• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


I’ve had Proton for a while, I’m satisfied, would recommend.

Previously I used to use Nord, but ever since… Uh I forgot what they did. They changed headquarters? Disclosed something they shouldn’t? Somebody here will correct me and point out what happened.

Anyway, Proton 👍

If the podcast is available on YouTube, Newpipe does the job brilliantly and you even have forks/options to skip sponsor ads too.

Fair enough, though there aren’t any bulletproof solutions for this. I am inclined to think the solution would be with encryption and security and not so much altering the images themselves. Fuck AI, corporate greed and the uselessly slow legal system.

Thanks. That’s interesting, I didn’t know the mods here were mods there too. I believe people here wouldn’t be letting things fall apart (there is a reason people moved away from Reddit and the quality of content here is proof).

I was surprised to see those comments implying the megathread was no longer reliable though, I figured it was a stretch but had no idea why would they be thinking that.

I’m concerned about this comment in the linked Reddit post.

What does it mean, “same mods”? What about “safety”? Can someone clarify?

I haven’t, I’ve only heard of Nightshade and Glaze as promoted on Cara but it’s not what you describe

They do say straight away that the concept and design departments are getting slashed, now with very few human artists, all who are forced to use AI in their workflow.

The same is happening in VFX and film to some extent, though I know that from personal acquaintances and not the article.

That’s it. The rest is conflated as you say. It is a very loooong article so I didn’t finish it. Perhaps I missed the real horrors at the end of it.

Thanks, that was a good read. FB is so disgusting. Had I known a tool like this existed I may have stayed. I haven’t used for at least 5 years, but I kept the messenger lite app to stay in touch with people via chat. They killed the app and that was it for me. The feed is garbage. Meta is garbage.

I’ve read the ars article linked too, and I think this attitude is so petty- most people aren’t power users or inclined to customise their social media/browser experience. The amount of people who would use the tool would be minimal in comparison with the majority who happily eats their feed without question. Meta is greed incarnate.

Eh not that it’s crystal clear to me but the winner actually looks much more realistic in terms of what’s achievable for real humans than the runner ups. I think there is some sort of merit in the clout category, all participants already have a media presence which for better or worse means they drive some engagement. I’m not saying it has virtue though.

I take it as a silly competition. A just because you can thing.

I’m disappointed it says “pirated” above the Adobe products instead of " M0nkrus"

Pardon my ignorance but I’m OOTL- why is substack a bad thing? ( I didn’t know of its existence before this post)

It’s only been one year. I’d like to see how this topic aged in 2026. AI is developing at an unprecedented speed for a socioeconomic phenomenon of its calibre.

Edit: And yes we might need some kind of government support. What scares me is, where do you get the money to support such a large population?

Couldn’t agree more, you make a point with the timeline. It’s changing too fast. And it’s not only ChatGPT but also image generation tools such as Midjourney. There are AI for 3D models too now, which I believe will be of industry standard quality in a year or two.

AI is a phenomenon of a similar weight as the Industrial Revolution, but its much faster development means a lot of people can’t keep up or change careers

You are right but the problem here is it’s happening all at once on several fields. It’s not just elevator operators, it’s anyone doing basic design tasks, writing, translating, voice narrating, and basic programming. And that’s a lot of jobs.

To those saying “don’t use Google photos”: can google access/use my photos on my phone even of they are stored locally without backup or sync turned on?

That’s true, however note that credibility comes attached to personal identity, as the text mentions in the last paragraph. A newspaper isn’t a person, articles are written by different journalists- however when a media shows a majority of bogus articles they quickly lose credibility too

Wasn’t it that Microsoft hired him already???

They might go up but I’d be surprised it will rival Skyrim. I’m a Skyrim fan, yet I’m not enticed to play Starfield for reasons beyond me. It feels like it’s lacking something and I can’t put my finger on it. I don’t believe mods would make much of a difference, but who knows, maybe I’m wrong.

I modded Skyrim (and Oblivion) because the vanilla game was exciting already, in spite of its flaws. I couldn’t be bothered otherwise.

I knew the onion is old, but didn’t imagine they would keep a website with old articles still up!

I was laughing at the onion article and stopped- was that really published in 1998 ?!?!? Or is the date also a joke?

Maybe I misunderstood something in your explanation. But afaik, jobs in the videogame industry are very much like freelance jobs and the position you have today is going to be very different from whatever you will be doing in 2 years or whatever. Heck, you are lucky if your contract lasts more than six months. Same for VFX jobs.

Hot take: this thing looks easier to park than most SUVs/4WDs out there

I see! Thanks for the thorough reply. That makes sense, I see now what’s going on with the merch and the possibilities of cameos etc.

I didn’t know this franchise, but I found the article an interesting read.

The only thing that confuses me is that now DC is able to do absolutely whatever they want with it, since it’s in the public domain. They don’t need to negotiate with him at all. He said he didn’t care though, but I fail to see how this works to preserve the spirit of his work or how this damages DCs business opportunities/revenue streams. Perhaps someone can point the obvious to me?

(Sorry OP I don’t have an answer to your question)

Thanks. Ok ditch Nord, got it. Why do you recommend Wireguard? Isn’t Mullvad enough already?

I see. So if I don’t own the router and I change location every two weeks, port forwarding is probably going to be more a hassle if not impossible for someone like me.

Thanks for that! First time I see explained why port forwarding in layman’s terms, it really makes it a lot easier to understand. I think I shouldn’t worry about it then considering my circumstances. It makes sense for more dedicated torrenters though.

Port Forwarding - Should I? and which VPN?
Ahoy! I know this has been asked a lot already, I've been following up and doing some research online but I'm still confused. Sorry. 1-I'm not exactly tech savvy. (Ok. I'm thick as a brick) 2-I'm a very casual BitTorrent user. I'll go months without torrenting. 3-I do stream more frequently. 4-I travel often, meaning I don't often have admin access to the networks I connect to I currently have Nord. I heard it's no longer as trusted as it used to, and since my subscription is ending I'm wondering if I should jump ship. I read I should be using Port Forwarding, and I get the concept of it somewhat but I'm still not sure if I need it (considering my casual torrent use, so far... I've been ok?), and also, I have no idea how to set that up. (would #4 be a problem?). Now, VPN: Mullvad, AirVPN, and Proton seem to be the most reliable ones. Is that right? Air has good pricing atm, and port forwarding. I heard it's not too user friendly though? (#1) Mullvad seems to have a solid rep. but no port forwarding (It used to? Their website doesn't say much unless I create an account?) Proton: has PF, seems good too *Or should I just stick with Nord?* TLDR which VPN should I go for considering 1,2,3,4, and should I consider port forwarding in my decision? Thanks

It’s supposed to be their hands, not there, haven’t yet seen AI making mistakes on purpose but I guess it could if prompted

Nah I agree. I read it and thought, maybe I’m so smart for already thinking most of these suggestions first… Or maybe not.

Arrrgh what am I doing wrong?
I'm a very casual sailor, and not very tech savvy, but I've torrented and used magnet links in the past with no issues. I found the file I'm looking for. But things have changed. The site I used doesn't provide magnets anymore, only Rapidgator links (split into 5 rar files, this is going to take me days) for direct downloads . Every other link I found sends me to torrent trackers I need to create an account for, such as RuTracker. Which I tried, and with different emails, (brand new emails) yet every time I get rejected. Why? What am I doing wrong? Do I need to wait a couple of hours after creating the account? Are the sites not accepting registrations anymore?