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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


Consider using a USB3 SSD as your boot drive if you want long term usage from your pi. The SD card is prone to failure relatively quickly on Raspian and is even worse on OSes that aren’t optimized for the PI directly.

Until there’s evidence there’s basically no reason to treat this as news.

The ai is trained on recordings of his voice which they have not secured the rights to though. You can’t simply use any data you find on the street and use it professionally in any field.

An impression is a very different context. You’re vastly overestimating the independence of an AI model to equate it to human performance or impersonators.

Insanely deep rpgs are a bit of an issue for me as well. And I generally do love rpg games, but I feel like the good ones should ease you into decisions a bit better than dropping you into a character creator.

So it’s a mixed bag for me.

Does anyone know if this affects mods like CS?

Edit: Idk if it’s just me on linux, but it seems like CS1.6 no longer launches on the new update. A bummer, but I had a lot of fun play HLDM just now so I think they’ll fix it eventually.

Hey! It’s like they read my last comment in the shutdown announcement thread.

This is really the best move they can make at this point.

signing into cloud services and downloading apps is just so much easier to do!

This is actually true, but it doesn’t speak to why self hosting is “impossible” and more to how the lack of education around computers have reached an inflection point.

There’s no reason why self hosting should be some bizarre concept; In another reality, we would all have local servers and firewalls that then push our content into the wider internet and perhaps even intranet based notes. Society as a whole would be better if we chose to structure the internet that way instead of handing the keys to the biggest companies on the stock market.

I’ll give this podcast a listen to though, as it might be interesting. I think the reality is that some more docker frontends might help casual users jump into the realm of self hosting – especially be setting up proxy managers and homepage sites (like homarr) that work intuitively that never requires you to enter ports and IPs (though fearing that is also an education problem, not a problem with the concept itself.)

Crazy to me that they’d shut down instead of going open source and integrating with the fediverse. Doesn’t even seem like a good business move as offering hosting for other companies and professional groups seems like a good market opportunity in a world where businesses even dislike Twitter.

Edit: for example, offer gitlab like service but for social media.

If an intern gives you some song lyrics on demand, do they sue the parents?

Uh— what? That analogy makes no sense. AI is trained off actual lyrics, which is why companies who create these models are at risk (they don’t own the data they’re feeding into the model.)

Also your comment is completely mixing Trademark and Copyright examples. It has nothing to do with brand names and everything to do with intellectual property.

I have a kind of complicated system for organizing my music files – some of which is admittedly way too much maintenance but it might be of interest to some.

For my general “commercial” music collection, the folder structure is roughly
Music/%Release Artist | Band%/%Album%[%Year%]/%Track No.% - %Title%.%Format%

This is simple to maintain. I basically just use MusicBrainz Picard and set up appropriate paths.

For my soundtrack collection, it gets a bit more complicated. For Anime/Film/Whatever, I have it sorted basically the same way but in a different root folder. So something like:
Music/Anime/%Release Artist | Band%/%Album%[%Year%]/%Track No.% - %Title%.%Format%

Which is also easy to maintain since most of these also have commercial releases.

But games are sorted more strangely. To put it simply, I have a folder structure that puts the console or platform first, followed by the game name and then the loose files. Since some of these files are emulated formats (.vgm, .nsf, .spc), I generally don’t bother renaming them and keep them as is and trust that the music program in question has tagging support. It also means that having them sorted by console is mostly beneficial to quickly find emulated file formats, but YMMV and I have regretted the choice on occasion.

Obviously game soundtracks are spotty when it comes to releases. Some companies have reliable metadata you can get from MusicBrainz Picard, like SquareEnix, but others have no tagging at all or very incorrect tag values. Because of this, I generally use something like VGMDB, which is usually higher quality but not always. I do have to resort to manually correcting files on occasion.

If anyone has a nice automated way to sort this stuff out, it would be a real benefit to me as well.

Spotify serves mp3s because it uses less bandwidth and most people can’t tell the difference on their 30€ Bluetooth headset.

I think this highlights a bigger issue when it comes to this discussion.

The issue isn’t the mp3 format – for the most part, the format of any lossy encoder can sound good with the right settings. The problem is that, unlike flac, all encoded lossy files are essentially untrustworthy audio formats. So when people say mp3 sounds bad, it’s only a half truth in the same way that it’s a half truth to say that people cannot tell a difference. You are putting trust in the person who encoded the audio to make the right choice and the encoder is putting trust in the idea that the person consuming the media can’t tell the difference.

When it comes to being cheap on bandwidth since most users can’t hear it, that’s a huge cop-out being made for a company that can do better. While Apple is pretty notorious for making terrible decisions for arbitrary reasons, even they respect the user enough to allow you to opt into higher audio format quality. It’s decisions like these that cement Apple as the kings of the creative computer user.

I agree. It’s a mistake for Valve to reduce platform support as it becomes a justification for dropping other platforms for other developers as well.

