Kajo [he/him] 🌈
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Before being an appetite suppressant, it is a medication for diabetes.

The problem is not the margin Novo Nordisk makes on an appetite suppressant, contrary to what the headline says.

The twofold problem is the margin on a diabetes drug, which weighs heavily on patients and health insurers around the world. And the potential supply problems for diabetics, when a vital drug is sold as a miracle weight-loss remedy.

I think it’s a more global movement.

When I was recruited at my university in the early 2000s, every teacher had an ftp-accessible space with an http address like myuni.edu/~myname. The more techie ones did html, the fancier ones even added css. Muggles would export html from a Word document.

Then one day, the IT department decided to replace this with a “learning management system”. A wysiwyg platform with dozens of modules for videoconferencing courses, homework submission, online exams, and so forth.

Except that the user (the teacher) no longer has control over his or her personal space.

I understand the statement is about in-game stuff, but I’m guessing a lot of game developers have been using GitHub Copilot and this kind of “AI tools” for months.

Yeah, you’re right, it doesn’t make sense to say that O(f(n)) is good or bad for any algorithm. It must be compared to the complexity of other algorithms which solve the same problem in the same conditions.

Singular Value Decomposition is widely used in machine learning, image processing, natural language processing, recommender algorithms…

Stable Video Diffusion is a good marketing name, but SVD is quite confusing from an academic point of view.

It’s not the best idea to call it SVD, as it already stands for Singular Value Decomposition.

Because they don’t need to, as long as we keep believing their nice promises without looking if their old promises have been kept.

This news must be read in the French political context, where far-right ideas are corrupting the minds and islamophobia is the legal face of racism.

It’s also a way for the government to divide the left, accusing it to promote islamist terrorism (which is obviously a fake).

This is a loophole that the Minister of the Interior has been discovering and exploiting for months: he does something whose legality is highly questionable (like banning a demonstration), and by the time his decision is legally challenged and overturned, he’s got what he wanted and there are no legal consequences for him.

That’s not true.

In the 90’s, the Oslo Accords was a step forward between Israel (Yitzhak Rabin, and his opponent Shimon Peres) and Palestine Liberation Organization (Yasser Arafat) to find a way to live peacefully together.

They shared the Nobel Peace Prize for that. And it cost Yitzhak Rabin his life, as he was murdered by a far-right terrorist who wanted to stop the peace process.

Unions don’t work the same way in all european countries.

In France, the union I belong to is organized by local company and public service, with a spawling system of dual cascading federations by geographic sector and economic sector.

And there are several competing national union organizations which overlap. I don’t know exactly how the other ones are organized

Getting Nintendo would be a career moment for me

Who cares about your career? How could it be a justification for anything?

Picross games are the Nintendo version of the pen-and-paper puzzles called nonograms. I’m pretty sure you can find this kind of puzzles on steam or websites.

Fez: a 2D plateformer in which you can change the perspective to create ways to unreachable plateforms

Baba Is You: a puzzle game in which you move blocks with words written on them, combining them to create small phrases which become new rules of the game.

Because the rich and powerful meat lobby wants to make life hell for their meat free competitors. The only logic here is money.

This study was funded by a grant from the Fondation for Obviousness.

I agree with you about a 3D Mario: it’s absolutely not incompatible with the release of Wonder. Also, it would be a good candidate to showcase the graphics of the new console, without taking much risks.

Mario Kart/Splatoon/Smash bros. They need a multiplayer game. For Mario Kart and Smash Bros, they have the same (fist world) problem: the switch versions have so much content that it’s difficult to hit harder. And it’s not nice of me, but I feel like they wouldn’t mind milking the Splatoon players.

Animal crossing. The license gained so much new fans with AC:NH, it would be suprising if they don’t try to take advantage of this new popularity.

Give us the chance to finally have one island per player on the console, and it’s a day 1 purchase with my SO.

I missed this point, sorry. I hope it will be released on other plateforms, including Playstation.

Recently released Lakeburg Legacy. It’s a small realm simulation: you build various workshops, allocate workers, gather resources, produce items to fill the need of the population.

