25 years in the federal government in guns and badges, 22 of those in Corrections, then 10 years in hacker hunting and breach detection, now an information security sales engineer. Homestead farmer, amateur welder, equipment operator, electronic designer, 40 years soldering, husband and father.

  • 32 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Key takeaway, just over 1/3 (38%) of Canadians support the Conservatives. Not a glowing endorsement. We really need to be rid of FPTP so that we can get a government that actually reflects the will of all Canadians.

Doug Ford shifts direction on wind power in Ontario
It's interesting, isn't it, that canceling those hundreds of renewable energy projects when he was first elected was estimated to cost Ontario $230 million which is exactly the same amount that canceling the gas fired power plants cost us under Kathleen Wynne. I hope this is remembered as the Doug Ford Renewable Energy Scandal. He hasn't shifted his position because he now supports green energy. He has shifted his position because renewables are now FAR more affordable than fossil fuel or nuclear. It's purely economic. Cancelling those projects was an act of pure right wing virtue signalling. The $230 million is only the tip of the iceberg. What you have to ask yourself is this: 1. How much money would Ontario families have saved since 2018 if we had had cheaper, cleaner renewable energy on the grid? 2. How much more is it going to cost to build those projects in 2025 and 2026 than it would have to build them in 2018 and 2019? 3. How far has this put Ontario behind Europe and Asia where they are all in on renewable energy? The $230 million act of extremist right wing political theater is going to cost Ontario billions of dollars over the coming years and has put us a decade behind the rest of the world (other than the US, of course.)

We are better off not having Facebook be mistaken for a source of news. There is no news on Facebook, only memes, propaganda, and misinformation.

Think about it, really, imagine this was coming from someone you respect enough to make you consider changing your mind; should protests that cause no bodily harm be a criminal offence? Should the people not have a way to truly disrupt the system if our existence is at stake? Is the convenience of the ignorant more important than our survival? I’d love to hear your honest answers to these questions.

In theory what you are saying is correct. Disruptive protest for popular causes are very effective. The problem is that these fanatics are driving a wedge between the solution they want and the people they really need on their side for their protests to be effective (the people in popular.) I’m prepared to bet that they didn’t convince a single person trying to get around the loop at YUL to join them. How many people jumped out of their cars and asked for glue? Do you think they changed any oil executive’s minds? Do you think that they convinced any bought and paid for by the oil industry politicians to change their vote? Do you think that the number of people they convinced to vote for change during the next election outweighs the number of people whos votes they galvanized against them? In order for us to achieve real change in climate policy they need to convince many millions of people to vote for change. I’m willing to bet you $1 that they have done more harm than good.

Please understand that I agree with their goals. I agree that we need to make dramatic changes and as I’ve said in other parts of this “discussion” (discussion in quotes because there is a lot of whinging, shaming, insulting, name calling, etc. being thrown at me that does not constutite a conversation.) I have made substantial changes myself and have helped hundreds of others make substantial changes. I have had a direct and personal impact on carbon reduction. I just don’t agree with their methods. I think that they are doing far more harm to the cause than they are doing good.

The UK is deporting innocent people to fucking Rwanda, lmao.

They were. The new government killed that plan on day 1.

“I acknowledge that at least some of your concerns are shared by many but since we don’t want to do anything about it because that would mean changing our western week-end-at-the-resort lifestyle, we’ll just put you in prison. Fuck you.”

“But the plain fact is that each of you has some time ago crossed the line from concerned campaigner to fanatic. You have appointed yourselves as the sole arbiters of what should be done about climate change, bound neither by the principles of democracy nor the rule of law.

“And your fanaticism makes you entirely heedless of the rights of your fellow citizens. You have taken it upon yourselves to decide that your fellow citizens must suffer disruption and harm, and how much disruption and harm they must suffer, simply so that you may parade your views.”

