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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


Oh, it’s not just me? I thought maybe I was IP banned after using it too much on reddit.

Their site has become borderline unusable too, unfortunately. Oddly, it works fine for me when I connect through a VPN.

The two worst things that ever happened to YouTube were monetized content and Google buying it. It hasn’t even been very fun to browse YouTube since like 2010.

If you look at what a raging tool the CEO is and the implications of the browser’s association with crypto (no matter how optional), I think that Brave just attracts that type of person

Have you ever interacted with a Brave user? No, they can’t.

Amazon Sidewalk

I just looked it up. How extremely creepy. My brother just put some ring cameras in his house. I’ll show him how to disable this tomorrow. It’s just evil that it’s not opt-in.

Every day, I feel better about my decision to quit Prime and distance myself from this awful corporation.

I don’t trust homophobes or cryptobros, especially not those with a history of selling users out like Brendan Eich

Zoom does legitimately suck though, but not for the reasons he thinks. Moreso from a privacy perspective.

Let him keep shit-talking Zoom until my employers switch to a better alternative!

I used to play it with my nibling. I had no idea it was so awful.

I’m sure “no one could have seen this coming” from such an “upstanding citizen.”

No one of course, except anyone who isn’t willing to gloss over someone’s bigoted beliefs about LGBTQIA people.

Would any of these help? Otherwise like someone else said, music is one of the easiest things to find on the high seas.

I’m in South Dakota, and I worry that my local library could be next. I know the director, and she’s an ally. Always has a display with progressive books, including LGBT+ topics. But we could lose that in an instant to the rapid spread of fascism.

I especially worry about youth in places like Gilette. In small conservative towns, places like the library are essential safe spaces, and they’re under attack.

Long term, their attack will spread to bigger cities too, if we don’t stop them. We need to do whatever it takes to deplatform and disenfranchise Republicans before it’s too late.

So what I expect is that people like me who live here will press the issue, and that we’ll oust Republicans in Washington because without support at the federal level, we’ve got no hope here.

To be blunt, lemmy.world has always seemed to emulate reddit too much for my comfort, even in vetting registrations. 9/10 of the bad enlightened centrist takes I’ve seen here have come from lemmy.world users who are clearly reddit transplants.

First, many don’t appreciate the clutter from awards

Yeah, because the only award that ever mattered to most users was gold. They messed that up, and now they’re going to mess up even more.

I used to buy gold sometimes, which was always a waste of money but I could at least justify the $3.99 for the meme or whatever when I really liked somebody’s comment or post, but I never spent a single cent on awards after they implemented the extended rewards system. Those awards were always laughably bad. They even locked some for premium users only. Just absolute clowns running that place.

I’m … quite sure there were many posts about the issue on reddit, with one app in particular becoming paid and people actually losing access to some data, but either these posts have been deleted, or I’m tripping balls because I can’t locate them now.

I’m going to err on the side of not potentially slandering a dev further and delete my comment. I hope no damage was done.

I feel like public libraries are a pretty good canary in the coal mine

Shit’s scary