And in the same time, each citizen had a love life, you can find them partners, chose talking subjects for their first date, decide if they should mary or not, some of them will break up after cheating on their partner…

Not only that. It’s also a means of long-term tax evasion, by storing works of art in a freeport.

I totally get that. For most people, watch history and relevant recommendations are indeed useful tools.

But if, for some reasons, you want to switch off these tools, the price to pay was a home page full of flashy clickbait miniatures. This terrible home page could have been an incentive to switch history on.

Now, it’s just a minimalistic google-ish search page. It’s an unexpected improvement when they could have done much worse, like a home page autoplaying ad videos, for example.

I don’t understand. Is this supposed to be an incentive to turn on watch history?

Also, part of the solution is to change our lifestyles for good. And we’ve seen with covid the problem of changing our collective behaviors just for a limited time.

I’ve never heard of this. How is it linked to transhumanism? Is it a re-branding? A fork? An attempted to propose a moral stance to transhumanism? Unless they are two rival theories to think the future?

(I’m not a transhumanist)

The most interesting upgrades for me are Absorbing Man and, in a lesser extent, Hawkeye.

Absorbing Man, 4/3 was a way under the curve and it was hard to find an on-reveal effect to compensate this weakness. But 4/5 is pretty standard, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see AM duplicating Carnage, Venom, Korg, Debrii, Thor… Also, I feel like there’s something new to do with Black Panther (maybe in a Eletro Zola deck ?)

About Hawkeye, there is a niche for a 1/4 card: between the 1/3 cards with double-edged effects (Blade, Zero) and stronger cards with stronger drawbacks (Ebony Maw, Titania) or specific triggers (Human Torch, Winter Soldier). And I agree with you: with bounce back effects, there may be interesting things to do with this humble card.

Thank you for linguistic enlightenment, and for the extra smiles.

Looks like I was betrayed by deepl…

I meant formal/elevated langage.

In sustained French, “verge” is a synonym for “penis”. So, it made me smile to see an article about Pornhub in TheVerge.

One solution is to question their competence to speak on this subject, and assert the superiority of lived experience over purely theoretical knowledge.

Another solution is to weigh (their) rationality against ethics. Many purely rational policies have led to disasters and horrors. Eugenics, for example, is perfectly rational.

The Binding of Isaac

Or Slay the Spire, if I want a turn based game.

I would use the language I know the best which provide a library that handles .dot files (Graphviz?) and I would check if the library has an internal data structure for the graphs.

I guess it would be adjacency matrice or adjacency lists.

Thank you for the article. Opaque struct is an interesting subject for people who want to go deeper into their understanding of C.

If I could add/emphasis two points to the article:

  • FILE is a famous example of struct using this trick. So, even if yon don’t often need to develop an opaque struct in C, you certainly use such struct daily without knowing.

  • you can’t declare a variable with an opaque type (because the compiler would need to know its size). Everything must be handled through pointers, and the library has to provide functions to allocate/destroy the struct, like fopen() and fclose() for FILE.

According to the French Constitution, the President cannot serve more than 2 consecutive terms. Macron was elected in 2017 and relected in 2022 (against the far-right candidate) so he can’t be candidate in 2027.

Before 2027, there won’t be any meaningful national election in France (European congress in 2024 and municipal elections in 2026).

Also, Macron hasn’t the absolute majority at the French national assembly, but there are tools in the Constitution which allow the government to pass laws without a vote. And the opposition is not strong enough to dismiss the government.

I live in France. This kind of riots has been around for decades, sometimes because a cop murdered a kid in a poor neighborhood, sometimes because it’s new year’s eve (true story). What happened the last few days is not the sign of a system on the brink of collapse.

It’s the result of our colonial era, of a urban policy that creates ghettos, of ordinary racism (particularly in the police) and above all of a policing policy that has become increasingly brutal since the 2000s.

Concurrently, Macron is an authoritarian oligarch in the era of late stage capitalism. But the current riots are not related to the health care system or the worker’s rights.

It’s not a question of age, but of culture. Video game are no longer niche stuff for a handful of nerds. It’s a huge industry, like music or cinema.

People who say that games are childish are just trying to hide their ignorance.