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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2024


Can you ping your domain? How about checking the DNS resolution? What DynDns do you use?

I use it through a docker container for certain services that should not use my own public ip. It works great, very stable, great performance and they don’t discriminate against certain types of traffic

Of course they can. If they set up a honeypot and your ip is caught seeding, even if it is only as an exit point to i2p, they have you connected to the distribution of that torrent. I’m not saying they will win before a court, but they will send you a letter and a lot of people don’t challenge those

In germany it’s enough for them to know you participated in the process to send you a letter

You will still always know where the packet last came from, otherwise it could not be routed to you. As I live in germany I have to deal with the threat of lawyers sending letters when they ‘caught you’ torrenting. So if anyone uses this in germany without a vpn and happens to be the last one in the chain they will use it just like they use their current system to claim you pirated stuff because you were uploading stuff through torrents.

Would that keep lawyers from just taking the last ip they get for their frivolous law suits? That way I could get a letter for something I actually didn’t download

I still don’t know how I2P would be able to mask where the packets go to or come from, even if they encrypt the contents

I have a shrine to the Omnissiah next to my server closet if that helps you

@pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr The link to you lemmy is dead

Honestly security is not the main reason I use containers, but ease of use. Docker (or containerization in general) makes it really easy to keep a clean host system when you regularly try out new services, there’s no baggage left behind when you remove a container and once you remove their mount/volume, you are usually rid of them pretty cleanly. Additionally it makes migration to new machines/distros way easier and less time consuming.

I don’t rely on docker seperation to keep my machine safe, although I probably could

I mean… It’s perfectly usable as it is. Even though it’s still in early development, it already has more feature than basically every competitor (except Google Photos maybe)

Well, they do say, that it is in very active development. There will be a time when updates get more stable and where they will offer an automated update path, just not now.

Dafür gabs vorher schon gute Gründe. Dass er sich jetzt den Autokraten dieser Welt anbiedert und dafür die Auorität Ungrans Ratspräsidentschaft ausnutzen will ist doch nur die letzte in einer Reihe EU-feindlichen Handlungen.

Am Ende müssen wir mit der EU einfach weg vom Einstimmigkeitsprinzip, damit man auch Länder wie Ungarn bestrafen kann für solches Verhalten.

It’s almost like the ruling elite of the UAE don’t give a fuck about Islam besides it being the best tool to ensure their power.