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Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Republicans talk a lot of shit. That’s all they’re good at, however they’re good at it. Especially with their followers.

I don’t get comments like this. Ignoring how democrats won the senate and half of the house not to mention the 2020 election for president.

We’re on a winning streak and when is that “red wave” coming again? Don’t hold your breath. We kicked republican ass in 2018, 2020, and 2022 respectively. Every election Republicans lose more seats since Donald Trump. Joe Biden beat Donald Trump in 2020 and soo now Trump will win because??? 🏆 here you go, you tried.

It would be different if the algorithm was doing anything other than trying to sell you things

Omg, I have friends like this who are like “I don’t want to make decisions, I just want the algorithm to decide for me”

I look at them like I just bumped into an alien in those moments. Have a brief “Maybe I shouldn’t be friends with you” but then reel myself in and think "they can’t be serious "

Hmm 😒 well if that’s so, it’s possible. But yeah, not in True Colors. I feel like I would have noticed. I will keep a watchful eye as I finish this next playthrough

As someone who has played through that game 3.5 times (I’m in the middle of another playthrough right now) I can say with high degree of confidence that I have never noticed any nazi memes 😳

I’ll look for them specifically??? But I’m already pretty aware of that sort of thing because I’m in a group that nazis hate. I think I would have noticed and quiet literally would have been like “what the hell is this shit?” OR I would have attributed that kind of writing too an actual perhaps racist character in the town, but I haven’t felt that way either. I just don’t know what they’re talking about, again as somebody who’s played the game three times.

Not to mention archival purposes for games that will be lost to time if not preserved.


Sure, but no switches lost power in this outage. And yes the power in my home could be on, but if the phone company itself has no electricity 🙃 then sure.

But generally speaking, that doesn’t happen, and it didn’t happen here. Land lines work without power in nearly all circumstances because the power comes through the land line itself.

But the statement you’re making is a silly one. I could say “your cell phone will never work when all the cell towers are powered down and you don’t have wifi and your phone company has no power either. 😑”

Still I’ve never had a land line not work when the power in large areas around me goes out.


uhhh… yeah I guess it won’t work then. Like what are you trying to prove here?

I’m talking pre cell and pre internet domination. My grandma’s house /neighborhood lost power this winter and there was always the reliable old long corded landline that we ordered pizza with as a matter of fact.

On what, exactly? I have personally had the power go out countless times and always the old land line works.

100% of the time your landlines will work in a power outage. Not dependant on ??? Whatever is being suggested 🙄

Omg yes

Search: “staplers”

“What’s all this saint stuff?? Hmm wtf?”

‘Where you trying to search for “St. Rap Lore?” Here are your results.’

Physical buttons are things I don’t have to look at when I’m driving. That’s good.

Income tax for the highest earners in the USA, as an example, used to be 93% tax

You read that correctly and I believe my number is accurate.

Rich assholes bought PR machines to convince the public that system was unfair to them. So they lowered taxes on the rich. However, that lost tax revenue had to be made up some how. So the poorer pay more So the rich can piss on them from on high - err so the rich can trickle down.

Low taxes for the Uber wealthy is a relatively new thing.

Pissing off your employees = get them to quit on their own so you have no fault so you don’t have to pay unemployment

I hate when people act like the president should act like/be a dictator.

Idk about with your avatar, but I still have movie nights with friends that I stream things to over Discord and Emby (like plex)

I literally just finished a “movie classic” night with a friend in New York where we watched ALIENS together and chatted about how awesome Sigourney Weaver’s performance is. 👏 🍿

It might be interesting to do it with little Wii characters, but we had fun regardless.

“Stalling on promises” You mean trying to do shit but have Republicans do everything possible to stop the law and if it passes they do everything they can to not comply???

I think THAT is what you mean.

My grandma put electrical tape over the blinking 12:00 on the vcr she still uses. She’s not ready for 2 factor authentication.