I suspect that it’s very clear to most people at this point that the actions of these fanatics and the whinging, feeble attempts at shaming, insults, name calling, and harassment by fanatics and their apologists online aren’t actually intended to change anyone’s minds. It’s a fanatical circle jerk, as the judge suggested in the quoted ruling.

Just as long as they are prepared to answer to the rest of a society who, don’t agree with their methods. The three who the judge in the UK was writing about are spending 2, 2, and 3 years in prison for their protest which showed utter contempt for other citizens.

You’re upset because I pointed out that the comment about the word “sole” was wrong. Dude, you need to get over yourself.

I didn’t ask a question, I posted a snippet from a ruling from a similar case in the UK. I was set upon by apologists for the fanatics who showed utter contempt for the thousands of people trying to get to the airport by gluing themselves to the loop at YUL, refused to back down, and here we are. These people think that they can bully everyone into doing what they want them to do. They are wrong.

Here is my original comment for reference.

I didn’t even say anything. I just posted the snippet.

That’s an interesting point but I disagree. They treated thousands other people with utter contempt. That is not the act of someone who is morally superior. It’s absolutely disqualifying.

“But the plain fact is that each of you has some time ago crossed the line from concerned campaigner to fanatic. You have appointed yourselves as the sole arbiters of what should be done about climate change, bound neither by the principles of democracy nor the rule of law.

YOU have appointed yourselves as the SOLE arbiters of…

YOU is collection. The collective have appointed themselves the sole arbiters of…

Do you understand now?




used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing.

“are you listening?”

He was referring to them collectively. In English, “you” can refer to one person or a group of people.

It’s a self satisfying parade of their absolute moral superiority. It’s a public circle jerk.

Read it again. You are NOT morally superior. The three people he was writing about are now spending 2, 2, and 3 years in prison because they mistakenly believe that they are absolutely morally superior and that that absolute moral superiority justifies anything that they do to anyone they see as inferior. This is the same mistake that every extremist makes.

From a recent ruling in the UK.

“I acknowledge that at least some of the concerns motivating you are, at least to some extent, shared by many,” he said.

“But the plain fact is that each of you has some time ago crossed the line from concerned campaigner to fanatic. You have appointed yourselves as the sole arbiters of what should be done about climate change, bound neither by the principles of democracy nor the rule of law.

“And your fanaticism makes you entirely heedless of the rights of your fellow citizens. You have taken it upon yourselves to decide that your fellow citizens must suffer disruption and harm, and how much disruption and harm they must suffer, simply so that you may parade your views.”

Sorry…granted…SOME Americans believe that hate speech and guns make them the freest country in the world.

Most likely. As a Citizen you have right of entry so you cannot be denied entry to the country if you can get to the border. The US never has to let you in.

Totalitarian regime that ignores international law, norms of diplomatic behaviour, manages its neighbours, committed genocide against its minorities, and practices hostage diplomacy will tolerate no discussion of the fact that it ignores international law, norms of diplomatic behaviour, manages its neighbours, committed genocide against its minorities, and practices hostage diplomacy.

This. So many Canadians don’t understand Section 6. Freedom of movement means that you can cross interprovincial boundaries freely, live anywhere you want to live in Canada, and leave and return to Canada any time. It doesn’t mean you can drive without license, registration, and insurance and it doesn’t mean that the government can’t require you to quarantine when you return.

The Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms should be a required, full semester course in highschool and a passing mark of 80% should be required to graduate.

Just to be clear, these are not Trudeau’s laws. Canadian anti-hate speech laws have been on the books for decades.

That’s exactly it. It’s always hate speech that those who are braying about free speech are trying to protect.

The funny thing is that Americans think that guns and hate speech make them the freest country in the world.

Danielle Smith is working her way through those who have been charged for violating Covid restrictions.

The National Post newsroom has the slightest hint of residual journalistic integrity. Their Opinion Pieces are straight up right wing propaganda.

“Free speech” is a right wing dog whistle for hate speech.

