from the game without it throwing a hissy fit. I.E. you can click out of it.

Borderless Windowed mode. Seriously, there is 0 excuse for PC games to not support it, it’s 2023.

Wow. Valid cert, matching icon, identical web page, and virtually-identical URL. I absolutely would have fallen for that, and I’ve been meaning to visit KeePass’s website and download the latest version, too.

The loop will run to completion with no side effects. Unless it gets optimized away by the compiler or CPU.

Seconded for Transmission. It’s light on features because (as far as I know) it’s the only ine in this list that’s built to run unattended in a Docker container, with a web interface.

Finished all achievements for Armored Core 6.

Picked up Unrailed on Steam for $5. Great purchase.

Stsrted a fresh file in Stardew Valley, cause why not?

VS for me. I’ve heard notbing but praise for Rider.

I know there’s also a lot of popularity for VSCode, if you know what you’re doing and what all extensions you need to setup, but that makes for a much bigger barrier to entry.

C#. Comes with a first-class dev and debugging experience, a HUGE first-party BCL, cross-platform application support, and one of the best webserver frameworks out there.

TypeScript makes a reasonably-close second, not necessarily because it’s great, but because of how effective it is at making JavaScript usable.

Option 1, except for the cloud bit. My KeePass file is stored in a restricted shared folder on my home file server, and auto-syncs to my phone on the rare occasion I update it from my desktop.