• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


and that folks, is why the gaming industry is not only in such an dystopian god awful state, but it only goes down from here, there aint no bottom

with how this game looks, i refuse to believe that that amounts to that many gb of data (u sure thats 4k?)

dont you see the inherit problem that these devs all themselves created with the increasing cost, increasing scope, increasingly forcing bigger retention spans? these games dont need to be this needlessly huge and even than there is no need to have them almost broken (have you SEEN how cd project red always releases their games?)

i never said it was that much better back than, its just much easier to have all of this garbage available than it was back than cause now its flooding the online stores

and of course “do it better yourself than”, i dont have to be a mastercoder to recognise subpar quality, i dont need to be a masterchef to know when something tastes bad

Im no stranger to daggerfall either but that just highlights the problem with the company but some fanatics who blindly follow then

Their games don’t have to be buggy messes till modders do bestesdas job for them, mods should primarily enhance, not fix.

And these people who don’t care (as you that is) are one key problem why bethesdas and other companys launch their games like an alpha they’ll never fix (hows their ducttape held severly outdated engine gonna cripple this title I wonder)

can these subpar double triple a games stop not compressing and optimising their shit again, and not dumping all of their over compensating textures and files on us? no?..okay…

i like modding as much as the next gal but this type of relationship bethesda has with their fans is not good, at all, and i never see anyone ever mention it

cant wait for the backwards flying dragon, i mean the backwards flying spaceships

Not only hyping a features they had for several games now, but I bet my left ovarie thats they all gonna be as broken as their earliest iteration

like i said, the reason all of these games are as bad as they are, cause it fucking works, and i hate it

A lesson that isnt needed Mtx are as prevelant as they are cause they sadly work

“Everybody”.shits on d immortal and overwatch 2 Yet they still bring in huge profits

So I gotta have to break out the xkcd comic again? Cause I will

i started streaming and this week i have the time to go all in with it, im playing one game a day this week in this order Super mario world links awakening (second stream for it) baldurs gate enhanced edition nightmare creatures twilight princess (on gamecube, also second stream already)

good times

yeah those tactics from fucking gambling industries really worked like the industries he came from. how this barebones stock asset using trite got so popular is a genuine surprise, i palyed a couple of game and was bored out of my mind

Youtubers are inheritor by the virtue of their existence just are a little to biased like the gaming magazines, I also find text much easier digestable than 2,5 minutes of invideo ads, sponsors selfplugs, like button smashing.or whatever else they want to subject me to

I spend far more effort trying to find gold than one really should have, there shouldnt be a need to spend so much time

Take a genuine hard look at this industry, an industry full with exploitation, lootboxes, micro and macrotransactions, the same 5 ideas ad naseum, where for every cuphead you have 10 slendermans, (thats just the tip of the iceberg)

you mean to tell me in THAT industry its ne with the problem? Cause thats a fair assassment and ill support whatever conclusion you may or may not draw

Thank you but I trust youtubers opinions as much as a gaming “journalist” which is to say, not at all

the indie scene may be greater for that but is also filled with the same money making trite and on top of that constantly copying each other and barely doing anything new.

Games that are made for the sake of making the game insread of being made to squeeze as much retention and money out of you as possible

Now thats a style that is becoming increasingly rare

This applys to so much more than just programming now, sadly

That happens literyally every time with these hackjob of a company

Pedos that got banned from platforms turn to other platform who hasnt done it yet

In other news: the sky is blue

Bro what did ff 14 do to you? who pissed in your chereos there? starcraft the elitism, the rage there is nothing that will ever come close to the levels of salt that that community produced

LMAO, important? since when have gold awards done anything but make a stupid competition like karmawhoring

Lets be real, these two sites specifically have read like they where written by AI for years now.

I a tually have sh1 on the list of games to stream, will add sh3

Never got around to that one for one reason or another, ill see about that one

So yeah, vives a Lil expensive for a paycheck to paycheck gal

I did enjoy fc5 Sadly 6 just didnt click for me

ID rather not shell out up to and above 1k for an enthusiast item for people with too much money, but thank you

Symphony of the night and Mario 64 on stream baby

algitht than if you like a nicely structured story than stay away its purposely confusing to “portray a certain type of mental illness”, which i call bullhog on, a confusing mess is a confusing mess

combat i find too slow the game is generally boring to actually play

like it wanted to be an art project so bad bad just had to attach a game to it

GOOD games with female protagonists?
yes, i know, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice and horizon zero dawn exist, and id rather i dont know them, so what else you got? EDIT: Please stop with celeste, i get it, celeste is a thing, yall dont need to keep repeating that one

Whats a game that everybody seems to love that you cant stand for one reason or another?
recent: tears of the kingdom, or as i like to call it botw 1.2, its the same thing all over again just with one or two added gimicks, the open world is dead, npcs are boring and nintendo just got away with it like that not so recent: i cant stand persona 5, joker and his entourage are annoying teenagers, the time management is a horrible gameplay addition and the artstyle is just a visual overstimulation with that being said,~~ plz dont kill me~~

Comfort games?
With gaming often bringing me into a really depressive headspace sometimes with how the markets are developing, whats a game you can always go to and just be lost in, or just be happy with? Personally i would go for advance wars 1 and 2 on the gba (there is no remake and never will be) the artstyle, the music, the game-play is just simple, yet effective, a sublime experience of very fun times. Whats yours?