"I can't be a racist sack of shit and spew hate speech in Canada so I'm not coming!" - a fetid sack of gangrenous anal sphincters.

They are supposed to oppose things that aren’t in the best interest of Canadians, to stop government abuse they absolutely can support things that are in the best interest of Canadians.

And yet they are braying for Trump Lite who is playing directly from the US christofascist playbook of grievance and identity politics while making impossible promises without ever telling us how he plans to deliver. But, he's"not Trudeau" amiright?

Alberta premier calls on ‘progressive’ politicians to ‘dial down’ rhetoric after attack on Trump
Danielle Smith, a white supremacist supported christofascist who has talked about putting progressive politicians, "in the cross hairs" can choke on a fucking horse dick.

What are the rules for the handgun and pipe bomb?

Not an expert but I did a quick Google search, read the actual rules, and called out your misinformation. Stop moaning and move on.

I’m not an expert but I can Google and I can read and it’s important to be accurate when you’re taking about firearms. Stop moaning and move on.

You said, “wilderness types” which suggests that anyone who is in the wilderness can get an ATC. That is absolutely untrue. Your being in the wilderness must be a requirement of your job for you to even apply for an ATC.

And yet mass murders and military and murder fetishists prefer military style weapons. Why is that? Why do those types choose guns based on how they look instead of how they work?

82% of Canadians supported the changes to the firearms regulations. 66% currently want stronger gun control. I’m not, “gatekeeping” anything. I’m discussing the reasons for what’s going on. Labeling anyone who says anything you don’t like a, “gatekeeper” or a Fudd diminishes the value of anything you have to say.

Why don’t you instead try to explain why you need the prohibited version of a firearm instead of the functionally identical non-restricted version?

Or try to explain why you don’t want to use the exact same prohibited firearm if it’s coated hot pink?

The gun lobby makes such a big deal about banning firearms based on their looks. Explain why looks are your criteria for selecting a firearm.

It’s highly unlikely that most people will ever encounter any scenario like that. That’s true. But that doesn’t make it a bad idea to be prepared.

It is an EXTREMELY bad idea. The chances that you’re going to kill someone you love goes up dramatically when you have a gun in your home. You’re not making yourself and your family safer you’re making it FAR more likely that they will be a victim of gun violence.

Do you grind up your hotdogs so that you won’t choke on them? Do you wear a life jacket in the bathtub? Have you stripped your bed of bedsheets? Do you wear a bee suit when you go outside? It’s highly unlikely that any of those things are going to happen to you, too.

This is a riduclous argument. Literally worthy of ridicule.

If you think you need a gun for self-defense in Canada you shouldn’t have a gun. You’re more likely to choke to death on a hotdog, to drown in your own bathtub, to die from entanglement in your own bedsheets, from being stung by a bee, or by being trampled by a cow than you are to be killed with a gun by someone you don’t know if you’re not involved in the drug trade or organized crime. In fact, you’re FAR more likely to be killed by or to kill someone you love if you have a gun than you are to be killed by a stranger.


Did I say the word, “assault”?

… do the same thing with a wooden stock…

And yet they don’t. That’s because responsible, non delusional gun owners don’t load a bunch of guns and thousands of rounds of ammo into a trailer and take it to a “peaceful” protest.

If you’re buying a gun for how it makes you feel then you shouldn’t be buying a gun. I’ve owned guns continuously for 40 years. My 15 year old son just completed his CFSC with an overall score of 98 out of 100. We are gun people. I’m not anti gun by any stretch of the imagination. I’m very much anti the wrong people owning guns and people who stockpile military style weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition are the wrong people.

Gun ownership in Canada is a privilege, not a right. That privilege can be modified at any time. Automatic firearms were made illegal. High capacity magazines were made illegal. The government responds to the will of the people and most Canadians support the banning of handguns and military style weapons.

