an old dude

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Just here too look at shits saying this is because racism jesus fucking christ

I thought you only had harm reduction as an option? It’s either brain worms, nazis, losing democracy - or at least having some kind of options

And there is in fact one matter where trumpists are right - the media is a complete and utter shitshow, it’s like they’re insane. I guess the far right and capital go hand in hand but this is fucking ridiculous.

I understand where you’re coming from, and I do agree in general. Just feels like this should not be a priority right now, especially considering that any deprogramming is extremely more difficult than going nuts in the first place. But then again I don’t think that there is any equivalence when I say that trump cultists are nuts and when they say that all of us other people should be killed.

Also there is no healing the divide, that’s an insane idea. You don’t sit at the same table with people who want to kill and maim and destroy other people. Fuck that stupid shit, you all spent decades sitting on your thumbs while this crap was cooking - you can’t heal shit now

The only constant in this whole shit is that Ukraine always does something analysts think is impossible. Maybe, like, change the analysts

This kind of article is really senseless, you are completely right. There is nothing mysterious, nothing at all to think or talk about except that Israel is committing genocide. That’s it

It’s almost certainly a matter of reach. Eastern and Southern Europeans are poor compared to the others and we definitely do give a shit when somebody steals our shit

It’s fun that somebody uses a shitty llm for summary and then calls something stupid

It’s one of those things where you talk about them once they are done. I’m transitioning to quitting smoking

No, the point is in having a for profit org and something like the blender foundation. It’s about trust, not just the crappy llm thing, about the thing where they say everybody wants this

Yeah, but we’re talking trust here. Why should they do privacy if they already give your data to some llm thing?

Wait was it privacy or was it having an intrusive “ai” bullshit thing? I can’t remember exactly Jokes aside, proton is not something we should look up to. Blender is a great example of a thing where various people contribute and somehow nobody needs to suck off facebook, the thing works and is getting better, usually listens to their community, there is no bullshit corporate structure and a ceo that needs his parachute gilded etc

$730 is really something. I guess I’m just not rich enough to even consider that kind of price. I mean, I can just get a used e-ink reader for like… 40 bucks or less and have 90% of the experience

A Microsoft spokesperson said that “we jerk off to people suffering” and after we asked for clarification they said that they “cum when they imagine babies dying”.

Luddites were not idiots, they were people who understood the only use of tech at their time was to fuck them. Like this complete garbage shit is going to be used to fuck people. Nobody is opposed to having tools, we just don’t like Musk fanboys blowing spit bubbles while trying to get peepee hard

He was interviewed after his septum replacement surgery, got a brand new teflon one

This is a very strange take. Youtube is becoming shit all by itself, it doesn’t need help. And it’s amazing that you value Rossman so highly, one man who made Google do something

Sure, but I would make an exception for meta because they are genocide enablers. Even if that’s too much I don’t understand people who keep saying it’s all fine, it’s great even.

The whole community won’t lie down, but a lot of the visible members will spread their legs. This is the nazi at the table situation, and for a project that was supposedly created to get away from the toxic model of facebook and twitter this is something like a parody. The only people who get something out if this are the people who are not us. Now maybe you are right, maybe the community will prevail. It’s just that it doesn’t have to shoot its own feet every two minutes in the dumbest fucking way possible

Bought github, doing shitty ai crap with it etc, forcing logins

They were doing ok. But the github thing and the 11 thing and the edging and now this - I can’t wait to buy a machine that can run windows virtualised. I need it for my work apps, but this virt thing has been a dream of mine for a long time. Compartmentalization

Hey I can pay you in turnips, it’s better than having a normal money operation. Like, it doesn’t matter that gumroad is turning to crap, we have turnips. People mock my turnips

played mostly by Gen Xers and Snake People

For a moment there I was really confused, I forgot about this wonderful extension

So you’re telling me a fad that doesn’t work actually… doesn’t work? Say it aint so

I think in my part of europe cable is the only realistic solution, every home cellular thing has a download limit. All of the cable offerings here are flat

If I try to spend more than I have it just doesn’t work. Nobody charges me for it. But then I can just transfer funds from my account to another, no need for apps and shit, and it costs zero money to do it. You can probably guess I’m not from Murica (where Jesus lives)

And for the cunts who think there is an end to this kind of bullshit - a hijab is not enough, it has to be good. After that the shade of black is wrong, or the way these women breathe, or they don’t cower in a way these fucking micropenis pig-shit eating cunts like.

Dude you don’t get to decide what I’m angry about. The term is extremely inaccurate, you don’t sideload shit on your computer, right? It’s yours. I don’t sideload shelves, I put them on my wall. So I’d say the offensive part is that somebody who gets my money gets to decide if I own something.

That’s always my trigger, fucking ‘sideloading’. Jesus christ it’s installing shit. Installing. There was never a need for such a pissy horrible concept in the firstplace, a bootlicking special if there ever was one