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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Doesn’t work on Firefox mobile. Neither “mobile” site or Desktop versions. Hitting “Next/Enter” on my keyboard does nothing, there is no Submit button that I can see, and refreshing the page just resets all fields to defaults.

I don’t want an Intel with 4gb RAM and a 256GB spinning drive, and OS included? No thanks. Without being able to filter results, its just another craigslist/amazon/newegg front-end … a less useful one.

A state that pays more to the Federal Government than it gets back in funding need fear nothing like so.

The rest of the US should be afraid of such states secceeding. This would be the opposite of the last civil war, as back then it was the less economically powerful, less populous states attempting to split.

“Only while in use” counts when an app is allowed to run in the background as “in use”. Allow push notifications? That app is running in the background.

I’ll make fun of them day and night over their knife ban(mostly because I can freely carry an outright SWORD in my state without a permit), but his take is bonkers.

Who said anything about setting up a tax deduction? I’m setting up an indirect benefit to others that counts as an illiquid asset. It’s not an investment since its purpose isn’t profit, and its not charitable since I remain in control.

Pay attention to the genie’s criteria, and realize: for anyone actually trying to do some good, the IRS criteria might as well be so capricious and arbitrary. With that kind of money and a lot of these organizations, I would rather donate it directly, yes, but there are also plenty of organizations and causes where more money in the pot means more CEO and middleman pay. That, and the IRS, don’t have to count as a valid reason to withhold a single penny for someone that’s supposedly capable enough to have any business managing such a large amount.

Funny thing about trusts: You can set them up so you retain ownership and control until you die. So sure, giving it away, but in the future. I could also be petty later, dissolve the trusts and sell-off the land, though with the rest of the money coming from the Genie, I should never come close to needing to do that.

First up: Capital gains Taxes. That’s $12,000,000 off the top. Next, buying the properties of all my favorite charities, museums, libraries, restraunts, stores, and setting up trusts to keep taxes and such paid on those in perpetuity … That alone should do it, within a large enough radius, but anyways … buy up the most inefficient air-planes, cruise-liners, cargo ships I can find and straight up ground/dock them or upgrade them to fix those inefficiencies. Make sure the planes are never flown again, at least not at night.

Dear God Please No. Anyone but her, Hillary, or Klobuchar. I don’t recall knowing anything about this Mark Kelly dude prior to a few days ago, but that in itself might as well be a goddamn Medal of Honor next to what I know of them.

Hell, I voted Bush over John Kerry in '04, and while I still don’t care for the “turn in your guns for healthcare” strategy they lost with then and earlier with Gore, I can pinch my nose and vote for that quicker than seeing half my neighbors, family, and friends deported, dragged off to internment/conversion camps, or just plain killed.

Sounds like you should have taken his phone away when everyone else had finished, or before that, since he was distracting others. Also sounds like the assignment wasn’t challenging enough for him.

Random book, even one mentioned in the article, along with anecdotes by the author, lists more and better studies than the 1,317 studies scoped by the Queensland University of Technology? Doubt.

I mean, I agree its already broken, but proponents of this “it’s x thousand pixels wide!” non-sense will point out that at least it rounds up to that number, so I opted to point of the vaule at whict that excuse, too, breaks down. 4k has 4 times(2x2) the pixels as 1080P, and 8k has, well shit, 16 times(4x4) the pixels as 1080P. Someone shit the bed with this non-sense.

Apparently the “official” standard defines nothing beyond 8k. Go figure.

Okay, but, 4k has literally 4 times the number of pixels that 1080P does, 3840 horizontal(“4k”?) versus 1920(“2k”?), and 2160 versus 1080 vertical. We are not so far from breaking the “1000pixels” interpretation completely; “13k” would be 12,480 pixels wide.

Seems to me that marketers are trying to conflate “k” and Megapixels, but if we started using Megapixels for Displays, the side-by-side numbers would look truely pathetic(versus what “seems common/attainable”, not what’s “percievable”.

Reasons why MinX versions are usually available. Whether for bandwidth purposes, just not giving a fuck about HD, or not wanting to buy larger Hard Drives to save overlarge content, there’s plenty of people with plenty of reasons to prefer smaller files.

The Maze was based on previous work by id Software and others. IIRC, it was kinda janky when held up against Doom or even Wolfenstien or Heritic/Hexen. Hell, Descent was out by then as well.

Pipes? Pipes was something else. None of those games I mentioned bothered to make something look round in any believable capacity. Pipes did that, seemingly with shading 🫨

Not only an airport, but elsewhere would likely not have been able to negotiate to same prices as a local. Sticker price is almost always the foreigner price, at least when it’s matching or higher than the price one would pay back home.

I’m almost certain I’ve seen $5 “lightning” headphones here in the midwestern US.

