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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Of course he wants trump back so they can write more weird love-letters to each other.

I remember trying a Terminator joystick at a friend’s house on his C64. That was a very bad controller.

The container sees each volume as a seperate filesystem, regardless of your underlying disk setup and you cannot hardlink across filesystems.

This has huge potential. What I personally look for in a podcast solution is:

  • Web/desktop player
  • Sync between players (down to seconds)
  • Organize subscribed podcasts with folders/tags
  • Per podcast/folder/tag settings for “automatically add to queue”
  • Some way of dealing with older (backlog) episodes (built-in or via an API)

For now, I’m using Pocketcasts which pretty much does what I need, except for handling the backlog, which I do with a homemade python-script that adds backlog episodes to my playlist whenever it has less than 4 hours of playtime left, using Pocketcast’s web player REST API. The result is an endless playlist where newly released episodes are played within a few hours and older episodes are sprinkled on with no real need for micro-managing episodes in the playlist.

It looks like web/desktop players and sync is already in scope, but are there any “advanced” podcast organization features on your roadmap?

That’s OK, because older people use the term Gen-Z for idiots of all ages.

That is not correct. Prowlarr also searches Newznab-compatible providers (i.e. most nzb-indexers).

Oh no, did they at least get to post their selfies before their phoned drowned? WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE LIKES?!

That sounds like something someone who has never tried to use reddit’s own search would say.

It’s already much worse. But it’s about to get much worser.

I can’t wait to see what wonders of horse-testicle physics they come up with.

Interesting choice of thumbnail; Mads Mikkelsen and Kim Bodnia from the movie Pusher (1996).