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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 12, 2023


That’s true, never make impactful decisions in a rush. But I feel like the last panel only works in the current context of escalating code changes

I learned Regex once and now it just works. Only problem for me is using MacOS so the Regex flavors aren’t consistent. But once I sort that, it’s smooth sailing.

Bro, I’d prefer C# or go for the http sever

Yep, we’re reconsidering it at work as well. it’s grown pretty nicely

Each npm package import will be future maintenance hell.

Looks like simple mobile tools is unmaintained

I’ve had regular software issues like this in the past and it’s such a pain to deal with and fix. Even going through customer support is painful, because it’s not supposed to be this way so it’s more than likely because of this the customer support experience will be long and you’ll go through more people. And I don’t want to even imagine how it is to have to deal with these issues on critical software and devices and to not get priority support. You feel powerless and broken.

What happens when the car becomes too old and they decide to drop that version of the API the car is talking with? Huh? That’s another problem with these with “critical service but it can only go through us”, when they change their mind you get fucked.

I’m very curious… Why do you feel locked in by raindrop? I like that it can regularly upload exports to my Google drive and I can Always download them as html and csv.

Idk, from what I heard the iOS version of the app is really performant and optimized.

My only problem with them is the android app, while it has nice features it’s soo slow that even on flagship phones it is hard to use, and when you have multiple accounts switching between them is awful, either the files won’t load or it won’t refresh the interface at all. I usually switch the workspace and then restart the app. Sometimes I can’t open the subfiles of a file until I restart the app and wait for it to load.

Idk, I find it pretty easy to understand

Honestly, you should go watch Benn Jordan: https://youtu.be/gDfNRWsMRsU?si=TWErOa6A1XxvFpJu

He makes some great points and has some personal examples. He made more money by releasing the album on torrents and asking for donations compared to the normal ways of releasing your music.

You’re right. If you can afford something you like you should steal it, it’s much better. Whenever I go into a library I just take a bag and dump all the books and take them home. Why should I put in the effort of wasting my time(meaning money I could have earned) signing a library card when I can just steal? It’s THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY. That’s how I stay RICH. I never pay. Whenever I see someone about to pay for something they want I just steal their money, why should they keep it if they’re not smart enough to not waste it? Their money is much safer with me. The apartment I’m currently living in is so cheap, because I never pay. I just changed all the locks, have triple bolts on all the doors and just stay here. It’s mine, it’s free and they can’t kick me out because I won’t let them. Why should I pay for the internet when it’s basically flowing free through these wires and air? I just take some from my neighbor. When I go to a coffee shop I just grab the first drink I see that’s on the counter. If they’re not fast enough to take their drink, I take it, it’s just sitting there, it’s free.

Idk why, I had a good experience with my canon multi functional

I wish I was doing passion projects

I love Gitlab as a git hosting platform. I like that it is open source. My problem is they’re pricing plan forced me to move to GitHub. I don’t use their DevOps stuff so paying even 19$/month per user for a lot of features I don’t need sucks, and hosting it my own is a headache I don’t want to deal with because we’re not that big. GitHub isn’t a choice I make out of preference for my private commercial projects… Jetbrains space even though it is nice isn’t best for me because even though it has git hosting it has a lot of other stuff that I don’t want yet again, I work with all kinds of people, non technical as well and it makes no sense yet again. I also use tools or platforms that don’t integrate with git directly but with GitHub or GitLab… which fucking sucks honestly… also look at netlify… you need an ENTERPRISE plan to connect to a self-manget Gitlab repo. Like the shit these platforms are pulling IS UNBELIEVABLE. AndGiitness looks to be a commercial product, so clearly they’ll also be pushing and spending money to make sure other platforms work with them and only thing that matters is the features they add and their pricing plan… I hope they become a good competitor to these big Git hosting platforms and a viable alternative.

As much as Git should have been a decentralized solution that is free and open to be used by anyone because we’re not using Git in a vacuum but with a lot of other external tools and platforms, because of how tools and platforms are built we actually end up in a very centralized and controlled status quo. ://////// it fucking sucks.

Please point out where I am wrong and come up with your own ideas and solutions. I am really curious.

Yes it is, I love using cert-manager on my list cluster.

Basically if it brings them enough data it stays, otherwise, it dies. Look at Google domains.

Also warp is slooooow… And like I thought iTerm was fast and then discovered how much battery on my m1 Mac it was eating. I’m just a kitty user in the end with good zsh extensions managed by antigen(oh-my-zsh is bloated) and I’m living the good life.

You and with plugins to sort the classes order it’s so much easier to read and debug.

I agree with you honestly. Utility over prettiness. Honestly, a lot of modern apps and websites have pretty UI and awful UX…

Bro I swear. The amount of times I keep seeing bad UX drives me nuts.

We can feel it in our bones… And boy is it a pain when you find a huge codebase that is JS only or python without types. Fucking hell dealing with that shit