The guns aren’t being banned for the way they look but because of the type of people who buy them for the way that they look and the fantasies that they have about using them like the assholes who took a trailer load of military style weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition to a “peaceful” protest because the UN and/or China were going to invade Canada.

If you want to have fantasies of rising up against the gubment or shooting Liberals just substitute an oak stocked hunting rifle into that fantasy.

Trappers and other wilderness types can apply for a license to carry them for self defence from predators while in the wild from what I recall, but you need to actually get the license not just decide to tote it around, which is very much how it should be.

Not just any wilderness type.

You must also:

  • be a licensed professional trapper or
  • need protection from wild animals while working at your lawful occupation, most often in a remote wilderness location

Apparently Polievre's grievance politics don't play very well to an audience with actual grievances.

Remember that these are the guys who said that they were preparing to fight UN and/or Chinese troops who might invade Canada? Now their lawyer says that they were used for hunting? Was she taking about the pipe bomb or the handguns? I don't see a single trigger or cable lock in that photo. Was the ammunition stored in a separate locked container? These guys should never be allowed to own a firearm again based solely on the UN/China delusion. These types of violent collective fantasies are extremely dangerous and they absolutely should be disqualifying.

Kemptville school built with same material as suddenly shuttered Ontario Science Centre
This is nothing to worry about. The only schools likely to choose as a result of this problem are ones where Doug Ford's wealthy family, friends, and donors own adjacent properties (like they do at the Ontario Science Center.) Billions and billions of dollars of graft but buck a beer and lower gas taxes.

This guy is seriously delusional. > Olienick rejects the allegation he would threaten officers, but qualifies it by saying, "unless you guys are shooting at us first." > "But it wouldn't be you guys," he adds. "It would be UN guys or Chinese." The UN and/or China are going to invade Canada? Seriously? > "I'm not going to be the first guy who's going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that's going to end it if it happens." These people watch way to fucking many US made one hero goes on a killing rampage and saves the day movies. Remember Ashli Babbitt? She and her angry mob were going to overthrow the US government and hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi right up until a bullet ripped through her chest and everyone else went, "Holy fuck, they're shooting white people! We're all going to fucking die!" and the insurrection ended with a single shot. People like this should never, ever, EVER be allowed to own guns. They aren't going to save the country from tyrants. They're going to start some shit because of a delusional collective fever dream and get themselves and likely innocent people killed.

This guy is seriously delusional. > Olienick rejects the allegation he would threaten officers, but qualifies it by saying, "unless you guys are shooting at us first." > "But it wouldn't be you guys," he adds. "It would be UN guys or Chinese." The UN and/or China are going to invade Canada? Seriously? > "I'm not going to be the first guy who's going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that's going to end it if it happens." These people watch way to fucking many US made one hero goes on a killing rampage and saves the day movies. Remember Ashli Babbitt? She and her angry mob were going to overthrow the US government and hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi right up until a bullet ripped through her chest and everyone else went, "Holy fuck, they're shooting white people! We're all going to fucking die!" and the insurrection ended with a single shot. People like this should never, ever, EVER be allowed to own guns. They aren't going to save the country from tyrants. They're going to start some shit because of a delusional collective fever dream and get themselves and likely innocent people killed.

This guy is seriously delusional. > Olienick rejects the allegation he would threaten officers, but qualifies it by saying, "unless you guys are shooting at us first." > "But it wouldn't be you guys," he adds. "It would be UN guys or Chinese." The UN and/or China are going to invade Canada? Seriously? > "I'm not going to be the first guy who's going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that's going to end it if it happens." These people watch way to fucking many US made one hero goes on a killing rampage and saves the day movies. Remember Ashli Babbitt? She and her angry mob were going to overthrow the US government and hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi right up until a bullet ripped through her chest and everyone else went, "Holy fuck, they're shooting white people! We're all going to fucking die!" and the insurrection ended with a single shot. People like this should never, ever, EVER be allowed to own guns. They aren't going to save the country from tyrants. They're going to start some shit because of a delusional collective fever dream and get themselves and likely innocent people killed.

