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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 22, 2023


yeah, and? What are they going to do? Send the DEA after you for growing GMO titties? Gonna hit you with the ATF because you grew hormonally altered facial hair?

They’ve got shit like fentanyl to be worrying about. I think this is probably the least of concerns, especially considering this is less “drug addiction” and more “illegal prescription drugs” instead. Besides, they don’t get drug money from trans people.

It’s certainly a potential risk for procurement of the drug legally. But that’s already a problem.

im not sure to which scale this is true, but TOR specifically is highly centralized, and by design I2P is extremely decentralized, with most nodes running network routing of other nodes. Not that it’s impossible to do, it’s just a lot harder, and not nearly as valuable.

A lot of the ways in which people are got over shit like TOR is just skill issuing. Don’t run a drug empire on the darknet and you’ll probably be fine. If you do run a drug empire on the darknet, you better be damn fucking good at opsec, and pretty fucking good at laundering money. And even then you’ll probably still end up fucking it up.

there can be clear net proxies iirc, which are essentially exit nodes, but they aren’t recommended for fairly obvious reasons.

yeah if ur just a dude pirating, it probably doesn’t matter, but if they find you’ve done a large crime, you can bet your ass that shits getting yoinked from you.

companies might, but that’s almost entirely through legal processes. ceast and desists, required reporting, etc…

Also private trackers in my country do not allow the use of VPN (why do they care IDK, they say it is to have more control on who join), so there’s little point on getting a VPN for piracy here.

it’s probably for IP banning or something. Whitelist authorization, something silly like that.

it’s all encrypted, and a darknet, so unless you’re routing through exit nodes, or you host an exit node, that information isn’t publicly accessible.

the other problem here is the “illegal contents” problem, if UPS accidentally ships a human head in the mail, is that the fault of the UPS? If someone mails a bomb to someone else, is that also the fault of UPS?

Ultimately, there is little to no reasoning as to why you should be capable of getting into trouble, unless you’re storing it, and it’s a very very strict law. But it’s a router, so it shouldn’t be storing anything.

the US has so much geopolitical reach that companies in canada or elsewhere would just hand over the question if it was high enough profile.

nothing because it’s fucking hormones. It’s not meth.

in order to prosecute, “they” have to prove you’re a pirate and show how they know

would they compromise their backDoor to go after a tiny pirate?

this information isn’t likely to be public after the fact.

yeah, i’m gaming on 1080 and mostly playing minecraft and factorio though, so im not exactly gunning for FPS there. I will keep this card until it dies dead properly, and then it will become wall art.

you and me both my friend, you and me both… except for the fact that im still vibing with them. EVGA 1070, i don’t want to give it up F

the only losers in this situation are people that are squatting on my rightfully pirated domain names!

because there’s also a lot of good stuff on the internet. There was very little on the internet in 2002, and yet people still used it because it was cool. There is a shit ton of information on the internet now, most of which is garbage, and the rest is somewhere between mediocre, or decent, and some of it being genuinely good.

If you hate living, why even bother living? It’s a question of the ages. What’s the point of living if there is no grander purpose? Surely it means nothing, right?

yeah, it also helps knowing how to use the thing, but i consider that to be “basic documentation” personally.

Knowing how to set something up is nice, but knowing how to use it properly after setting it up is even nicer.

2002 called*

and yes, they do want their opinion back, because the internet fucking sucks.

as a chronic documentation reader, the best advice i can give is to document everything Anything that the user can and will potentially interact with, should be extensively documented, including syntax and behavior. Write it like you’re coming back to the project in 5 years after having done nothing and you want to be able to skip right to using it. When we build something ourselves, we often hold a bit of internal knowledge from the design process that never quite goes away, so it’s almost always a lot easier for us to reverse engineer something we’ve made, than it is for someone else with zero fore-knowledge to do it themselves.

Generally this can be a bit of a nightmare, but if you minimize the user facing segment it’s not all that bad, because it’s usually pretty minimal, and what would otherwise be a handful of pages, turns into 10 or maybe 15.

as for existing documentation, the i3wm user guide is really good, it’s pretty minimalist but it leaves you enough to be able to manage.

this is just because it’s webhosted, anything that does anything on the web sucks and is terrible, everything else is actually so much better it’s fucking baffling to me.

web 2.0 is dead to me. web 3.0 won’t get off of the ground, we need web 2 electric boogaloo

I’d fuck with atomic time, but at that point i want a perfect calendar system also.

if i can’t have anything nice, you can’t have anything nice, and only the people who can’t have anything nice will have something nice >:)

fr i keep saying this and nobody seems to think it’s a good idea.

Fuck timezones, me and my homies operate on UTC.

im a proponent of using exclusively UTC for anything pertinent to being accurate, and then using local solar time (the sun) to refer to everything else, it has the benefit of making people look outside anyway.

oh you sweet summer child, what you don’t know is going to come back to haunt you forever.

i would aruge that the arbitrary factor of “9am being morning” is entirely to do with the fact that morning is actually a solar time phenomenon, whereas global time does not have the concept of morning, since it is merely imitating the local solar time.

Local solar time being the literal point in the sky that the sun is in.

It gets even funnier if we include people who aren’t “normal” I for one, consider noon to be morning.

people do this stuff?

Guess we need to pick up the pace then.

the user guide while rather terse and not verbose, is still incredibly detailed, and often includes a good bit of information to get you where you need to be.

i believe they’re referred to in documentation as “urgency hints” it should be in the user guide. heres the guide just do a ctrl f for urgency, it should pop some stuff up. It’s also a default config option for the base file.

that’s always how it is.

And eventually it becomes second nature. lol

ah yes, counting from 2, because as everyone knows “” is one

i3wm having urgency cues was the single greatest thing any DE/WM has ever done.

this is true, though websites are most often the culprit of this.

ssr design is pretty based for this reason.

Who needs liquid fuel when you can just put the liquid fuel into a fuel rod anyway!

one of my favorite fun facts, is that apparently a non insignificant number of “carbon credits” come from unsealed oil wells being sealed up. Which sounds good and all.

Until you realize that leaving oil wells unsealed is literally illegal and not to regulation standards what so ever. So you are literally paying for carbon credits, that remove carbon, that never should have been in the environment to begin with.

I love capitalism.

i’m not sure that’s a CLI problem, sounds more like an application problem from what i’m hearing.

pretty much yeah lol

floating WMs are intuitive, but the problem is that they’re an incredibly mediocre solution, and the way that problems are often solved around one, is just entirely asinine. Let’s build ten different ways to do the same thing, now we have 10x the code to build and maintain, and it’s 10x more confusing to the end user who probably won’t know about half of them, because 90% of our documentation is redundant!

Tiling WMs have significantly less issues with this, because they often have a very strict set of management rules, and only those. Nothing more.

I think it’s probably because we’ve shifted away from shipping software as a product, and onto software as a service. I.E. in the 90s if win 95 irreversibly corrupted, that would be devastating to sales.

But today with windows 11? Just roll it out in one of the twenty three testing branches you have and see what happens, and if shit does break. Just work around it. It’ll be fine. Even if something does happen, you can most of the time, fix it and roll out a new update.

And i also think it’s moved to be more team centric, rather than department centric. A lot of the theory is probably more senior team led type responsibility. While everyone writing the code can chip in and add some as well. Developers knowing how to write secure code helps, so they should theoretically also be capable of QA themselves to a degree.

Also there’s a lot more money in shipping shit out the door, than there is in shipping a functional product, unfortunately.