I know that MacOS is a bit of a pain to support right now with how steam and third party applications are treated, but it would be a bigger issue for Apple to drop support if Valve maintained a strong presence on the platform via steam. With the way things are now, Apple might rip the bandaid off and just remove the ability to have third party stores on their computers. This is already what they do with Iphones/Ipads

As an update, I think this was a side effect of how Wordpress / Gitlab was set up, where it was expecting it to be IP:PORT, which would force a redirect to the port specifically. Using the subdomain as the setting for web url seemed to resolve my problem. Thanks for the replies from everyone as all of the advice here is still really useful!

NGinx Proxy Manager and Domain Routing to Docker Services on Specific Ports
So, while this is not exactly a typical "self-hosting" question as many users might not be using domains, I would be curious if anyone else has any experience with this. I have NGinx Proxy Manager installed on a vps and a few docker instances that host various services (wordpress, a gitlab, etc etc) that I have bound to specific ports (wordpress to port 80, gitlab to port 3000, to give made up arbitrary examples.) I also have a domain and a few subdomains registered as Type A resource records that look like: [www.]somedomain[.com] [gitlab.]somedomain[.com] The essence of the question: When I go to NGinx Proxy Manager and register a "Proxy Host" for the gitlab subdomain, like: Domain: gitlab.somedomain.com Scheme: http Forward Hostname: \<IP ADDRESS HERE\> Forward Port: 3000 (AKA the port gitlab is hosted on) This works, but it comes with the drawback that the port number is then exposed in the url bar like so: `gitlab.somedomain.com:3000` So is there some way to fix this on the NGINX proxy manager side of things? Or is this a case where I'm doing this completely wrong and someone with web-dev experience can help me see the light. While it's not a huge hindrance to my use-case, it would still be nice to understand how this is supposed to work so that I can host more services myself that require domain names without having to shell out for isolated IPs. So if I hosted a lemmy or kbin, for example, I could actually configure it to use my subdomains correctly.

Companies need to stop ignoring copyright on data they don’t own and never have owned.

One review (easy allies) made it sound like the online function was non-operational during the review period. You’ll probably have to wait until the game drops or a day before to hear any takes on how the online works.

Ahh crap.

What’s the best no nonsense alternative?

Won’t be able to do much, and even if you can do some stuff you have to keep on mind that the energy efficiency would be poor enough that you’d still be better off with a cheap pi from a cost perspective.

People say use a vpn, but it seems to me like most vpns don’t allow torrenting.

Really wish this game had controller support. I want to try it on the steam deck but only community bindings are available!

Do you have a source for this? That’s interesting but I can’t find the origin of this story.

I’m much happier with his design than SFV…

Some of them are just too far invested to see the light. It’s actually pretty sad to see twitter addicts fail to migrate to any of the plethora of alternatives.

I always come up with a naming scheme and then immediately forget it either because I’m in a rush setting up a computer and forget to name the machine or because I get tired of trying to keep track of which machine is what.

I’m kind of glad. Only because I was thinking about buying a NUC for windows development purposes instead of using a VM or dual boot – so it looks like that option will be available for me in the future.

Kavita and Jellyfin both sold me on self hosting.

I no longer have to worry about transferring my media to every computer, it’s accessible now via the web browser which is ideal.

Do you have a PC?

If you do, obviously most of Nintendo’s titles are worth having. Zelda games are an easy recommend, but also Splatoon is pretty great.

If not, there’s tons of games that are good that aren’t Nintendo games that I think are worth having.

  • Octopath Traveler is awesome. I haven’t played 2 yet, but I can recommend 1 if you like JRPGs
  • All legacy FF games are on the platform to some capacity
  • Ace Attorney game collections are great if you like visual novels
  • Basically every indie is on the platform at this point. Hollow Knight, Shovel Knight, Axiom Verge, probably a lot of others but those are some big names that come to mind.
  • Otherwise, I would avoid ports that haven’t gotten good reviews. Also, make sure that the games aren’t “cloud only” unless you’re comfortable with that.

You would think, of all the communities that would be comfortable with migration, it would be the folks from /r/selfhosted!

Fellow user from there, btw, nice to see we’ve got a decent pool of people on this board instead.

My understanding is that you’d need a combination of a reverse proxy and a general proxy manager. Nginx Proxy Manager handles a lot of these tasks for me on my website, with most of my use being a simple redirect though.

There is a docker internal DNS, you can just resolve IPs by service name/container_name.

Yes, and you can also control that as well by messing with docker network groups. I find the ability to network into docker servers from the host to be super simple.

What I haven’t figured out yet is whether or not I can give my docker services their own IP on my router for access from another system on a fixed or reserved IP.

To be fair, I think his point is pretty clear: No ad based content means potentially no more “influencers” or content creators, but with the up side that the internet would become healthier. He’s basically acknowledging that his whole job is sustained by a business model that’s not entirely healthy for the internet despite being entirely dependent on it.

The “no moat” is the theme of this year’s internet and is the real reason why reddit introduced a fee for their API (despite not telling people that directly, in fear of looking greedy) and Twitter heavily rate limiting their content (to slow down AI scraping from their “competitors”)

The irony is that their obsession with keeping their current database private, they’ve essentially removed a large chunk of their existing userbase who are generating new content. They’re going to have to hope that AI can procedurally create new content for them and that (importantly) people are interested in reading non-humans talk about anything.