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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


No need to re-release, the next system is going to be backwards compatible. Plus I believe some of these newer games like TTYD have code hidden in them to run better with the new system.

No it’s because all the Apple emulator users being reckless as fuck, flocking to the site all at once to try games they could have emulated on PC for decades now…

Every time this view point is parroted, they either imply or outright state the company will be sued/break the law because they didn’t do their best to make money. Notice how they used words like “need”, “swearing an oath”, etc. I’ve seen it time and time again on here and on Reddit, it’s tiresome at this point. The companies are just greedy, and know they can pretty much get away with stuff like this, end of story.

Downvoting you because this is factually incorrect. They WANT the profit, but it’s not illegal to not make a certain amount of profit, that’s silly.

I didnt know that, that’s pretty cool! Based on what you and everyone else have been saying, it’s not nearly as bad as I thought :)

Isn’t there a big issue regarding the permanent wearing down of batteries though? Not sure anyone would want to buy a 10 y/o EV with a worn-to-hell battery that has a greatly diminished max range. And last I heard, new batteries are thousands of dollars, but maybe that’s changed?

That’s one of the reasons i’ve stayed with a TV from 2009 for so long. It was just before they started doing all that Internet TV bullshit, so no spying possible.

I second the used office chair store option. I got mine there for like $300, and while it was a color I wouldnt usually go for (lime green), it solved my back pain virtually overnight. Have had it like 3 years now, it’s great and will probably last forever

You can practically see how people got less educated and the attention spans dropped through the lens of video game history. Those early point and click adventure games (and others) did NOT hold your hand, and expected you to think outside the box. Then, over the next 4 decades, things slowly got more and more handholdy, because people (ALL people, not just the youngins) just aren’t quite the same as they used to be.

AAA games started getting too expensive and therefore risky to make since the PS3 (if not the PS2 era), and so the big companies started playing it safe by chasing trends rather than try something new and avante-garde (aside from Nintendo of course). Action-RPGs drew a wider audience, and therefore more money, so it would be silly for them to choose the option that makes less money. Capitalism ruins everything.

That sounds like my current trajectory as well. I’m almost level 30, with a friend who runs the server I’m playing on being late 30’s, and is starting to catch things well into the 40’s. I can almost see the endgame coming.

Man I loved the Enshrouded demo, and was waiting for it to come out… then this Palworld comes out of nowhere and sucks up all my freetime. And THEN I forgot that Enshrouded was coming out this week, so like… I guess I won’t be playing that just yet 😅 did it turn out to be as good as the demo made it seem?

I looked up a video showing some model proportion comparisons. Yeah they do look to be pretty similar, but I guess it just comes down to: Where do you draw the line between copyright infringement and fair use? Like obviously palette swapping a squirtle to be red and making him a fire type is probably illegal? But if you take the squirtle model, change him to be all fuzzy, with a spiky shell, different eyes, etc to the point where the model meshing is no longer the same… is that really infringement?

I don’t know myself, and will leave it up to TPC to figure it out, but it doesn’t really bother me one bit either way.

I played a bunch over the weekend, didn’t even get to use a gun yet… the game is so much more than that.

Yup. Also the PS5 doesnt have hardly any unique games, so…

Yeah I guess it’s more predatory than scammy. Still shitty though.

Idk, I watched a few episodes of the anime a while back and it seemed like your typical 90s Shonen anime. Also had a pedophile old dude so yeah…

Not really interested in the game since I’m not interested in the anime 🤷‍♂️

The biggest scam ever perpetuated in gaming history. Well, unless you count Gacha games I guess.

Wait it’s the same person posting all these weird rage bait articles for every new big game?

They’re always weird too because they’ll talk about an issue everyone already discussed at length like 2-4 weeks ago, as if it’s a new topic.

OH now I get it, thanks!

In the US, they assign doctors to evaluate you, only to see you literally struggling to walk/balance yourself, and be told you could “probably work at least 4-8 hours a week, no disability for you, moocher”.

Nevermind that even if said mythical 4-8 hour/week, remote job existed, the pay wouldnt cover jack shit…

Not necessarily, you could buy a copy but then play it via emulation for the better* experience.

*assuming the specific game doesn’t have too many issues running on emulation.

FF7R was pretty good, i’d like to see how they could expand on FF6. Although… there are way too many playable characters. Might not be possible to do it justice.

That’s fair. From the demo, I can’t tell how long some of these dungeons will be towards say the end of the game, but the ones I saw so far were much shorter. I think it’s a nice balance in that way. I think Pikmin 2 had dungeons that were what, up to 100 floors deep or something? THAT was a little overkill.

As for TotK, I will say that I got burnt out on BotW before even getting halfway, but this one made BotW feel like an unfinished Beta or something. Much more fun, much more to do. I actually beat it haha

I mean it’s been almost 20 years since I played Pikmin 2, so I’d have to replay it to see if I still feel the same way, but from playing the demo of 4 I’m thinking I do still like the dungeons. For me, I like that time stops (or I guess in the new one, it’s slowed way down?). I like to get as much done as I can in one go, limited only by my own survival skills, and hate the constant threat of “OHP HEY IT’S NIGHT TIME, STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING AND GET YOUR ASS TO CAMP!” that you get on the surface. I hate being rushed, it’s why I don’t like true RTS games like Starcraft. Pikmin 1 almost crossed that line, what with it rushing you to find all the treasures in a month or whatever. Almost makes me feel like I have to follow a guide, when I just want to go explore at my own pace instead.

But hey everyone’s different, I don’t think your opinion is invalid or anything, and i’m hoping you still enjoy 4!

Really? I loved the Pikmin 2 dungeons, and am stoked to see them return. Pikmin 3 felt way too short without them.

He said a new F-Zero would cost a fortune in this day and age. And so they are probably hesitant to invest in one and then only sell like, a million or less copies.