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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 24, 2023


I don’t understand the interest in DNA as a storage. It’s only long-living as part of the evolutionary proces in a living organism (with no guarantee for the survival of the data), but otherwise really fragile. And hard to interface and with slow read/write on top of that.

Yeah, i left winget out on purpose, becaus MS literally stole it from appget and still managed to make it bad.

Should install your apps with Scoop or Chocolatey anyway. Easy to update and without all the bullshit the usual installer wants to shove down your throat.

I look over once a day.

Herding plants is called ‘slow life’ for a reason.

On the other hand, it made webpages way less flexible.

Like yesterday (i have the browser not in fullscreen, for reasons) on my 16" fullhd notebook, webdev couldn’t imagine that someone would use his site in a ~1000px browser window, sidebars left and right, the main content about 20 characters wide squeezed inbetween. So i pressed f12 and deleted the sidebars. But the content was still 20em wide, because of flexbox.

Ugh. Bsdtar:

-h (c and r modes only) Synonym for -L.

But it has --help too.

tar -extract -file

tar -compress -xz -file

So what is it now, a downloader app? The description is only confusing.

inxi -g --gpu

-gg --gpuer

-ggg --gpuest


Average adventure story deduction.

It’s mind-boggling how hard it is to make basic things work

It’s mind-boggling how broken basic things are.

That’s what i meant, all software and plugable devices now. Those desks were prohibitively expensive.

They still have those control desks in modern missions?

Drives me crazy that we get likes 300+ warnings whenever we run the app and that we can’t change it because "they’re just warnings*.

Laughs in Xamarin. Only 300?

Well, it was a year ago, is Xamarin now finally changed to the new thing (what was it’s name)?

solar panels and batteries are great.

Agree. That’s why i want to place my mini-server on my dad’s farm, he has solar on the roof.

I’ve saved 4.02 TB of what was 28.12TB media collection.

How much kw and months did you use for that? 😮

Yep, gpu de- and encoding is high-speed but often lower quality and with old codec versions. Common mistake to think that gpu = better.

Btw, is there a cli chess game with such characters as symbols?