Oh also, regarding compartmentalized language models in the brain, profanity and swearing is stored in muscle memory, not the front lobe. That’s why if u lose the power of speech due to stroke, you’d still be able to shout profanity of some kind.

I’m interested in this primarily as an English teacher. I need to be able to spot the linguistic tics and errors and recognize where it likely came from.

Right now, the best we have is like the opening scenes from Bladerunner.

Holden: One-one-eight-seven at Unterwasser. Leon: That’s the hotel. Holden: What? Leon: Where I live. Holden: Nice place? Leon: Yeah, sure I guess-- that part of the test? Holden: No, just warming you up, that’s all. Leon: Oh. It’s not fancy or anything. Holden: You’re in a desert, walking along in the sand when all of the sudden- Leon: Is this the test now? Holden: Yes. You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down- Leon: What one? Holden: What? Leon: What desert? Holden: It doesn’t make any difference what desert, it’s completely hypothetical. Leon: But how come I’d be there? Holden: Maybe you’re fed up, maybe you want to be by yourself, who knows? You look down and you see a tortoise, Leon, it’s crawling towards you- Leon: Tortoise, what’s that? Holden: Know what a turtle is? Leon: Of course. Holden: Same thing. Leon: I’ve never seen a turtle – But I understand what you mean. Holden: You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back Leon. Leon: Do you make up these questions, Mr. Holden, or do they write them down for you? Holden: The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun beating its legs trying to turn itself over but it can’t, not without your help, but you’re not helping. Leon: What do you mean I’m not helping? Holden: I mean, you’re not helping. Why is that Leon? – They’re just questions, Leon. In answer to your query, they’re written down for me. It’s a test, designed to provoke an emotional response. – Shall we continue?

Except I can’t ask the paper on Maya Angelou any questions. Short of interrogating each student when they turn something in, it’s been a real struggle in the last few months to spot work that was not actually done by my students but was instead written by chat gpt.

How to proceed now that they all interact with TikTok’s chatbot, where not just the tech savvy kids will try this, idk.

But my first super fake was a well written paper about the personal growth of a girl named Fredericka who described feeling triumphant having just got her masters degree and overcoming adversity since she grew up as a young black boy in the south. “Hmmmm,” I thought. “Something tells me You didn’t write this.”

You’re right, there should be open enrollment for everyone.

This is right wing nonsense right here ^

What you just said (even if it were true, which I don’t actually believe to be the case) what you said is NOT-infringing on anyone’s rights.

It’s like a blank space needs filled

The static point would be the sentence “Theres a ____ in the house” And from there it’s like a coin sorting machine filter filter filter okay noun filter filter filter cat the user doesn’t want a cat filter filter filter dog

Where the filtering = other similar static points or it’s looking for other sentences arranged like that with those words in that context.

That’s how it mistakes cat for dog It’s not thinking “I know what a cat is, dogs are like that” It’s just looking for word usage frequency in that specific or similar contexts and replacing it with a frequently used word. That’s how you end up getting a wrong answer “what’s more like a cat? Dog or kitten? Reply:Dog.”

Or if it screws up some math it’s to do with it not actually doing any math, instead it’s looking for answer frequency and enough people wrote 2+2=5

Ahh. See how you said that?

That’s very wrong, AND you can’t read English.

It’s both things in the same sentence. Like how there’s a supreme court, and lower courts which congress can ordain.

Hey dumbass. They “ordain” supreme court justices when they question them and vote on them before they’re appointed.

If it’s so wrong, why doesn’t the president just appoint them and done? It’s because you are actually reading it wrong. Congress DOES ordain the supreme court’s members. They do it in public for all to see.

Maybe thinking about it in terms of a simple video game that’s complex enough to have floating point math involved. The significand would be like the skeletons of the sentences with article words (the, a, an) and the sentence structure as a base.

There’s a good pac man analogy in there some where…

“The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.”

Lemme cut the middle out of that sentence

The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.

Which is exactly what they do, they establish and ordain. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomination_and_confirmation_to_the_Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States

That’s not true, it says the Supreme Court AND inferior courts