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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 13, 2023


🙄 PHP is great for most things. I can’t believe it’s 2024 and this terrible relic from 15 years ago still persists.

I haven’t used big 0 or algorithms in my 15 years of professional coding. It’s just not important unless you work for a Google and even then you’d have support.

Blah blah blah blah.

I don’t care who does and who doesn’t get paid, and I’ll come up with every excuse to ignore that pesky creator income.

The mental hoops you all go through is insane. It’s on par with Trumpers, just less damaging.

Oh good, round 3. I really can’t wait to have 10 posts each time Google updates its ad blocking code.

Yup. And the current status quo will continue. Folks will use WhatsApp, iOS, RCS.

Support companies like signal and telegram.

Oh no, the bad man told me to pay for the privacy service I use instead of freeloading and stealing from them.

It’s one thing to steal shit because it’s unavailable. I think it’s another to steal from a company offering reasonable privacy services competing against Whatsapp. And then you’ll all bitch when it’s only Facebook left. Signal is certainly circling the drain.

I’m going to just advise you to consider the nature here and if you really want to self host. Unless you really think you’ve put enough effort in to make sure your running HA and are prepared to support.

Consider when you may need this most, in an emergency where you ain’t going to be troubleshooting with a family members health on the line.

IMO, I have zero interest in that level of responsibility.

Stealing the right to distribution and money out of people’s pockets. Kimdotcom really did a number on y’all.

Are you spending 50k on new vehicles? Have you ever bought a brand new car? Are you commenting on a sub brought together buy a common thread of stealing content?

Maybe consider that.

Oh look, ANOTHER thread filled with users shocked that Google doesn’t give a damn about ad blocking customers.

Never once in my lifetime and well over 8 new vehicles have I run into early payoff fees on a car loan. They for the most part, don’t exist as an offered product.

From a quick Google search it appears just as rare in Canada.

Get the loan, pay it off, drive to the dealership the next day and tell them to fuck off.

I’m not the one who started in with justifications. That’s in the other commentators.

Oh, I didn’t come here to complain about stealing.

I came to make fun of idiots that make it their identity. The ladder is very much open season on piracy forums. You seem to be conflating (and other) the two.

You people have recited that bullshit for as long as I can remember usenet. You’ve stolen the right to distribution and taken money out of progress 6 hands.

Invent whatever little story you need to live with it.


If you haven’t you are definitely missing out.

I wish I could possibly convey how hard I just rolled my eyes back into my head.

Netflix is too hard? You’ll come up with anything to justify stealing it.

In this moment I am euphoric vibes.

Being a proud pirate is some of the dumbest shit on the planet.

Not even remotely close to true. Services are mostly half assed. Doing them correctly is time consuming and expensive.

🙄 if I had a dime for every time I’ve heard an engineer say I got this for backups…

I wouldn’t self host any git unless it was unimportant. Too easy to dick up disks.

Dumbest article I should have never clicked on in a while. Absolute garbage. Feel bad op.

And? That company beside the point.

That’s the correct decision for you. Then majorities like the income and sign up. They probably want their money.

And I’m sure you are providing a home, shelter, and pay for every artist who chooses to share work rather than sell it.

Then go buy the cd directly. Or donate.

Y’all try to pretend like you are pissed where their money goes but then choose to ignore those options.

It’s about you all just not wanting to pay, don’t try and make it assume noble bullshit.

It’s bet none of you have donated directly to creators and if you have it’s less than $300 life time total.

Y’all get so pissy when people judge you for stealing content. Then you start attacking this user? Even putting up your own post to bully them?

Definitely the behavior of adults and not 14 year olds.