Communist, parent, techie and hobbyist artist. Learning Rust and tired of frontend development.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


So damn based. Makes me NOT wanna pirate their games. Hell, I’d even purchase even if I wouldn’t play it (if I could rn, but currently I’ve got hefty cat veterinary bills to pay).

Edit: OH MATE! THEY’RE THE POSTAL STUDIO! Goddamn I played it so damn much in my early teens. Goddamn I gotta pay my bills faster!

For holy heavens, he’s striving to hit every 'Murican stereotype

Almost like an “intentional and kinda aggressive lib takeover”. I wouldn’t put it past the admins to try monetizing their users at some point.

Lemmy is advancing so much and so fast even Spez has competition rising up to the challenge.

I don’t have any issues about existing though, it keeps some users I wouldn’t like very much farther away from me. I consider it as a “buffer zone” of sorts.

I did it the moment they decided not to defederate from Meta. I don’t like admins who can’t take decisive actions to protect their users (and apparently seem to bend their knees to any big corpo out there)

Many people already said stuff I agree with, but I’d also include low-income families being “justified” in pirating stuff, be it for work, study or entertainment (as entertainment is a basic right imo)

With every passing year, little by little I go deeper to the privacy paranoid side.

But my focus is way more anti big corporation than pro privacy, that fact those are almost one and the same is mostly a side effect for me.

Getting a smooth stream of babies is a sentence that has no right in being this funny. I wheezed hard

Ooohhh that’s new to me, definitely a cool possibility. One more app to host on my wishlist

It’d be really nice if a peertube instance was easier to setup individually and had built-in donation support. Some non-mainstream folks would probably appreciate the option for a more cozy and intimate platform they could set up as they please.

Firefox sync is really neat as well, though. I like not needing to configure Firefox for each system I use when I can have everything sync’ed. I know Mozilla ain’t the greatest but they’re fine enough for my daily usage.

If I need full privacy I can go Librewolf or Tor browser.

I’ve been using it for years and can’t live without it anymore. It’s too goddamn useful.

They’re not committed to the joke.

You can probably slap KDE on it and call it a day. Plasma has become less resource-intense in since about the 5.0 version (and remember to turn Akonadi off if you don’t use it).

My past child self feels vindicated for being a Sega fan.

Kung Fury will never not be amazing

I identify with Samir, but without all of his vast knowledge.