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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


Don’t… the comments by our (UK) minsters yesterday were appalling and very concerning…

Because you’re focused on the visuals from a single user perspective…

  1. There’s the world state and game logic to consider as well, and this would be relevant even in a 2D sprite based game.
  2. The article makes it clear that it’s the couch co-op split screen that is causing the most headaches, with whatever additional overhead there is in maintaining another active character and rendering of the world on screen.

It is a fun game, but if you know what you’re doing it’s so exploitable to get powerful components early.

Back when reddit premium was a thing I was quite happy to sub to that to pay towards costs, and make use of the benefits like X gold to give people per month and increased sub limits etc

Then they messed about with all that and I dropped my sub …

And I haven’t been back since the protests started so 🤷‍♀️

I think it also important to note that it wasn’t just the pricing itself, which was indeed already heinous, but that the rate calculation changed. It used to be a rate per user per app (apikey+oauth) but they changed that to just the per app … that then has a multiplicative effect on the costs and makes the “free tier” they were talking about especially pointless…

It would be easy for an app to start at free tier … not have much growth through word of mouth but enough given the per app rates to push it over boundary points … and then be due a significant and unavoidable invoice in a couple of months…

You cruel person… I hate driving through there… 🤣

I just love that formula1 has used that logic as basis to declare themselves nsfw and thus not eligible for all or ads 🤣

Have popped into ModCoord a couple of times to check on the state of things… but haven’t been in any of my usual subs.

Need to start subscribing to specific communities here soon but for now enjoying the mix that is all/(active|hot) 😀

Although we’re no longer under the higher level EU legislation, the entirety of it was incorporated into an updated DPA during the Brexit reconciliation process.


So you could still go through the same process… and frankly Reddit won’t really know whether they need to act by it so go ahead…

Waiting on them to fulfil my GDPR data request.

One I’ve got all my data (since there was some useful stuff there over the years) I’ll follow up with the “right to be forgotten” request as well.