Astronomer & video game data scientist with repressed anger

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


And yet it still has a bunch of ads for PC+ littered throughout it. Despite being grandfathered in, I abandoned it earlier this year for Podcast Republic, which hasn’t spammed me or locked me out of any features I’ve tried to play with despite not having paid them anything.

People spending more time with fewer games is not a reason, in publishers’ minds, to reverse course. It’s the intended outcome.

Having the same number of people (or near the same number) playing fewer games, and filling those games with monetization features is cheaper and easier to maintain than having a broad and growing library of titles.

Remember, the ideal for publishers is to have one game that everyone plays that has no content outside of a “spend money” button that players hit over and over again. That’s the cheapest product they can put out, and it gives them all the money. They’re all seeking everything-for-nothing relationships with customers.

Gender identity is a advanced topic that children don’t have the ability to rationalize.

If you believe that children cannot comprehend “boy” and “girl”, then I don’t know what to tell you.

Other than we know what all of this is really about. None of y’all are at all subtle about it, nor are you even a quarter as smart as you think you are.

Apparently they just think that their own disengagement with their kids’ education is a conspiracy against them personally.

“I believe other people’s human rights should be violated because I don’t like them” is a great position to have right up until you’re the disliked party.

I imagine you picture yourself as always the top dog. Protected, even, by the belief that even if you find yourself face down in the mud, the people you gleefully abuse will not step on your head to let you drown in the muck.

And you’re probably right that they wouldn’t. Because they’re probably better people than you are, having had to learn empathy in a world that doesn’t think much of them.

But I kind of hope you choke on dirt.

Indeed. An easy and straightforward method of regulatory capture is to convince politicians that the regulations just don’t need to be enforced. “The rules are fair! We totally agree to them! Now, just let us police ourself, which you know we’ll do a good job of because we agreed with your rules!”

Yes, this is ultimately what it means, which means serious effort needs to be made to not let this die down.

Serious effort that I don’t believe will happen, as efforts would need to be constantly escalating to remain in the news cycle.

People are taking your bait on the 3rd party bullshit, but this cannot be overlooked:

Conservatives fund the NDP

Don’t choke on your tinfoil or anything. Especially not in the name of supporting a right wing party LARPing as something progressive.

Now do 1985.

Never mind, I’ll do it myself: NES games were $50, which today is about $185.

Farmers should have known it was a scam when the board wasn’t broken up, just privatized. “Oh yes, you can now sell to anyone! But the market is now dominated by this private quasi-monopoly…”

I mean, they also should have known that competition wasn’t going to meaningfully increase the prices they were getting, since grain buyers are middle-men, but people in general have a hard time learning from outside contexts.

just someone using the term to mean “young people”

Rude. How dare they stop using “Millennial” to mean “young people”. They weren’t supposed to recognize that some of us are in our 40s now!

The market crashed last year

The market: Still significantly above the pre-2020 trend.

“I wish the public would pay for my kid to go to private school”

How about “No”.

You already know the answer to that.

Alberta’s not a monolith by any stretch, but a significant percentage of the province is neck deep in the myth of rugged Albertan individualism and supremacy.

Negative utility is still utility, right?

It’s not a false narrative at all. It’s an ideological difference.

You think personal property is a financial investment. Some of us see it as a home.

You’re emblamatic of what’s wrong with the housing market.

News should absolutely be free, and freely available.

It being on Facebook is not either of those things, though.

“I don’t know what a dog whistle is” – Person actively using a dog whistle while they sealion.

Hey now, it’s not the planet’s fault. It’s not the one refusing to invest in safety testing.

And that turned out for the best, too.

I started playing Pathfinder.

This is especially true of publicly traded companies.

A publicly traded company’s customers are it’s investors, and it’s product is shareholder value. Everything else they do is just the manufacturing process.

That’s just the system. This is what happens when people confuse commerce with capitalism: They think that capitalism is being rewarded for doing commerce better. Instead, capitalism is about leveraging ownership of property and underpaying workers in order to get money for free.

And the thing about money is that it’s really just a proxy for power. When you only have enough of it to eek out a comfortable life (or less), you don’t really notice, because all of your power goes in to achieving or maintaining that acceptably good life (or hanging on for dear life trying to survive), but once your needs are comfortably and handidly met, money is entirely about being able to make other people do whatever you want. And the more money you have, the more things you can get them to do, or the more of them that you can get to do what you want.

And if you’ve managed to be one of the lucky ones who just get free money for owning shit, then you have the power at your fingertips to try to grow your power over others exponentially, while still doing no honest work in your days. And if you’re a shitty person who gets off on all of this, that’s exactly what you’ll do.

The wealthy are insufferably greedy leeching assholes because one does not become wealthy without being greedy, leeching off of others, and being an insufferable asshole.

Also, Oblivion just wasn’t amazing. It was fine. More than good enough, even. But it was also just unmitigated and completely ubcofused sidequest sprawl. In my attempts to experience all that it had to offer, I ended up feeling like I experienced nothing of value.

Wait, this is a Bethesda game. I assumed that that was the explanation.

"We want the people who will stop talking to their toxic, shithead parents forever at 18 to suffer juuuuuust a little bit more, and a little bit longer.

“Coming in 3 years, once it becomes clear that this didn’t get rid of the gay queer trans liberal socialists, we’ll be increasing the age of majority to 38 and require employers to report all pronouns, nicknames, wages, or salaries to parents.”

by the left since they’ve taken power

When and where did they take power? Because they’ve never made government nationally in Canada, and provincially there hasn’t been a leftist government since the NDP functionally abandoned democratic socialism in the 90s.

And they raised a conniving political predator who will sell us all out so that he can join the moneyed elites.

What’s your point?

Canada is the 12th safest country in the world. The US is 129th.

Can we just stop comparing ourselves to the States for once? Our Literally Fascist Neighbours don’t warrant any consideration when discussing the quality of life here.

We have it very good here.

Which segments of the population are you choosing to speak for here, exactly?

Almost double mine. Meanwhile, my home’s value has increased by like 50% since 2019. It’s insane, untenable, and unjust.

Maybe it depends on the specific field, but I’ve had no issues mentoring people remotely, and even when I was in the office I was doing it via Teams half the time.

In many contexts it isn’t that hard if you have the tools. The fact that many workplaces skimp on the tools is a them issue, not a mentoring issue.

working in the office is important so that younger/newer employees can recieve mentorship

That has real “I can’t mentor someone unless we’re at the strip club” energy.

Yeah. I doubt they can have debates in person, either. But getting 7 people in a room so that the 2 highest paid ones can ideate all over each other while the other 5 nod along as a paid audience just feels better for those 2 than looking up to see the glassy-eyed stares of people who are trying to get their work done while sitting in on a pointless vanity meeting.

Conservatives? Moving goal posts?

The heck you say!

New consoles don’t come out in response to new technology, though. They never have. The next console generation comes when people stop buying the last one.


* Reads headline again


It’s not like that stopped people. Did they even actually issue and collect on those? Because it really just seemed like the Premiere got on TV every day to impotently shake his head about it all.

Wow, the number of comments that are just “oh, yeah, these are great, I have one” is… Wow…

No wonder you guys are fucked. Too many of y’all are spending your time supporting shit like this when you could be screaming about single payer, like the rest of the developed world has.