This guy is seriously delusional. > Olienick rejects the allegation he would threaten officers, but qualifies it by saying, "unless you guys are shooting at us first." > "But it wouldn't be you guys," he adds. "It would be UN guys or Chinese." The UN and/or China are going to invade Canada? Seriously? > "I'm not going to be the first guy who's going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that's going to end it if it happens." These people watch way to fucking many US made one hero goes on a killing rampage and saves the day movies. Remember Ashli Babbitt? She and her angry mob were going to overthrow the US government and hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi right up until a bullet ripped through her chest and everyone else went, "Holy fuck, they're shooting white people! We're all going to fucking die!" and the insurrection ended with a single shot. People like this should never, ever, EVER be allowed to own guns. They aren't going to save the country from tyrants. They're going to start some shit because of a delusional collective fever dream and get themselves and likely innocent people killed.

‘I’m sorry, God’: Accused cried when Coutts border blockade abandoned
This guy is seriously delusional. > Olienick rejects the allegation he would threaten officers, but qualifies it by saying, "unless you guys are shooting at us first." > "But it wouldn't be you guys," he adds. "It would be UN guys or Chinese." The UN and/or China are going to invade Canada? Seriously? > "I'm not going to be the first guy who's going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that's going to end it if it happens." These people watch way to fucking many US made one hero goes on a killing rampage and saves the day movies. Remember Ashli Babbitt? She and her angry mob were going to overthrow the US government and hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi right up until a bullet ripped through her chest and everyone else went, "Holy fuck, they're shooting white people! We're all going to fucking die!" and the insurrection ended with a single shot. People like this should never, ever, EVER be allowed to own guns. They aren't going to save the country from tyrants. They're going to start some shit because of a delusional collective fever dream and get themselves and likely innocent people killed.

Right-Wing Trolls Are Freaking Out After Learning They Can Get Sued For Calling People ‘Groomers’ On The Internet
> Other right-wing accounts variously reacted by describing the move as Orwellian, lamenting the death of free speech and even contemplating leaving Canada for good. Oh no. Not that. Please no. <Tee hee!>

Republican presidential candidate proposes border wall with Canada
I think that the vast majorly of us are all for this. I can't wait to hear how they're going to build the 3,500 km of wall that are under water. I assume they will just build the wall on the waterfront on their side of the Great Lakes? This would solve the pornlemmy of what to do when the christofascist dictatorship finally takes hold, down there. I'm very concerned that 30 million refugees are going to head north across the border. They really should head south since there is no way that we can house them here over winter and millions of them will starve and freeze to death.

CBC president defends broadcaster’s Israel-Hamas coverage in a testy meeting with MPs
What are these MAGA clowns doing in Canada's Parliament. The Conservatives are embarrassing to us as a country. The fascist virtue signaling is sickening.

It would be great if they would censure Steve Clark for overseeing the $8 billion greenbelt graft instead of this pearl clutching virtue signaling.

Freedom Convoy made it ‘near impossible’ to live, Zexi Li tells trial
But your honour, it's devastating to our defense! - Occupiers lawyer.

> None of the local witnesses the court heard from this week had any contact with Lich or Barber, who are both accused of mischief and counselling others to commit mischief, among other charges. If you organize a murder and encourage the person who commits the murder but don't have any contact with the murder victim are you free and clear? Barber and Lich are garbage humans who organized and encouraged the violation of the people of Ottawa.