Title is misleading: they seem to be succeeding at it, not just “hitting on” women. Its alarming, not just sad and disgusting.

Too few are cool “enough” with the methods when it comes to actually using them. That’s why I’m saying “cool” is the wrong word. We don’t need more chill. We need more people mad enough to act and not even begin to give a damn if anyone is cool with their actions.

Unfortunately, almost none of us reach that point short of direct harms to our persons or our (chosen, birth, whatever)families. Even for the dude who iced Shinzo, it was mostly a personal vendetta.

Americans don’t need to be cool about shit. We’ve been too cool about shit, until this dumb fuck is about ten inches shorter. Not like Balaji will be making productive use of either end if nothing is done.

I use … Plex … as a gap-filler, but I don’t become aware of the gaps(in what-I-thought-I-had-subbed-and-actually-had-paid-access-to-for-years versus what-is-actually-still-available) anywhere near as quickly as each of my children.


We pay for subs to damn near every streaming service. I am constantly having to send them the passwords or even reset the passwords(to the same password), so they can login devices they’ve logged on a hundred times.

Need an “emulator”(sandbox really) for old IOS apps. All the best games I ever played on IOS, games I paid for, were retired from the app store and replaced with substandard, ad/subscription based knockoffs, years ago.

Now I think about it, I’ve got a lot of android apps I keep sideloading to new devices that won’t work if I try to actually use them, but at least I have convenient ways to preserve those.

It works because the AI finds and exploits the flaws in the prompt, as it has been trained to do. A conversational AI that couldn’t do so wouldn’t meet the definition of such.

Anthropomorphizing? Put it this way: The writers of that prompt apparently believed it would work to conceal the instructions in it. That shows them to be idiots without getting into anything else about them. The AI doesn’t know or believe any of that, and it doesn’t have to, but it doesn’t have to be anthropomorphic or “intelligent” to be “smarter” than people who consume their own mental excrement like so.

Blanket Time/Blanket Training(look it up), sadly, apparently works on some humans. AI seems to be already doing better than that. “Dumb” isn’t the word to be using for it, least of all in comparison to the damaged morons trying to manipulate it in the manner shown in the OP.

It works because the AI finds and exploits the flaws in the prompt, as it has been trained to do.

The AI figured out a way around the garbage it was fed by idiots, and told on them for feeding it garbage. That’s the opposite of dumb.

The “actual devs” straight copied another app that is still available on the app store, and then enshittified it heavilly. To the depths with them!

In either context, Steam is a noun and does not come across as a verb, particularly in the context of this community. Good luck correcting the grammar of others in future, but you’ve fallen flat here.

Looks like you and I both meant to respond to this other comment by @GenderNeutralBro@lemmy.sdf.org : https://discuss.tchncs.de/comment/9293054 https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/comment/9620373

… well shit. Anyone know how I can link a comment in an instance-agnostic way? Ridiculous that while all three of those links go to the same comment, the commenter I’m replying to can only really interact with one of them … and why the hell does user tagging seem to be broken? I had to manually create that link.

Its the whales and the people that can’t afford to buy more media than they already do.

If the industry actually got the big spenders to do away with their self-hosting/data-archive setups, they won’t actually put that money into more media, as they’re already budgetting a set amount for the media itself which is not going to increase.

No, offering them more money to remove those obstacles sends the wrong message. It would literally save them money to leave it out, so in what world would that entitle them to more of your money or mine?

You DO have the right to copy it. It’s sharing that copy that becomes a potential legal problem.

32-bit apps use a sub-set of the same instructions that still exist on current 64-bit systems. Running 64-bit alone does nothing to eliminate any flaws, real or imagined, from the 32-bit side of things.

As @jarfil@jarfil@beehaw.org has stated, 32 bit repos are being de-listed because no one can be bothered to maintain them(on a professional, full-time basis), and that lack of code/functional review could allow flaws to slip through. Meanwhile, a lot of those same 32-bit repos continue to exist(as community-maintained versions - my preferrence anyways) and can be accessed by interested users from most distros. They aren’t blocked, just de-listed and unsupported by those distro maintainers.

More like, if the Steam app ever goes 64bit, watch out. A non-shittified app like so should never require 4gb+ of RAM or anything more complicated than a 32bit instruction set.

not correcting you on the contents of the article or anything, just that 32bit is nothing close to a mark against the Steam app.

When the variable name is the description that should be in the comments.

Idea: Comments that automattically populate the end of any line a given variable is invoked on, including spelling out formulas from that line. ie: float y=mx+b // (cartesian y value)=(slope)(cartesian x value)+(cartisian y-intercept)

“Duplicated” coments not actually in the file, but specified witt the creation of such variables and spread around by the code editor /IDE.

Metric uses those for numbers less than 1, a situation that doesn’t arrise in computing. There is nothing less than a bit, whether its set to 1 or 0.