
If I’m posting I’m probably high so don’t hate on me

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Put the E at the front and a 3 on the end and you have exactly that.

Don’t worry, at the rate it’s going it probably will never see the light of day in any usable sense for the average person.

Taxing profits is a good idea but they’ll figure out some creative accounting to avoid making them.

I think we just need to straight up take ownership of a portion their shares that increases based on how little tax they are paying.

On paper they don’t make anything a year and pay less tax than you or I. The only way that’s going to change is a massive world-wide effort to crack down on tax havens and to start taxing their assets fully.

95 was amazeballs for what it did at the time to personal computing.

But there was a reason it got replaced with NT.

I finally stopped using it entirely when they started paywalling the answers. I don’t know if you had to actually pay or just sign up to view them but whatever it was went too far for me. Nothing of real value was honesty lost from my existence either.

When I used to work a lot with Python the packaging solutions available were the bane of my existence. I hope they’ve gotten better by now…

Microsoft products in this area are weird to me. Like C#, Powershell is great on one hand yet annoying and more difficult to rangle on the other compared to other solutions that are out there.

I watched a thing about copyright and trademark enforcement where the corporate organization was somehow able to gather a team of 50 police at tax payer expense and march them into a Sunday market in order to capture and shut down market stores selling fake knockoffs. You could see how wildly unpopular it was with the entire crowd around them where some shoppers even continued browsing and trying to purchase goods from the shut down stores even with cops standing right there trying to make the crowd move on.

Copyright and trademark infringement against multi-billionare companies with continuous record profits is seen as a victimless “crime” at best by the vast majority of people, even reasonably well off people too. The only repercussion if you’re “caught” should be just paying the actual construction/reproduction cost of the item which is pennies, they weren’t going to make this sale at their ridiculous retail price in the first place and their real losses are miniscule at best.


It’s a good game though, but needed more time in the oven.

That streamer is paid by them so I wouldn’t put much faith in their opinion on it.

These seem incredibly cheap, like too good to be real cheap.

The same way as your previous torrent program. Forward the port on your router to the device running qBitorrent and make sure the qBitorrent setting for the port to use matches.

Also make sure the firewall in Linux allows the port too.

It does work for code… just not like this.

You could use eBay but that’s usually the option of last resort.

Your local city probably has referb shops that sell them or if you’re keen you can pick them up directly from auction for peanuts.

Every time I’ve had a use for these either a business PC (or ex-business referb for home) has always been a better, cheaper answer.

Unless space is the absolute unchangeable primary concern than the size difference doesn’t matter.

Personally on a 1440p monitor or better I think middle aligned is better 🤷

Sonarr, Radarr, qBitorrent, SabNzbd, Jackett and frontends like Kodi and Jellyfin. Jackett can interrogate a whole bunch of public and private torrent trackers for you, fetch a .torrent file given a set of criteria (like are there seeders) and put it in your torrent client for you. It does all this automatically from Sonarr/Radarr once set up in them.

I set all this up in my server using my phone and an Android SSH client from my bed while recovering from nasty painful surgery and it’s been pretty solid once I worked out the kinks since.