Ford’s Greenbelt flip-flop could spell legal trouble for taxpayers, lawyers say
Remember how canceling the gas plant was such a big deal? I bet the apologists will be out in force explaining how the fact that we are on the hook for this abjectly corrupt effort to transfer billions of dollars of unearned benefit to Ford's wealthy developer friends/donors is, "ToTaLlY dIfFeReNt." ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/168e80ff-0be1-42b3-ad40-7a2377486507.jpeg)

An interesting article about the extreme right in the US and how they are not interested in governing or working for the people but are focused instead on tearing apart the US government, taking away rights and freedoms, and turning the country into a christofascist dictatorship with oligarchs in charge. When we look at the now extreme Canadian right, with soaring food prices and housing prices and a failing healthcare system and faltering public education that is now focused on pronouns and hurting the most vulnerable Canadian children we cannot help but draw parallels. They don't have a platform other than TrUdEaU bAd, pronouns, drag queens, and we're going to fix everything, no we don't have a plan, no we can't tell you how, just trust us. These people are focused on tearing apart the polices and services that make Canada among the best countries in the world to live in. Their base seethes with resentment about being made to feel ignorant, racist, and intolerance and that seething resentment is manipulated into fear, anger, and hatred toward those who make them feel bad about themselves. We need to wake up and vote down this nonsense.

> McLaughlin compared the landfill ads to a plan by former federal Conservative leader Stephen Harper in 2015 to set up a telephone hotline for people to report "barbaric cultural practices." The idea met with widespread public backlash. Swinging hard right will not win elections in Canada. You might gain a few extremist votes but polls always show that Canadians favour progressive social policy, not christofascists virtue signaling.

Higgs says his government ‘cannot function’ with PC MLAs offside
> My virtue signaling christofascist dictatorship cannot function without the blind obedience to the group thought by every member of this caucus. - Blaine Higgs FTFY

Manitoba NDP win majority, CBC News projects
Woo! Now to get rid of the christofascists in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Then Doug fucking Ford in Ontario.

PC ad encouraging Manitobans to vote like ‘no one is watching’ pulled within hours
> It's "basically saying to people, 'Look, you can do things that other people would say are immoral or unethical in terms of your voting decisions, and you can get away with it because the voting booth is private,'" Saunders said. They said the quiet part out loud. I've been dating this for a while. If you look at the things that the christofascists call people who disagree with them they tell the whole story. Progressive - they're bad for looking forward and for making you feel bad for looking backwards. Woke - they're bad for being aware of social issues and making your feel bad for being ignorant about them. Intellectual elitists - they're bad for being smart and making you feel dumb. Tolerant - they're bad for accepting that people who make you feel icky exist and making you feel bad for hating and fearing them. It's all about how they feel about themselves and that they feel that they are constantly being avoided for being ignorant, intolerant, regressive hicks. It's about their seething resentment and manipulating it to convince them to vote against their own self-interest instead of helping them to be better. So, vote your fear, anger, hatred, and intolerance like no one is watching.

Airlines claim passenger safety at risk under new passenger rights rules
> "We want our pilots to be entirely free from any financial consideration when they take a safety-related decision," WestJet CEO Alexis von Hoensbroech said Safety related delays and cancelations are not the problem. The airlines not having enough staff to fly the planes is the problem. Poor planning by the airlines is the problem. Lying and calling those YOU problems safety problems IS the ptoblem. The loophole is allowing airlines to call any delay or cancellation a "safety issue" to deny passengerd compensation. We pay for a an agreed service at an agreed time. If the airlines don't provide the service as and when described we should be compensated. The government is just closing a loophole that allows the airlines to decide how, when, and even if they are going to provide the service we paid for.&nbsp;

Councillor booted from tense OSTA meeting on Ottawa’s bus driver shortage
Everyone needs to calm the fuck down. Sure there isn't enough of our tax money left to pay to get our kids to school but Doug Ford had ouch left to build a $400 million parking garage for a private spa being built on private land under a 99 year secret lease. I'm not sure day everyone is at host about. He also managed to give his rich developer friends a $8 billion Dr during a national housing crisis to build million dollar homes far away from city centers where they're desperately needed.

Despite what Canada's nation hating extreme right would have you believe.